Witti-Buch2 2001.qxd - Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society

Witti-Buch2 2001.qxd - Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society

Witti-Buch2 2001.qxd - Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society


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Matteo Negro<br />

metaphysical or phycological level, but in its spontaneity it reveals its intimate essence<br />

that conforms to a use and meaning in act.<br />

"45. Das Wesen des Rechnens haben wir beim Rechnenlernen kennengelernt.<br />

[…] 47. So rechnet man. Und Rechnen ist dies. Das, was wir z.B. in der Schule<br />

lernen. Vergiß diese tranzendente Sicherheit, die mit deinem Begriff des Geistes<br />

zusammenhängt" (1990, 129).<br />

Individual and social action is already the carrier of meaning and the certainty of<br />

thinking or action has its function in that spontaneity and not within an abstact sphere of<br />

life which the belief system does not presuppose.<br />

Even the obligation of an action is rendered comprehensible and, in the final<br />

analysis, sharable on the basis of a shared spontaneous certainty1 . This is therefore the<br />

real beginning of an epistemic justification. It is a beginning which is not empirical but<br />

rather tied to ordinary linguistic experience that commonsense records2 .<br />

II) The ordinary is a linguistic certainty. A reflection, and therefore a conceptual and<br />

linguistic schema on the ordinary which, if not rooted in the forms of life, risks falling into<br />

the trap of negative cognitive metaphysics3 . Language defines itself as a totality of<br />

judgements (1990, 164: "Das, woran ich festhalte, ist nicht ein Satz, sondern ein Netz<br />

von Sätzen") that obtain their meaning from the modality of their use, that is from the<br />

modality of the application of a rule.<br />

"61…Eine Bedeutung eines Wortes ist eine Art seiner Verwendung. Denn sie ist<br />

das, was wir erlernen, wenn das Wort zuerst unserer Sprache einverleibt wird.<br />

62. Darum besteht eine Entsprechung zwischen den Begriffen "Bedeutung" und<br />

"Regel". […] 140. Wir lernen die Praxis des empirischen Urteilens nicht, indem<br />

wir Regeln lernen; es werden uns Urteile beigebracht und ihr Zusammenhang<br />

mit andern Urteilen. Ein Ganzes von Urteilen wird uns plausibel gemacht" (1990,<br />

132 and 149).<br />

III) The ordinary is a logical certainty. There are two aspects to be underlined in this<br />

regard. On one hand, by logic is intended the description of the language game(1990,<br />

131: "zur Logik gehört alles, was ein Sprachspiel beschreibt"). The language game,<br />

which distinguishes between the expression of ordinary experience, almost inevitably<br />

reveals its congruence with a system of rules. The propositions of experience are in fact<br />

logical propositions4 . The logic of ordinary language does not correspond to a deductive<br />

system of propositions. One might suggest, however, and this is the second aspect, that<br />

language, rather than suggesting deductions, continually suggests hypotheses and<br />

expectations. The certainty of ordinary experience makes any other possibility<br />

reasonable and therefore logical5 .<br />


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