Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College


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2. Materials and EquipmentThe program maintains a website which is updated semiannually. For internationalrecruitment a power point presentation is used, and it too is updated semiannually.Additional materials include brochures, pamphlets and informational packets fornew students. The program is in the process of developing a DVD for recruitmentpurposes. The program has been trying to put its application on line for students touse, instead of the traditional paper application which we presently use. Puttingeverything on-line will make it a lot easier for us to work with and to access theirinformation.3. Faculty Availability for General <strong>College</strong> ServiceThe Counselor works with faculty members on a consistent basis in regards tocourse placement, academic progress, class recommendations and at timespersonal issues regarding international students. There are some activities inwhich the international student program is involved including the Multicultural Faireat Central Valley High School, Cinco de Mayo Celebration and visitations to ourlocal mosque and community centers.The counselor is assigned to two different programs, which makes it difficult to getrelease time to attend meetings, or to take on any projects. There is no releasetime given and the counselor has to plan way in advance and has to receive priorapproval from the Counseling Dean in order to be released to attend meetings andcampus functions.4. Service/Tutoring Centers/LabsInternational students utilize our tutorial centers, learning labs, transfer center andassessment office. They are comfortable using them and the program highlyrecommends the learning center, especially to our first year students.5. Opportunities for Professional DevelopmentAt this time professional development is not available for International <strong>Student</strong>sstaff and faculty. There is the annual National Association of Foreign <strong>Student</strong>Advisers (NAFSA) conference which is held each May for international education.This is the time for international staff and faculty to attend workshops and symposiaand to network with other professionals throughout the United States and the world.There have been insufficient professional development funds to attend thisconference for the past four years. There are regional conferences, and we alsobelong to the California <strong>College</strong>s International Education Consortium (CCIE) whichprovides a wealth of information and best practices. Unfortunately, we have notbeen able to attend Consortium meetings for years. We are missing out on a lot ofopportunities to work with other campuses and with professional recruitmentorganizations globally.International education requires a lot of updating and being informed on changesregarding visa regulations, international student assessments, government policiesand procedures and current immigration requirement and stipulations globally.- 116 -

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