Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College


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APPENDIX C<strong>Student</strong> Health and Wellness <strong>Services</strong>Action Plan ActivitiesPlease indicate how each activity will help the program or division reach one or more of its goals and/or objectives.Include, in the same list, BUDGET DEPENDENT and NON-BUDGET DEPENDENT items in PRIORITY ORDER. Use more than one page if necessary.Meets <strong>Program</strong> or DivisionItem(s) RequestedTotal AmountDescription of Activity/PlanObjective/GoalExpand <strong>Student</strong> Health and Wellness<strong>Services</strong> activities and services withinthe current support staffing parametersProvides support servicesfor additional studentservices and activitiesMove management of athletic accidentreport/insurance claim process (15hours/month) from <strong>Student</strong> Health andWellness <strong>Services</strong> support staff to Athletics.Allows additional 4 hours/week for <strong>Student</strong>Health and Wellness <strong>Services</strong> support staff tosupport activities (additional physician clinicand health and wellness events).Current processis reducingsupport to<strong>Student</strong> Healthand Wellness<strong>Services</strong> by15 hours/month(at Range 28)Determine the most significant healthpriorities and trends of the <strong>Shasta</strong><strong>College</strong> student bodyIdentifies the most commonhealth and behavior risksaffecting students’ academicperformance, providesrationales for monetaryallocations and staffingresources based on definedneeds; health fee supported.Participation in the <strong>2010</strong>-2011 National <strong>College</strong>Health Assessment (see below). With astudent population of 11,633 (Chancellor’sOffice data); sample size of 800 required. Thisassessment tool is well validated and has beenused within our state HSACCC (as well asnationally) to identify an individual college’shealth priorities and trends.$2,000 – Basedupon currentmembership inACHA(see table below)Increase contracted physician servicesby 20-4/hour days (10 days persemester, total of 80 hours/year)Increases medical servicesto students; health feesupported.Add 80 hours to the current physician’scontract. If current physician unable to meetthis request, initiate search for additionalcontracted physician.Health feesupported;contractphysician:$100/hour x 80hours-$8,000- 144 -

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