Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College


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US Department of Education, communication with <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong>, partnershipgeneration and overall program accountability. This structure allows the programspecificproject Directors for ETS, UB and SSS to concentrate their efforts oneffectively delivering direct services to students.The department has undergone significant changes in the last year. Consequently,goals for the upcoming year continue to emphasize team building and staffdevelopment. In addition, significant effort continues to be focused on ensuringthat each Project Director firmly understands the regulations of the programs intheir charge. Maximizing relationships with educational partners, <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong>and the US Department of Education also continue to be a high priority.2. Materials and EquipmentETS personnel routinely use computers with Microsoft Office Suite as the mostcommon software. Outlook is used for e-mail and calendaring, Access and Excelfor data storage and tracking. Word and PowerPoint are commonly used fordocuments and presentations. Datatel allows program staff to set and monitorprogram budgets. Laptops and Proxima projectors are used for financial aidawareness events, parent outreach activities and workshop presentations. All ofour program staff uses computers at their worksites. Computers, printers andother equipment bought with federal funds are inventoried by <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong>.All equipment has <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> tags containing inventory numbers that aretracked by Kathy Miller, Senior Staff Secretary.The ETS Project Director and staff also have office space at their partner schools,including Central Valley High School, Hayfork High School, Trinity High School,Anderson High School, Anderson New Technology High School, and West ValleyHigh School. Equipment, including computers and furniture, are available at eachsite.3. Faculty Availability for General <strong>College</strong> ServiceETS staff is available to support college functions as needed. Staff members areencouraged to participate with relevant campus councils and events to promotepartnerships and continued collaboration. Nancy Berkey is an active supporter of<strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> activities. Kate Mahar is a member of the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong>Council. Both also attend the Administrative Council Meetings.4. Service/Tutoring Centers/LabsETS regularly use the computer labs at the Health Sciences and University Centerfor student and family events, such as Enrollment Activities and Financial Aidnights. ETS personnel also have access to tutoring/computer labs at each of thepartner schools.5. Opportunities for Professional DevelopmentProfessional development has been a priority for Interim Director, Kate Mahar.Federal regulations state that GEAR UP and TRiO staff are required to attendtraining as a condition of grant funding. TRiO programs throughout the nation are- 312 -

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