Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College


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strong relationships with our partnering high schools. The department continues towork closely with the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Council and <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> staff.Enhanced internal collaborations for Upward Bound include:Staff participation in the <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> Administrative Leadership<strong>Program</strong> (Sylvia Ruano)Inclusion of Department Deans (Morris Rodrique) in the design of theUpward Bound summer school program.Greater connection to the EWD programs through transition of precollegiateprograms to downtown area.Greater collaboration with CSU Chico through sharing of office space inHealth Sciences and University Center building.Participation on scholarship committees.On-going attempts to raise awareness of programs through presentationsto Administrative Council and other outreach efforts.Staff participation with the Latina Leadership Council, <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong>Council, Administrative Council, and Matriculation Committee.8. Survey of Practices with Other CC’sThe <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> Upward Bound <strong>Program</strong> has cooperative relationships with theCSU Chico and <strong>College</strong> of the Siskiyous’ Upward Bound programs. Positiverelationships with these programs allow us to seek program advice and share bestpractices for offering services in the region.External Relations1. FacilitiesIn October, 2009, the Pre-Collegiate Access <strong>Program</strong>s (UB, ETS, and GU) movedadministrative offices to the Health Sciences and University Center. The SSSprogram is now co-located with the EOPS and DSPS <strong>Program</strong>s on the maincampus. In addition to these locations, Upward Bound program staff hasdesignated office space at Foothill High School, Enterprise High School, andCentral Valley High School. Allocation of these spaces is warranted through aMemorandum of Understanding with each district that outlines the shared spaceagreements with each entity.At the Health Sciences and University Center, the GEAR UP/TRiO office space isshared with CSU Chico program staff. Currently, CSU Chico counselors occupytwo offices within our seven office suite. The collaboration works extremely wellbecause many of the high school students that we serve are interested in attendingCSU Chico. Consequently, having experts in our office location serves ourprograms well.2. Contact with K-12 SchoolsUpward Bound is a pre-collegiate outreach program. Consequently, contact withK-12 schools is paramount. Upward Bound staff has a weekly presence at- 344 -

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