Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College


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Professional development should be encouraged, supported and promoted to assist inthe awareness of critical information needed by counselors. Professional developmentshould be strongly supported in all four areas/roles of the counseling facultyresponsibilities.One counseling meeting per month is devoted to training issues, keepingcounselors informed about program changes at <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong>, the CSU system,the UC system and area private schools. However, that is the minimum, not theoptimum, goal of professional development. We are missing the opportunity toparticipate in professional growth activities that help us grow as professionals,inspire us to become better at what we do and educate us about the newest trendsand research in our field.To improve student retention, establish a system of Early Alert for students to provideassistance before they drop out or fail.This program was implemented in 2007-08 through the efforts of the MatriculationCommittee. Counselors follow up with each student who receives an Early Alertnotice. A research study has been developed to monitor the success of thestudents who received Early Alert notices.Place a stronger and renewed emphasis on Career Counseling. Develop a careerplanning program for undecided students: including early identification of undeclaredstudents, invitations to career counseling services, interest and values assessment andclarification, follow-up counseling and referrals.We have added the Kuder Journey assessments to the options available for careercounseling. This is an ongoing goal of the counseling center.Develop a comprehensive policy for online counseling and for the completion of theonline matriculation process.We are waiting for the report from the California Academic Senate study groupbefore proceeding with the policy for online counseling. An online orientationprogram is under construction and should be ready for use in 2009-10.Each full-time counselor should be provided with a sound-proofed office, in order toassure student confidentiality. The following walls require soundproofing: the wallsbetween 126B and 129, 129 and 130, 130 and 131, 135 and 137, 137 and 138, and 138and 102A.This was not accomplished.Following are the Counseling Center goals for the next five years:1. Replace counselors who transfer to other programs, leave <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong>, orretire. Fill in counseling appointment schedule gaps with qualified part timecounselors.2. Implement a Degree Audit system- 57 -

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