Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College


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EOPS at <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> does outreach through a part-time counselor housed atthe Tehama Center. This counselor recruits from local high schools in <strong>Shasta</strong> andTehama Counties and provides needed services to outlying communities. Theprogram also uses multiple delivery methods to reach students, including webbasedinformation, automated phone systems, and print materials.Socio-economic diversity is at the core of the EOPS program. <strong>Student</strong>s qualifybased first on low-income status, then on educational disadvantages such as lowGPA, lack of exposure to higher education, or belonging to a group or culture thatis not represented at <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong>. EOPS Counselors are required to meetadditional criteria on diversity education and training and the staff of EOPS issocially and culturally diverse.The EOPS Mission Statement—―to serve students who face economic andeducational challenges by providing assistance, opportunities, and specific tools toachieve academic success,‖ reflects <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong>’s commitment to ―openaccess and opportunity for success to students who have diverse backgrounds,interests, and abilities.‖Trends in Basic Education include new designs in providing supplementalinstruction to students who struggle with Basic Skills. EOPS at <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> hasbeen looking at ways to integrate its tutoring and Basic Skills services into the newLearning Resource Center which is set to open in the <strong>Spring</strong> of <strong>2010</strong>.Currently marketing is largely through the student body by word of mouth, throughthe general <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> orientations, and through the assistance of the <strong>Shasta</strong><strong>College</strong> recruiter. Efforts to meet specific populations, such as Latino students,need to be improved. Attending local meetings of Latino organizations and hiring aLatino counselor are ideas for improvement in this area.Until recently EOPS/CARE funding has been reasonably stable. Recent budgetcuts to California Community <strong>College</strong>s have decreased funding stability. However,as long as the cuts are not catastrophic, the program should be able to supportthem by increasing efficiencies of program structure and services. An example ofthis is to save money on printing by planning ahead for bulk mailings and sendingthe order to the print shop. Another example would be to streamline distribution ofservices in ways that would require less staff time.<strong>Student</strong> Learning Outcomes/Service Area OutcomesSee Part 2.3 above and Appendix A- 257 -

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