Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College


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The Residence Halls are unlike any other facility on campus; we have 120residents here 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. During the week the kitchengarbage can sit for up to 20 hours. On the weekends it can be longer. Keepingsurfaces clean in the kitchen and restrooms are also a challenge. Thestudents/residents pay a dormitory fee and for that fee, they have a certainexpectation of cleanliness in the common areas which consists of the restrooms,hallways, and study lounges in each dormitory and the common’s building. Effortshave been made in the past during the budget preparation phase and out of cycleto add more custodial time, but these efforts have been unsuccessful.If we do not add these positions what do we do? What is the health andhygiene impact? How much revenue do we risk losing based on unsatisfiedstudents/residents that do not return to Residence Halls due to the health andhygiene issues? Are we at risk of losing those FTEs all together? What futurerevenue do we risk if the reputation of Residence Halls becomes disenchanting forprospective residents?It is recommended that each of the current custodian’s hours at ResidenceHalls be increased to at least 6 hours per custodian on weekdays. This wouldgive 20 more hours (2 hours per day x 2 custodians x 5 days) per week formore cleaning.Of course if their time is increased at the Residence Halls then their time must bedecreased elsewhere. So a part time weekday position would need to be hired toaccount for the extra 20 hours that the custodians would be at the Residence Halls.Add a part time custodian for weekends.Assign a part-time custodian 8 hours each day on Saturday and Sunday. Assignthe custodian to a 10 month contract, making spring and winter breaks part of theircontract. This would not only eliminate the health and hygiene issues on theweekend, but it would also free up more focused cleaning time for the weekdaycustodians, since they won’t have so much catch up work on Mondays.Current policies will actually limit the augmentation calculation request to 19.5hours per week versus 20 hours for the weekday position.WeekendCustodianWeekday Custodian toOffset Increased HoursHourlyRateHrs. PerWeekAnnualHours SalaryHourlyRateHrs. PerWeekAnnualHours Salary$13.14 16 704 $ 9,250.56 $13.14 19.5 858 $11,274.12Taxes 0.062 $ 573.53 Taxes 0.062 $ 699.00Medicare 0.0145 $ 134.13 Medicare 0.0145 $ 163.47SUI 0.0005 $ 4.63 SUI 0.0005 $ 5.64Workers0.0253 $ 234.04 Workers0.0253 $ 285.24Comp.Comp.$10,196.89 $12,427.46- 153 -

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