Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College


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Chair and counselor trainer. Another counselor functions as the internationalstudent counselor. Another counselor is teaching and coordinating the Puente<strong>Program</strong>. One full-time counselor is trained to work with intercollegiate athletes;another is bilingual in English and Spanish and works with the ESL population aspart of his full-time load.There are two part-time (60-67%) counselors: Donna Pratt and Rob McCandless.There are five part-time counselors who are called upon primarily during impactedcounseling times (e.g., registration): Jay Cushnie, Mike O‘Leary, Lisa Riggs, DavidTravis, and Terri Winstead. Due to a 64% cut in matriculation funding, it isuncertain whether these counselors will be employed for anything beyondoccasional help in large group situations (e.g., orientation).There are additional counselors working in the following categorical programs:EOPS, SSS-TRIO, CalWORKs, and DSPS.At the time of the previous program review, there were eleven adjunct counselorsused on a regular basis.The non-categorical counselors are supported by the following classified staff:Dejon Weldon, Interim Transfer Center <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Assistant (FT), BeckyCarr, Counseling Center <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Assistant (temporary part-time), SueBrown, <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Assistant (FT), Leann Williams, Interim <strong>Student</strong>Employment Coordinator (FT) and a work-study student. The Career Centerparaprofessional position has not been filled since it became vacant in 2008-09.Several changes have been implemented since the last program review in an effortto better meet the needs of the students, improve efficiency in the CounselingCenter, and respond to the ongoing funding uncertainties. Beginning in 2006-07,direct supervision of counseling was assumed by the new Dean of Enrollment<strong>Services</strong> which fulfilled the recommendation from the previous <strong>Program</strong> <strong>Review</strong>.The Counselor Coordinator provides input to the Dean and makesrecommendations regarding counseling issues. This counselor is also the facultyco-chair of the Matriculation Committee. With considerable overlap in theresponsibilities of these two positions, having the same person in both positions ishelpful in coordinating efforts between the Matriculation Committee andcounseling.In 2006-07 the Counseling Center moved to a developmental model of counselingwhich focuses on the development of the individual: helping the student to becomeaware of factors and forces in the college environment and in life so that thestudent can learn to take control of those factors and forces to develop a moreattainable educational and career plan. Counseling facilitates and nurtures thisdevelopment and growth. By helping a student develop and attain his or her goals,this model provides specialized information about occupations or educationalopportunities while helping the student understand its correlation with skills,challenges, barriers, interests, aspirations and sources of support.This developmental model has implications for staffing and the provision ofservices. <strong>Student</strong>s are encouraged to work with the same counselor throughout- 7 -

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