Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College


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2. Use of TechnologyThe Residence Halls are in need of surveillance equipment to assist with safetyand security. Efforts have been made in the past during the budget preparationphase and out of cycle to acquire the needed equipment, but these efforts havebeen unsuccessful.3. Comparison with Other InstitutionsOf the other seven community colleges with dormitories, some have surveillanceequipment and some do not. Some have better access control devices to securethe facilities and some don’t. Some have more staffing than ours and some do not.However, is not it really about what is the best that we as a District can providerather than comparing ourselves to others? We should think of ourselves as theleader in the industry rather than the follower.4. Facility Use/AvailabilitySeveral students would like to remain in the dorms over the summer break.However, past studies have shown that it would cost more to provide adequatestaffing 24-7 than the revenue that would be generated.Each of the two dorms needs to have the four restrooms renovated in each dorm.This amounts to eight restrooms total between the two dorms.5. Faculty and Classified StaffingThe Residence Halls house 63 female and 63 male occupants. We operate 24-7,we have only one staff member on duty at a time for 128 hours out of the 168hours in the week.6. EquipmentIf a piece of equipment breaks, we obtain quotes for a replacement. A requisitionorder is submitted along with rationale regarding the recommendation. The requestthen flows through the office of the Vice President of <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> and apurchase order is generated.The process could be improved and decisions expedited if a Dean were givenapproval authority to approve purchases up to and including $1,000.00.7. Budget Information, Requests, Action PlansThe <strong>Student</strong> Residential Housing “personnel” budget is inadequate to coverprogram needs (see Item 3.1.1-Staffing).Once the budget is set it, normally flows well. Budget augmentations are normallyonly needed when a large piece of equipment breaks down such as the heatingventilation and air conditioning system. Budget transfers are needed from time totime to adequately cover smaller needs.- 154 -

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