Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College

Student Services Program Review-Spring 2010 - Shasta College


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From the business model perspective, the <strong>Student</strong> Residential Housing program is wellfunctioningand helps defray the operating expenses of the college. From an educationalperspective, the Residence Halls offer a complex and unique learning environment thatallows students to access education that otherwise would be out of reach for some.Goals, Recommendations, Priorities, PlansThe following recommendations are made based on the critical evaluation of the needsto improve the <strong>Student</strong> Residential Housing program, the safety and security of theresidents, and their quality of life.These recommended improvements can be funded by the <strong>Student</strong> Residential Housingprogram as long as the District allows Residence Halls to utilize profits generated bytheir program. The improvements would be self funded and self sustaining.<strong>2010</strong> – 2011 Hire two range 23 Head Resident positions @ $13.39 per hour. Annualcost $12,800. Replace antiquated access control devices on exterior androom doors, one time cost $35,000. Total cost for this year; $47,800.2011 – 2012 Increase the weekday custodian coverage and add weekend coverage.Annual cost $22,700. Total cost for this year plus adding personnel fromthe previous year; $35,500.2012 – 2013 Add a web based surveillance system; one time cost $25,000. Total costfor this year plus adding personnel from the two previous years; $60,500.2013 – 2014 Renovate all four restrooms in the women’s dorm; one time cost $20,000.Total cost for this year plus adding personnel from the previous years;$55,500.2014 – 2015 Renovate all four restrooms in the men’s dorm; one time cost $20,000.Total cost for this year plus adding personnel from the previous years;$55,500.Additional Goals and Objectives:1. Maintain full occupancy of both males and females in the Residence Hallsthroughout the academic school year.2. Provide a specialized orientation for new students in the fall semester.3. Increase the number of workshops and presentations for residents that relate tosocial, health and personal well-being issues.4. Promote and increase the Residence Halls facilities for summer conferencing.5. <strong>Review</strong> and expand on the training and supervision of Resident Advisors (RA’s)6. <strong>Review</strong> and update the website and publications regarding residential housing.7. Develop contacts with off-campus housing facilities and apartments.8. <strong>Review</strong> and update the security system for the Residence Halls including doorlock system and surveillance equipment.There has been no prior program review in this area.- 159 -

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