[Joseph_E._Stiglitz,_Carl_E._Walsh]_Economics(Bookos.org) (1)

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4. How do tax and redistribution programs affect incentives?

How do social insurance programs affect incentives?

Describe some of the trade-offs involved.

5. How can redistribution take place through an entitlement

program like Social Security, to which all workers

contribute and from which all retirees receive benefits?

6. What are some of the major controversies in the realm

of policy and public-sector economics?


1. In each of the following areas, specify how the government

is involved, either as a direct producer, a regulator,

a purchaser of final goods and services distributed

directly to individuals or used within government, or in

some other role.

(a) Education

(b) Mail delivery

(c) Housing

(d) Air travel

(e) National defense

In each of these cases, think of ways that part of the

public role could be provided by the private sector.

2. Assume that a country has a simple tax structure, in

which all income over $10,000 is taxed at 20 percent.

Evaluate a proposal to increase the progressivity of the

tax structure by requiring all those with incomes over

$100,000 to pay a tax of 80 percent on income in excess

of $100,000. Draw a high-wage earner’s budget constraint.

How does the surtax affect her budget constraint?

What happens to her incentives to work? Is it possible

that imposing the tax actually will reduce the tax

revenues the government receives from the rich?

3. Imagine that Congress decided to fund an increase in

Social Security benefits by increasing the payroll tax on

employers. Would this prevent employees from being

affected by the higher tax? Draw a diagram to illustrate

your answer.

4. Consider an individual contemplating whether to quit

her job and go on welfare. How might the fact that welfare

is time limited affect her decision? Is it possible that

time-limited welfare may not only lead people to leave

welfare but also reduce the number who go on welfare?

5. The president is trying to decide which of three goals he

should put at the top of his agenda—Social Security

reform (s), a middle-class tax cut (m), and preserving

the safety net for the poor (p). He puts the matter before

his advisers in three separate meetings. Assume he has

three advisers, and he takes a vote in each meeting. His

political adviser’s ranking is {m-s-p}, his economic

adviser’s ranking is {s-p-m}, and his health care

adviser’s ranking is {p-m-s}. What is the outcome?

6. What is the difference between a pay-as-you-go retirement

system and a fully funded system? Explain why

the former may run into problems if a large generation

is followed by a generation with many fewer members.

7. Assume that initially prescription drug prices are lower

in Canada than in the United States, and suppose all

barriers to drug trade between the two countries are

removed. In the absence of any price controls, what

would you predict will happen to drug prices in the

United States? in Canada? How does the difference in

the size of the two countries’ populations affect your

answer? If Canada has a system of price controls on

prescription drugs, what would you predict will happen

in the Canadian drug market if barriers to trade are



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