[Joseph_E._Stiglitz,_Carl_E._Walsh]_Economics(Bookos.org) (1)

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Chapter 32




In the previous chapter, we assigned a key role to the Federal Reserve’s response

to inflation in the model of short-run fluctuations. The downward slope of the

aggregate demand–inflation curve reflected the Fed’s policy reaction as inflation

varied. What we did not discuss, though, was exactly how the Federal Reserve

is able to move interest rates. Chapter 28 did examine the three basic tools of the

Federal Reserve—open market operations, the discount rate, and reserve requirements—but

there the focus was on how these are used to influence bank reserves

and the money supply. The objective in this chapter is to explain how the Fed uses

its tools to implement monetary policy by influencing market interest rates.

The Federal Funds Market

At meetings of its policymaking committee, the Federal Open Market Committee

(FOMC), the Fed establishes a target interest rate. The FOMC focuses on the

federal funds rate; and to understand what this key interest rate is and how the

Fed is able to affect the economy, we need to understand the workings of a very

important financial market, the federal funds market.

We usually think of banks lending to consumers wishing to buy cars or homes,

or to firms seeking to build factories or stores or to finance their inventories. But

banks also lend to each other. Often, a bank’s need is very short-term; AmericaBank

might borrow from NationalBank and repay the loan just one day later. Banks borrow

and lend funds overnight in the federal funds market, and the interest rate on these

loans is the federal funds rate. Before examining this market in detail, we will first

look at the details of what the Fed does every business day to influence the level of

reserves and the federal funds rate.


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