[Joseph_E._Stiglitz,_Carl_E._Walsh]_Economics(Bookos.org) (1)

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price takers, 27, 131, 218

price wars, 269

prime interest rate, 737–38

principal, 193

prisoner’s dilemma, 277–79, 312–16, 321, 326

private goods, 255

private marginal costs, 407

private property, rights of, see property


private sector, 12

privatization, 802–3, 810, 812–13

in centrally planned economy, 12, 296

in former Soviet Union, 296

movement for, 295

producer price index, 517

producer surplus, 217–18, 220, 224

product, marginal, 133, 136

product differentiation:

and defining markets, 302–3

imperfect competition and, 271–72


costs of, 147, 156–58

efficiency, 223

factors of, 132

multiple factors of, 146–49

with single variable factor, 132

production decision:

and basic conditions of competitive supply,


costs and, 156–58

entry and, 160, 169–70

exit and, 161–62

factor demand and, 182–84

of firms, 155–71

profits and, 166–71

revenues and, 155–56

supply and, 160, 163–64

and theory of competitive firm, 169–70

production efficiency, 223, 225

production-facilitating function of inventories,


production function, 133–34

short-run, 533

production input, 132–33

production possibilities curve, 35–37

comparative advantage and, 427

Pareto efficiency and, 223


Internet and, 455

specialization and, 428–29

productivity growth, 585–603, 708–9

and allocation of resources, 592–93

explaining, 589–96

in full-employment model, 585–86

investment and, 590–91

labor force growth and, 597, 599

R & D spending and, 593–94, 595

rate of, 586–89, 592

residual, 597

standard of living and, 585–90

structural, 650–51

technological change and, 589, 593–96,


total factor analysis of, 596–99

productivity wage differentials, 362

product market, 15–16, 532–35

aggregate demand and supply in, 533–35

aggregate supply in, 533–35

consumers in, 16

equilibrium in, 535, 540–42

in full-employment model, 540, 541

government and, 549, 554

interdependence in, 424

product-mix efficiency, 223

products, joint, 148

profit-and-loss statement, 156

profit-maximizing firms, 26–29, 158–60


accounting, 166–71

advertising and, 348–49

definition of, 132

economic, 166–71

entry and, 160–61

as incentives, 29–30

market economy and, 29–30

of monopolies, 265

pure, 265

progressive tax systems, 380

property rights:

entitlement as, 32

failure of, 31–32

ideas and, 594–95

ill-defined, 31

incentives and, 29–30, 253

intellectual, 303, 457

intellectual property and, 595

online piracy and, 4–5

restricted, 32

tragedy of the commons and, 31

property rights responses, 407–10

property taxes, 383

protectionism, 802

displacement and, 674–75

international trade and, 246, 432–34,


political and economic rationale for,


use of term, 432

public choice theory, 394

public goods:

basic research as, 464–65

free-rider problem of, 255

imperfect markets and, 241–42, 254–55

pure, 457

public ownership, 294–95

public sector, see government

publishing industry, 165

pure profit, 265

pure public goods, 457


of labor force, 592

measurement of changes in, 496

price and, 336


equilibrium, 67–68

in imperfect markets, 244–45

quantity equation of exchange, 608–9

queues, rationing by, 32–33

quota rents, 436

racial quotas, 364

random walk, 883–84

rational consumers, 26–29, 34, 44

rational expectations, 880–81

rationing, 32–33

by coupons, 33

by lotteries, 33

by queues, 32–33

in Soviet Union, 809

Reagan, Ronald, 395, 700

real business-cycle theory of business fluctuations,


real estate agents, housing and, 343

real exchange rates, 764, 771–72

real interest rates, 195, 673–74, 675, 740–41,


aggregate expenditures schedule and,


budget surpluses and, 839–40

capital markets and, 690–91

full-employment, 551, 557–58, 745–48

inflation and, 739–41

investment function and changes in, 538,

551, 673, 675

monetary policy and, 691–97, 739–41,

745– 48

after tax, 684

reality, models vs., 118–19

real product wage, 182

real wage, 178

recession, 495–96, 638–43

fiscal policy and, 732–33

monetary policy in, 742–43

of 1995–96, 782

output costs of, 504, 642–43

of 2001, 165, 480, 551, 558, 561

redistribution of income, see income redistribution

regional trading blocs, 448–49

regressive tax systems, 380

regulation, of natural monopolies, 295–96

regulatory capture, 296

regulatory measures response, 407–10

A-28 ∂ INDEX

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