[Joseph_E._Stiglitz,_Carl_E._Walsh]_Economics(Bookos.org) (1)

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produces two products, lectures and coffee. Output and prices

of these two goods for 2002 and 2003 are given in the table:



2002: Lectures 1,400 lectures $75 per lecture

2002: Coffee 35,000 cups $1.55 per cup

2003: Lectures 1,450 lectures $76 per lecture

2003: Coffee 40,000 cups $1.45 per cup

1. What was nominal GDP in 2002 for this economy? What

was it in 2003? What was the percentage rate of change

in nominal GDP between 2002 and 2003?

2. Using 2002 prices as your base year, what was real GDP

in 2002? What was real GDP in 2003? What was the

percentage rate of change in real GDP between 2002

and 2003?

3. What was the percentage rate of increase in prices in

this economy between 2002 and 2003 as measured by

the GDP price deflator?

4. Given the following information about the U.S. economy,

how much did real GDP grow between 1980 and 1990?

Between 1990 and 2000?

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

Nominal GDP

(trillions) $2.80 $4.21 $5.80 $7.40 $9.96

GDP deflator

(1996=100) 57 73.7 86.5 98.1 106.9

5. Go to the Web site of the National Income Accounts at the

Bureau of Economic Analysis (www.bea.doc.gov/bea/

dn1.htm). What is the latest figure on the economy’s

nominal GDP? On real GDP? What was the growth rate

of real GDP during the most recently available quarter?

6. Go to the Web site of the Bureau of Labor Statistics

(www.bls.gov/) and find the latest data on the unemployment

rate. What was the unemployment rate for the most

recently available month? How has the unemployment

rate changed over the past year?

7. For each of the cases listed, state whether the person is

in the labor force or not. If the person is in the labor

force, is he or she employed or unemployed? Give your

reasons in each case.

(a) John recently retired from IBM and is looking for a

part-time job to supplement his retirement income.

(b) Christina works 10 hours each week at Starbucks;

she would like to find a full-time job.

(c) Ben recently quit his job at the campus bookstore to

have more time to surf.

(d) Michelle just graduated from college; she has been

sending out her resumé but has yet to land a job.

8. Are you currently in the labor force? If so, are you

employed or are you unemployed? Explain.

9. If the output gap is a negative 2 percent, what does Okun’s

Law tell us will be the level of cyclical unemployment?

10. Firms typically do not fire workers quickly as the economy

goes into a recession—at least not as quickly as their output

is reduced. How might you expect output per worker

and output per hour to move over the business cycle?

11. Suppose the Farsighted Forecasting Group, an organization

of private economists, predicts that the output gap

will fall by 4 percent over the next year. According to

Okun’s Law, by how much is the unemployment rate

likely to rise?


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