[Joseph_E._Stiglitz,_Carl_E._Walsh]_Economics(Bookos.org) (1)

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absolute advantage, 41, 426

accounting profits, 166–71

acid rain, 414–15

acquired endowments, 430, 431

acquisitions, see mergers

adaptive expectations, 825, 880–81

ADI curve, see aggregate demand-inflation


ADM (Archer Daniel Midland), 275, 411

adverse selection:

in health care insurance, 340

and market for lemons, 333–36

advertising, 347–49

competition and, 348

informative, 348

persuasive, 348

profits and, 348–49

AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent

Children), 387

affirmative action, 364

AFL (American Federation of Labor), 356

Africa, 808

sub-Saharan, 796, 797

see also LDCs

African Americans, 231–32

AFSCME (American Federation of State,

County and Municipal Employees),


aggregate demand, 780

inflation and, 689–712

monetary policy and, 749–50, 751

product market and, 534–35

shifts in, 701–2

supply and, 533–35

aggregate demand-inflation (ADI) curve,


automatic stabilizers and, 729–31

determinants of, 693–94

inflation adjustment curves and, 704–7,

729–33, 832–33, 844

macroeconomic policy and, 703–4

monetary policy and, 736, 748–49, 783,


open economy and, 779–83, 787

output and, 698–701

shifts in, 693–704, 781–83, 859

slope of, 781, 783

using, 697–701

aggregate expenditures:

defining of, 661–62

exchange rates and, 781–83

government purchases and, 676, 695, 697

international trade and, 676–80

aggregate expenditures schedule, 662–66,


government purchases and, 676

international trade and, 679–80, 683

mathematical formulation of, 665–66

real interest rate and, 683–84

shifts in, 664–65, 675

taxes and, 669–71

aggregate income, 493

aggregate labor market, 528–29

aggregate output, 493

aggregate price level, 606–7

aggregate spending, 653–56, 692–93,

696–97, 780, 783

exchange rate and, 781–83

aggregate supply, 533–35


in LDCs, 796

productivity improvements in, 466

subsidies for, 93–94


Aid to Families with Dependent Children

(AFDC), 387

airline industry, 269

air safety, cost of, 228

Akerlof, George, 334

Alcoa Aluminum, 300

allowances, pollution, 414

Amazon.com, 293

American Airlines, 283

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 356

American Federation of State, County and

Municipal Employees (AFSCME),


American Tobacco, 300, 301

Anheuser-Busch, 304

Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of

Justice, 305

antitrust laws, 299–307

enforcement of, 305

Microsoft and, 243, 245, 272, 302–3

relaxation of, 466–67

soft drink companies and, 306–7

AOL, 9

Apple computers, 272

appreciation, 577, 761

Archer Daniel Midland (ADM), 275, 411

Argentina, 94, 148

Arrow, Kenneth, 394

assessed taxes, 90

asset demand curve, 876

asset price bubbles, 880


attributes of, 885

of banks, 621–22, 625

prices and, 878–81

see also investment, investments

asymmetric information, 335


deregulation and, 305

imperfect competition and, 291

R&D in, 464

Atlanta, Ga., scrip issued in, 614–15

ATM cards, 623

auction sites, 11

Australia, 377

automatic stabilizer, 670, 729–36

automation, 147–48

automobile industry:

concentration in, 302

demand for SUVs in, 59–60

gasoline prices and, 59–60

imports and, 302

oligopoly in, 243

OPEC and, 59, 478

unions and, 148, 361

average costs, 138–39, 145, 160–63

average tax rate, 384

average variable costs, 138, 161–62

Baazee.com, eBay’s purchase of, 5

baby boomers, 829–30

backward-bending labor supply curve, 178

backward induction, 320

balanced budgets, 552–54

balance of trade, 677

balance sheets, 620–22, 625

Bangladesh, 796

bank deposits, 619, 866

bank holiday of 1933, 614

banking system, U.S., 612–32, 715–23

stability of, 630–32

bank runs, 631–32

bankruptcy, 872–74

INDEX ∂ A-15

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