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Deøi executate cu migalæ øi manufacturate într-o manieræ aproape mecanicæ, picturile øi desenele mele vizeazæ uneori anarhia. Ele sînt simultan<br />

construite øi obstrucflionate prin acumularea unui semn sau gest repetat, frizînd adesea øtergerea, prin adaos, sau ascunderea, din perspectiva<br />

prezentærii. Pentru a lua ceva înapoi, trebuie sæ continui sæ vorbeøti.<br />

Time Waster [Pierde-varæ] reprezintæ mecanicul redat mîinilor pentru reconfigurare, fragmentare sau mærunflire, rezultatul fiind descompunerea.<br />

Lucrarea propune o grilæ ca un fel de øtergere øi o invitaflie la propria distrugere. În A Tour of the Monuments of Passaic, New Jersey [Un tur<br />

al monumentelor din Passaic, New Jersey], Robert Smithson oferæ exemplul gropii cu nisip pentru copii împærflitæ în jumætate, cu nisip negru<br />

pe o parte øi alb de cealaltæ parte, øi pune un copil sæ alerge de sute de ori în sensul acelor de ceasornic în nisip, pînæ cînd acesta devine gri.<br />

Apoi îl pune pe copil sæ alerge în sens invers acelor de ceasornic, dar rezultatul este, desigur, o øi mai accentuatæ colorare în gri.<br />

(Traducere de Alex Moldovan)<br />

Though painstakingly executed and quite mechanically hand made, my paintings and drawings sometimes pertain to anarchy. They are simultaneously constructed<br />

and obstructed through the accumulation of a repeated mark or gesture, often threatening a condition of erasure through addition, or concealment as display.<br />

In order to take something back, one has to keep talking.<br />

Time waster is the mechanical offered back to the hands to reconfigure or fragment or shred, the pull-out becoming the fall apart. It proposes a grid as a kind<br />

of crossing out and an invitation to its own undoing. In A Tour of the Monuments of Passaic, New Jersey, Robert Smithson gives the example of a child’s sandpit<br />

divided in half with black sand on one side and white on the other, and has a child run hundreds of times clockwise in the sand until it turns grey. He then has<br />

the child run anti clockwise, but the result, of course, is a greater degree of greyness.<br />

Tom Chamberlain: Pierde-varæ | Time Waster<br />

TOM CHAMBERLAIN (born 1973) studied at the Royal College of Art. Recent exhibitions include Monanism at the Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Invisible Cities at the<br />

Jerwood Space, London, Drawings A–Z at Museu da Cidade, Lisbon, and solo shows at Aurel Scheibler, Berlin, and Mihai Nicodim, Los Angeles. Some Other Time, a solo show<br />

at ScheiblerMitte, Berlin, opens later this year. He lives and works in London.<br />


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