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Chto Delat, The Urgent Need to Struggle, installation shot, ICA, murals by Nikolay Oleynikov, 2010, photo: Steve White<br />

hainele lor de muncæ, vizibil extenuafli øi meditativi. Mai mult decît atît, postura frontalæ<br />

øi staticæ øi intensitatea privirii sugereazæ aøteptarea lor conøtientæ de a pæøi într-o<br />

nouæ eræ, pe care o înfleleg øi sînt în mæsuræ s-o stæpîneascæ. Videoul aratæ imagini<br />

statice ale membrilor Chto Delat, adoptînd posturi øi creînd o coregrafie a compozifliilor<br />

ce aminteøte de cea din picturæ, în timp ce, pe fundal, vocile comenteazæ<br />

lucrarea lui Popkov în raport cu natura øi munca colectivului. În mod distinct faflæ<br />

de indivizii înfæfliøafli în picturæ, membrii Chto Delat se privesc, joacæ, stabilesc un<br />

contact fizic øi îøi schimbæ în permanenflæ configuraflia øi postura. Ei vorbesc despre<br />

prietenie, multidisciplinaritate øi importanfla reîntîlnirii în urma unui conflict, cu scopul<br />

de a cæuta un spafliu al împæcærii, în timp ce continuæ sæ-øi exprime opiniile diferite<br />

øi adesea contrastante. Printr-o serie largæ de fragmente de discurs øi imagini, Constructorii<br />

ilustreazæ cu succes ideea unei comunitæfli care se autodefineøte prin producerea<br />

„literaturii“ ca formæ de cunoaøtere împærtæøitæ mai degrabæ decît prin<br />

intermediul definirii parametrilor stricfli de acfliune.<br />

La capætul galeriei, dominînd-o, o reproducere bidimensionalæ, la scaræ realæ, a unui<br />

monument întruchipeazæ postura epicæ a fiinflei colective. Partisan Monument<br />

(2009–2010) [Monumentul Partizanului] e un colaj a douæ imagini ale unor lucræri<br />

of rising workers with a memorial to fallen fighters. This is a reconstruction<br />

of the original piece, which was realised as a prop for the<br />

video Partisan Songspel: A Belgrade Story (2009). The video, playing<br />

on a monitor, can be viewed on the top of the mezzanine, overlooking<br />

the rest of the exhibition, while gazing through the back of the<br />

silhouetted heads populating Partisan Monument. More than just<br />

watching, as the audio guide recommends, visitors are invited to join<br />

in the chorus singing in the video: eight people dressed in what look<br />

like white anti-contamination suits, raising from the back of the<br />

Partisan Monument. The sculptures springing to life act as the<br />

guardians of communism: they sing a call to historical awareness of<br />

the war they endured and <strong>idea</strong>s they fought for. Re-descending from<br />

the top of the mezzanine to exit the gallery, one encounters one last<br />

video. Belleville (2008), is a documentary narrating the vicissitudes of<br />

a group of Roma refugees who, having fled Kosovo, had attempted<br />

to settle near Belleville, a residential complex developed on the<br />

occasion of the international sports event Universiade Belgrade<br />

2009. In the early morning of 3 April 2009, diggers tore down the<br />

barracks where 45 Roma families had attempted to settle, in close<br />

proximity to the residential area. Such systematic destruction was<br />

undertaken without warning and without giving individuals the time<br />


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