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galerie 1<br />

Mitraliera øi oglinda compun o cameræ de luat vederi, un dispozitiv conceput pentru a selecta, a pune în scenæ, a privi, a înregistra øi a<br />

arhiva indivizi øi acfliuni, unanimitæfli øi indignæri, pentru a patrula teritorii aflate în disputæ øi gropi de gunoi, culmi øi abisuri, supunînd totul<br />

logicii numerelor mari. Aceastæ cameræ acoperæ atît unghiul mort, cît øi punctul de fugæ – deseneazæ øi organizeazæ de jur împrejurul sæu<br />

o lume în care autoreflectarea sæ-i fie garantatæ, îngæduind în preajma sa o viaflæ politicæ doar cu condiflia ca aceasta sæ nu-i întrerupæ<br />

exercifliul transparent al vigilenflei øi plæcerea cvasinarcoticæ a unei funcflionæri færæ greø. Îøi enumeræ pe îndelete obiectele øi adversarii,<br />

le mæsoaræ forflele întotdeauna inferioare propriilor puteri: le pune în faflæ o oglindæ care îi de-prezintæ. Oglinda ascunde rupturile øi cusæturile,<br />

eliminæ discontinuitæflile, construieøte simetria ca pe o incluziune golitæ øi mumificatæ, proiecteazæ un infinit trucat øi o figuræ færæ<br />

sfîrøit care sæ-l locuiascæ, invocæ un viitor în care toate potenflialitæflile au fost epuizate, în care toate schimburile – comerciale sau militare,<br />

cu tehnologii expansive ale comunicærii pe post de lubrifiant – au fost consumate. Privindu-ne prin ocheanul Florilor, ne vedem participînd<br />

supuøi la propriile noastre alegorii, înscriøi în statistici care amestecæ sufletele øi lucrurile, materia øi timpul. O scînteiere digitalæ<br />

de scene øi portrete dramatice, cæreia Holy Flowers îi este deopotrivæ precursor øi making-off. (Mihnea Mircan)<br />

Machine gun and mirror interlock in a camera, a device to select, stage, view, register and archive selves and performances, unanimities and indignation, to patrol<br />

disputed territories and landfills, peaks and abysses, and to subject all to a logic of big numbers. This camera occupies both blind spot and vanishing point – it draws<br />

and organizes a world to guarantee self-reflection, and allows a political life in its proximity only to the extent that this does not obstruct the transparent exercise<br />

of its vigilance and the mildly narcotic pleasure of its flawlessness. It patiently enumerates its objects and adversaries, and measures their always inferior strength:<br />

it holds to them a mirror where they are de-presented. The mirror makes seamless, it creates symmetry as emptied-out and mummified inclusion, it projects a falsified<br />

infinity and an endless figure to populate it, and to summon a future when all potentialities have been exhausted, when all exchanges (commercial or martial, with<br />

expansive communication technologies as lubricant) have been consummated. Seen through the viewfinder of the Holy Flowers, allegories of ourselves are being<br />

dutifully performed, and inscribed into statistics of merged souls and things, matter and time. A digital flicker of dramatic scenes and portraits, for which Holy Flowers<br />

is both precursor and making-of. (Mihnea Mircan)<br />

Mircea Cantor: Holy Flowers<br />

MIRCEA CANTOR. Born in 1977, Romania, lives and works on Earth.<br />

www.mirceacantor.ro<br />

Recent solo exhibitions: 2010 Heilige Blumen, Kunsthalle Nuremberg; Shooting, Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv; Wise as serpents and innocents as doves, Museum Abteiberg,<br />

Mönchengladbach*; 2009 Tracking happiness, Kunsthaus Zurich*; Preventative kiss for suspicious war, Johnen Galerie, Berlin; White Sugar for Black Days, Galerie Yvon Lambert,<br />

Paris; Seven Future Gifts, Mûcsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest; 2008 The need for uncertainty, Modern Art Oxford; Bristol Arnolfini, Camden Arts Centre (2008–2009)*;<br />

2007 Ciel Variable, FRAC Champagne Ardennes, Reims*; 2006 The Title Is the Last Thing, Philadelphia Museum of Art*; Born to be Burnt, Gamec, Galleria d’Arte Moderna<br />

e Contemporanea di Bergamo; 2005 Deeparture, Galerie Yvon Lambert, New York.<br />

Selected group shows: 2010 Over the Counter, Mûcsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest*; Art for the world, World Expo Shanghai*; Promesses du passé, Centre Pompidou, Paris*;<br />

2009 Universal code, The Power Plant, Toronto*; Barock, MADRE, Napoli*; 2008 28th Bienal de São Paulo*; 2007 Brave New Worlds, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis*; Airs de<br />

Paris, Centre Pompidou, Paris*; Power Play, Artpace, San Antonio (USA); 2006 4th Berlin Biennial for Contemporary Art, Germany*; Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo<br />

de Sevilla*; 2005 Irreducible, Contemporary Short Form Video, 1995–2005, CCA Wattis, San Francisco; 2004 Quick-sand, De Appel, Amsterdam*; 2003 50th Venice Biennale<br />

– Clandestine section*. (*catalogue)<br />

Referential bibliography (selected): Hans Joachim Müller, “Kunst im Glück”, in Die Zeit, 10 Sept. 2009; Nicole Scheyerer, “Mircea Cantor review”, Frieze, Jan.–Febr. 2009;<br />

Ines Gebetsroither, “Cut Short”, Spike art quarterly, Spring 2008; Blake Gopnik, “The Idea: Predator, Prey, Provocative”, Washington Post, 28 Oct. 2007; Sean James Rose,<br />

“Mircea Cantor, poète politique”, Libération, 12 June 2007, Emanuelle Lequeux, “Un Autre monde est possible” – Portrait, Beaux Arts magazine, no. 275, May 2007;<br />

Alessando Rabottini, “A future world”, Flash art, Nov.–Dec. 2006, no. 251 + cover.<br />

Awards and nominations: 2004 – Prix Paul Ricard S.A. – Young French artist, Paris; 2008 – Nominated for Artes Mundi, Wales, UK; 2010 – Zece pentru România (10 for Romania)<br />

National Award of Excellence for the Fine Arts, Realitatea TV.<br />


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