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concepute ca agenfli ai subiectiværii, fæcînd apel la o gîndire autonomæ, responsabilæ<br />

øi la subiecfli activi. Cu siguranflæ, grupul a fost influenflat de atitudinea antiteatralæ a<br />

lui Brecht, de modul sæu de utilizare a indicafliilor sale scenice øi discursul diegetic,<br />

ca mecanisme prin care reprezentaflia mimeticæ e alienatæ, controlatæ, încadratæ øi<br />

contestatæ fundamental în integritatea ei materialæ. Aceastæ influenflæ e clar perceptibilæ<br />

în The Tower: a Songspiel (2010) [Turnul: un Songspiel], ce poate fi vizionatæ în<br />

foaierul-cinema. În acest caz, diverse voci øi opinii au fost transcrise în scenariul unui<br />

film de 36 de minute, al treilea din trilogia de lucræri ce trateazæ evenimentele recente<br />

care au dominat viafla socio-politicæ rusæ øi dezbaterea publicæ. Turnul vizat de piesæ<br />

este cel planificat de Centrul de Dezvoltare Okta din Sankt Petersburg, un zgîrienori<br />

de sticlæ, de 403 metri, destinat gæzduirii sediului central al gigantului petrolier<br />

Gazprom, una dintre cele mai mari companii energetice din lume. Aøa cum explicæ<br />

site-ul celor de la Okta, turnul încorporeazæ „funcfliile unui centru de afaceri øi cele<br />

ale unui complex cultural cu mare atracflie turisticæ“, 35% din spafliu fiind destinat<br />

centrelor publice, înglobînd un muzeu de artæ modernæ, o salæ de concerte øi un<br />

stadion 3 . Proiectul a generat ræspunsuri extrem de variate, mulfli fiind cei care au<br />

respins øi au protestat împotriva construcfliei, aceasta distrugînd renumitele panorame<br />

istorice ale oraøului øi ignorînd complet restricfliile de înælflime impuse de Codul de<br />

planificare urbanæ øi de legea UNESCO asupra patrimoniului internaflional. În film,<br />

planificarea reconstrucfliei este prezentatæ prin discursurile publice susflinute de diverse<br />

forme ale puterii implicate în promovarea proiectului: un manager PR, un politician,<br />

un proprietar de galerie, un reprezentant al bisericii, un artist contemporan<br />

øi un øef de securitate. Discursurile lor alterneazæ cu ræspunsuri cîntate de diferite<br />

grupuri de oameni: printre ei se aflæ pensionari, dornici sæ apere peisajul urban iubit<br />

în fafla dezvoltatorilor lacomi, femei tinere, „plictisite de vechituri“ øi care aøteaptæ<br />

cu neræbdare construirea zgîrie-norului, activiøti pentru drepturile civile, protestînd<br />

împotriva intervenfliei capitaliste, øi muncitori cu o væditæ lipsæ de interes pentru construcflie,<br />

dar mobilizafli de faptul cæ imigranflii sînt angajafli sæ lucreze pentru ea pe<br />

salariul minim. Filmul aruncæ în joc o multitudine de opinii øi dorinfle, dar îi plaseazæ<br />

în mod clar pe cei bogafli øi puternici, aøezafli în jurul unei mese, pe o platformæ înælflatæ,<br />

împotriva maselor muncitoreøti, unite în cîntec: „Aceasta e flara noastræ, dar vocea<br />

noastræ nu e auzitæ“. Toate personajele sînt caricaturi ale unor tipologii sociale specifice,<br />

interpretarea e emfaticæ øi puternic gestualæ, iar situaflia dramaticæ øi apæsætoare<br />

e contrabalansatæ de scenariul ce favorizeazæ parodia în defavoarea realismului sumbru.<br />

Atitudinea cinicæ a politicienilor øi strategilor de PR se reflectæ în cea a artistului<br />

øi a proprietarului de galerie, implicafli în crearea noului complex: arta e fæcutæ<br />

pentru a fi cumpæratæ øi vîndutæ øi, departe de a ridica întrebæri dificile, ea îndeplineøte<br />

o funcflie decorativæ pentru putere. Artistul prezintæ prototipul pentru o mare<br />

sculpturæ publicæ în forma unui glonfl imens de aur, cu douæ capete, decorat cu o<br />

cruce roøie, o trimitere evidentæ la lucrarea lui Kazimir Malevici. Sculptura abstractæ<br />

øi monoliticæ a artistului contemporan pare sæ împærtæøeascæ aceeaøi formæ de<br />

criticæ de care a fost lovit øi suprematismul: eøecul de a comunica cu masele, de a<br />

instiga la dezbatere ori de a inspira acfliune. În contrast, corul cîntæ apologia poetului,<br />

cel care „ne aduce adeværul øi vorbeøte inimilor“. O asemenea declaraflie relevæ<br />

interesul profund manifestat de membrii Chto Delat pentru rolul social al poeziei<br />

ca instrument pentru articularea øi renegocierea constantæ a unei subiectivitæfli<br />

colective. 4<br />

Foaierul-cinema, conceput de Dmitry Vilensky øi destinat proiecfliei The Tower: a Songspiel,<br />

e în sine o lucrare realizatæ pentru diverse întruniri øi expoziflii. Arhitectura Film<br />

Club Module (2007–2010), ori Activist Club [Clubul Activist], e inspiratæ de structurile<br />

modulare proiectate de Alexander Rodchenko pentru interiorul unui club al<br />

muncitorilor creat pentru Expoziflia Internaflionalæ a Artelor Decorative øi Industriaof<br />

a business centre and a cultural complex with a high tourist<br />

draw”, with 35% of the space being dedicated to public facilities,<br />

including a museum of modern art, a concert hall and a stadium. 3<br />

The project has generated very different responses, with many<br />

rejecting and petitioning against the construction for ruining the<br />

celebrated historic views of the city and for completely disregarding<br />

the height restrictions imposed by the City Planning Code and by<br />

the UNESCO’s law on international heritage. In the film, the planned<br />

redevelopment is presented through the public speeches given by<br />

the different forms of power involved in the promotion of the project:<br />

a PR manager, a politician, a gallery owner, a church representative,<br />

a contemporary artist and a security chief. Their speeches are<br />

alternated with the responses sung by different groups of people:<br />

among them are pensioners, wanting to preserve the beloved cityscape<br />

against greedy developers; young women, who are “tired<br />

of old junk” and look forward to the development of the skyscraper;<br />

civil right activists, protesting against the capitalistic venture;<br />

and workers, fundamentally uninterested in the development but<br />

mobilised by the fact that migrants are employed to work on it at<br />

low wages. The film casts many different views and desires at play,<br />

but clearly sets the rich and powerful, sitting around a table on a elevated<br />

platform, against the masses of workers, who are united in<br />

singing: “this is our country, but out voice is not heard.” All characters<br />

are caricatures of specific social types; the acting is emphatic<br />

and highly gestural; and the dramatic and sad score if counterbalanced<br />

by scripts that favour parody over bleak realism. The cynical<br />

attitude of politicians and PR strategists is mirrored in the one of the<br />

artist and gallery owner involved in the development of the new<br />

complex: art is made to be bough and sold and, far from posing difficult<br />

questions, has the function of decorating power. The artist<br />

presents a model for a large public sculpture in the shape of a gigantic<br />

double-headed gold bullet decorated with a red cross, a clear<br />

reference to Kasimir Malevich’s work. The abstract and monolithic<br />

sculpture of the contemporary artist seems to share the same criticism<br />

that afflicted Suprematism: of failing to communicate to the<br />

masses, instigate debate or inspire action. Contrastingly, the chorus<br />

sings the praises of the poet as someone who “brings us truth and<br />

speaks to the hearts”. Such a statement is revelatory of a deep interest<br />

that the members of Chto Delat share for the social role of poetry<br />

as an instrument for the articulation and constant renegotiation<br />

of a collective subjectivity. 4<br />

The film-lounge dedicated to the projection of The Tower: a Songspiel<br />

is itself a piece that, conceived by Dmitry Vilensky, has been<br />

realised for different venues and exhibitions. The architecture of the<br />

Film Club Module (2007–10), or Activist Club, is inspired by the modular<br />

structures designed by Alexander Rodchenko for the interior<br />

of a worker’s club created for the Exposition Internationale des<br />

Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes in Paris in 1925, but never<br />

realised in real life. The design of the club intended to create a space<br />

for learning, where workers could enter in an active and productive<br />

engagement with aesthetic experiences and political debates. Similarly,<br />

the Film Club Module is centred around group activities such<br />

as watching films, taking part in discussions and readings. For Chto<br />

Delat, such architecture encapsulates a double function, which is<br />

both real and symbolic. It serves as an alternative type of public<br />

space, conceived for shared activities: not a space for teaching but a<br />

space for learning through sharing. It also aims to foster a different<br />

way of experiencing time: not as an act of selfish consumption, but<br />

as a prolonged period of collective engagement. During the exhibition<br />

at the ICA, the Film Club Module has indeed been used for a<br />

variety of group activities: it has been used for a 48 hour communal<br />

living seminar organised by Russian Socialist group Vpered; has<br />

hosted a “Night of Angry Statements”, inviting visitors to stand on<br />

the podium and express their opinions on how the art world should<br />

be changed; and has opened up to local collectives for them to<br />

organise their own screenings and activities. Chto Delat’s desire to<br />


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