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628 PART 5 / Macroevolution<br />

Nematode parasites of fig wasps<br />

illustrate the theory<br />

host’s reproduction produces the resources (that is, host offspring) that the parasite’s<br />

offspring exploit. This trade-off will place an upper limit on virulence. A horizontally<br />

transmitted parasite experiences no such trade-off: the success of its offspring is independent<br />

of the reproduction of its host. Virulence is therefore much less constrained. 2<br />

In nature, single infections and vertical transmission often occur together, and both<br />

factors may work side by side to reduce parasitic virulence. A comparative study, by<br />

Herre (1993), of 11 species of nematode worms that parasitize fig wasps in Panama<br />

illustrates the idea. The fig wasp life cycle is as follows. The adult fig wasp, who is carrying<br />

pollen from the fig from which she emerged, enters one of the structures that eventually<br />

ripen into a fig. There she pollinates the fig, lays her eggs, and dies. The eggs grow<br />

up and emerge within the fig; after emerging, they mate and the females pick up pollen<br />

and exit the fig in search of another to lay their eggs in. An important fact in the story is<br />

that fig wasp species vary in the number of fig wasps that enter a fig. In some, only one<br />

does, whereas in others several females may enter and lay their eggs in the same fig.<br />

Nematode worms live off fig wasps, and in Panama there is a different species of<br />

nematode living off each species of fig wasp. The immature nematodes crawl on to a fig<br />

wasp after she emerges in the fig. “At some point [in Herre’s words], the nematodes<br />

enter the body cavity of the wasp and begin to consume it.” The nematodes emerge as<br />

adults from the body of the dead wasp and mate and lay their eggs in the same fig as the<br />

wasp did; the cycle can then repeat itself. Nematodes that live off fig wasps in which<br />

only one wasp enters a fig will tend to be vertically transmitted, and the nematodes on<br />

any one host will be genetically related. In contrast, the nematodes that live off fig wasps<br />

in which several females may enter the same fig can be horizontally transmitted a<br />

nematodes from a number of different parents may crawl on to the same wasp and they<br />

will be genetically unrelated. We can predict that the parasitic nematodes of fig wasps in<br />

which only one female typically enters a fig will have evolved lower virulence than those<br />

of fig wasps in which more than one female typically enters a fig. Herre’s results are<br />

shown in Figure 22.7 and show the predicted relation. The virulence of the parasite<br />

appears to have been tuned by natural selection to the habits of the host.<br />

The example here illustrates only one way in which natural selection works on virulence.<br />

In other cases virulence may not depend on the rate at which a parasite grows in,<br />

and uses up, its host. For other kinds of virulence, other theories may be needed. Even<br />

when virulence does depend on the parasite’s growth rate, kin selection and vertical as<br />

opposed to horizontal transmission are just two of the evolutionary factors that have<br />

been hypothesized to influence it. Most of the other factors, however, have not been so<br />

well studied. We can often, if not always, expect lower virulence when the parasites on a<br />

host are genetically related and vertically transmitted than when they are unrelated and<br />

more horizontally transmitted.<br />

The theory of the evolution of virulence is rich in implications for understanding<br />

human disease. Box 22.2 looks at an example.<br />

2 Virulence has an upper limit, even with horizontal transmission. For instance, a parasite that is spread by<br />

biting insects requires its host to be attractive to those insects. The longer the host can stay alive, the longer it is<br />

available to be bitten. Indeed, the reduction in the virulence of myxoma virus that we looked at earlier may well<br />

have occurred as natural selection maximized the chance of transmission from one rabbit to the next by<br />

mosquitoes.<br />


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