Inventing our future Collective action for a sustainable economy

Inventing our future Collective action for a sustainable economy

Inventing our future Collective action for a sustainable economy


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List of Abbreviations<br />

ACER Association of Colleges Eastern Region<br />

AMR Annual Monitoring Report<br />

ARLA Association of Residential Letting Agents<br />

AUEE Association of Universities in the East of England<br />

BME Black and Minority Ethnic<br />

BVPI Best Value Per<strong>for</strong>mance Indicator<br />

CABE Commission <strong>for</strong> Architecture and the Built Environment<br />

CBL Choice Based Lettings<br />

CIH Chartered Institute of Housing<br />

CITB Construction Industry Training Board<br />

DFG Disabled Facilities Grant<br />

DH Decent Homes<br />

EEDA East of England Development Agency<br />

EERA East of England Regional Assembly<br />

EiP Examination in Public<br />

GO-East Government Office <strong>for</strong> the East of England<br />

HA Housing Association<br />

IRS Integrated Regional Strategy<br />

KWL Key Worker Living<br />

LDD Local Development Document<br />

LDF Local Development Frameworks<br />

LSP Local Strategic Partnership<br />

MMC Modern Methods of Construction<br />

NASS National Asylum Support Service<br />

ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister<br />

PPG3 Planning Policy Guidance Note 3<br />

PSA Public Service Agreement<br />

PSR Private Sector Renewal<br />

RCC Regional Cultural Consortium<br />

RES Regional Economic Strategy<br />

RHB Regional Housing Board<br />

RHDG Regional Housing Delivery Group<br />

RHS Regional Housing Strategy<br />

RSS Regional Spatial Strategy (the East of England Plan)<br />

SCP Sustainable Communities Plan<br />

SDS Scheme Development Standards<br />

SHG Social Housing Grant<br />

SP Supporting People<br />

SPERG Supporting People East Region Group<br />

SRHP Single Regional Housing Pot<br />

UCATT Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians<br />

VHG Voluntary Hostels Group<br />

Regional Housing Strategy <strong>for</strong> the East of England: 2005–2010<br />


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