Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

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0120ANNEXEducation for All Global Monitoring ReportUnallocated aid: some contributions are not susceptibleto allocation by sector and are <strong>report</strong>ed as non-sectorallocable aid. Examples are aid for general developmentpurposes (direct budget support), balance-of-paymentssupport, action relating to debt (including debt relief)and emergency assistance.Basic education: <strong>the</strong> definition of basic educationvaries by agency. The DAC defines it as coveringprimary education, basic life skills for youth and adults,and early childhood education.Education, level unspecified: <strong>the</strong> aid to education<strong>report</strong>ed in <strong>the</strong> DAC database includes basic, secondaryand post-secondary education, and ‘education, levelunspecified’. This subcategory covers aid related toany activity that cannot be attributed solely to <strong>the</strong>development of a single level of education.Technical cooperation (sometimes referred to astechnical assistance): according to <strong>the</strong> DAC Directives,technical cooperation is <strong>the</strong> provision of know-how in<strong>the</strong> form of personnel, training, research and associatedcosts. It includes (a) grants to nationals of aid recipientcountries receiving education or training at home orabroad; and (b) payments to consultants, advisers andsimilar personnel as well as teachers and administratorsserving in recipient countries (including <strong>the</strong> cost ofassociated equipment). Where such assistance is relatedspecifically to a capital project, it is included with projectand programme expenditure, and is not separately<strong>report</strong>ed as technical cooperation. The aid activities<strong>report</strong>ed in this category vary by donor, as interpretationsof <strong>the</strong> definition are broad.Debt relief: this includes debt forgiveness, i.e. <strong>the</strong>extinction of a loan by agreement between <strong>the</strong> creditor(donor) and <strong>the</strong> debtor (aid recipient), and o<strong>the</strong>r actionon debt, including debt swaps, buy-backs and refinancing.In <strong>the</strong> DAC database, debt forgiveness is <strong>report</strong>ed as agrant. It raises gross ODA but not necessarily net ODA(see below).Commitments and disbursements: a commitment isa firm obligation by a donor, expressed in writing andbacked by <strong>the</strong> necessary funds, to provide specifiedassistance to a country or multilateral organization.The amount specified is recorded as a commitment.Disbursement is <strong>the</strong> release of funds to, or purchaseof goods or services for, a recipient; in o<strong>the</strong>r words,<strong>the</strong> amount spent. Disbursements record <strong>the</strong> actualinternational transfer of financial resources or of goodsor services valued by <strong>the</strong> donor. As <strong>the</strong> aid committedin a given year can be disbursed later, sometimesover several years, <strong>the</strong> annual aid figures based oncommitments differ from those based on disbursements.Gross and net disbursements: gross disbursements are<strong>the</strong> total aid extended. Net disbursements are <strong>the</strong> totalaid extended minus amounts of loan principal repaidby recipients or cancelled through debt forgiveness.Current and constant prices: aid figures in <strong>the</strong> DACdatabase are expressed in US$. When o<strong>the</strong>r currenciesare converted into dollars at <strong>the</strong> exchange ratesprevailing at <strong>the</strong> time, <strong>the</strong> resulting amounts are atcurrent prices and exchange rates. When comparing aidfigures between different years, adjustment is requiredto compensate for inflation and changes in exchangerates. Such adjustments result in aid being expressedin constant dollars, i.e. in dollars fixed at <strong>the</strong> value <strong>the</strong>yheld in a given reference year, including <strong>the</strong>ir externalvalue in terms of o<strong>the</strong>r currencies. Thus, amounts ofaid for any year and in any currency expressed in 2007constant dollars reflect <strong>the</strong> value of that aid in terms of<strong>the</strong> purchasing power of dollars in 2007. In this Report,most aid data are presented in 2007 constant dollars.The indices used for adjusting currencies and years(called deflators) are derived from Table 36 of <strong>the</strong>statistical annex of <strong>the</strong> 2009 DAC Annual Report(OECD-DAC, 2009e). In previous editions of <strong>the</strong> <strong>EFA</strong>Global Monitoring Report, amounts of aid were basedon <strong>the</strong> constant prices of different years (<strong>the</strong> 2007Report used 2003 constant prices), so amounts for agiven country for a given year in <strong>the</strong>se editions differ from<strong>the</strong> amounts presented in this Report for <strong>the</strong> same year.For more detailed and precise definitions of terms usedin <strong>the</strong> DAC database, see <strong>the</strong> DAC Directives, available atwww.oecd.org/dac/stats/dac/directives.Source: OECD-DAC (2009d).430

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