Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

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12 00ANNEXEducation for All Global Monitoring ReportIndexThis index is in word-by-word order andcovers chapters 1 to 5 and <strong>the</strong> tables onhuman rights treaties and social protectionprogrammes on pages 291-5. Page numbersin italics indicate figures and tables; those inbold refer to material in boxes; bold italicsindicates a figure or table in a box. Theletter ‘n’ following a page number indicatesinformation in a note at <strong>the</strong> side of <strong>the</strong> page.The abbreviation ECCE indicates ‘earlychildhood care and education’ and <strong>the</strong>abbreviation TVE indicates ‘technicaland vocational education’.Subheadings are filed alphabetically by<strong>the</strong> significant term, ignoring prepositionsand insignificant words (e.g. ‘effect onachievement’ files as ‘achievement’).Definitions of terms can be found in <strong>the</strong>glossary, and additional information oncountries can be found in <strong>the</strong> statisticalannex.1 Goal campaign (football World Cup) 232,233, 233, 275<strong>2010</strong> aid targets 219, 221, 223<strong>2010</strong> football World Cup 232, 233Aability groups 198Aboriginals 158, 201, 201absolute deprivation 139, 155academic achievement see learningachievementaccelerated learning programmes 194access to educationsee also education poverty; out-of-schoolchildren; poverty; secondaryeducation; universal primaryeducation (UPE) (<strong>EFA</strong> goal)adolescents 76, 77, 81, 86, 87, 88boys 64, 66, 67, 67, 67, 178and child labour 168–9children with disabilities 136, 182, 182–3,183, 183, 191and distance to school 177, 186, 187, 191,192early childhood care and education 42,47, 52–3, 52, 53and education costs 136, 165, 168expanding 186, 187–96, 187, 188–9, 193,195, 272girls 64–7, 66–7, 67, 81, 136, 152, 153,166, 167, 171, 177, 178–9, 180home language instruction 136, 174, 174,195and literacy 99and poverty 164, 165pre-primary education 50–3, 52rural areas see rural areas main entryslum dwellers 175, 176, 176, 196street children 168, 195access to health care 42, 46, 47, 47, 48, 48,170, 181, 184acquired immune deficiency syndromesee HIV and AIDSActionAid, ‘Reflect’ programme 103adolescentssee also learning and life skills (<strong>EFA</strong> goal);post-secondary education; tertiaryeducationaccess to education 76, 77, 81, 86, 87, 88with HIV and AIDS 185literacy 99out-of-school children 55, 74–5, 74, 194school life expectancy 81second chance programmes 194, 195still in primary education 74, 75unemployment 76, 82–4, 83adult education see learning and life skills(<strong>EFA</strong> goal); teacher training;tertiary educationadult literacy (<strong>EFA</strong> goal)costing targets 121, 122, 123, 123costs of achieving <strong>EFA</strong> 124, 125definition 94–5financing gap 120n, 130and gender parity/disparity 80, 94, 98–9,98n, 99, 100, 100and home language 99, 100, 112and household wealth 96, 99, 100, 101indigenous peoples 158–9, 159, 170literacy rates 94n, 95, 95, 96, 97, 97, 98,99, 101and marginalization 136<strong>monitoring</strong> 96, 97effect of parental literacy on learningachievement 154programmes 103, 103, 124progress towards 96–9, 98, 99regional disparities 96, 99–100, 101trends 100Advance Market Commitment (GAVI) 232, 264AfDF (African Development Fund) 229, 230,237affordability of education 187, 187, 189–90, 272see also education costs; school fees,abolitionAfghanistanadult literacy 96, 97basic education 127, 128child soldiers 180effect of conflict 57, 180education aiddisbursements 242expansion of opportunities 241–2national systems 236for reconstruction 218, 219, 245, 246,246share of aid 241n‘whole of country’ approach 247education expenditure 126, 127, 242gender parity/disparity 64health aid 264primary education 126enrolment 69stunted children 44teachers 117Africasee also Central and East Africa;individual countries; North Africa;Sub-Saharan Africa; West Africachild mortality rate 47education aid 220, 220–1, 225football World Cup host 233learning environment 114youth unemployment 82African Development Fund (AfDF), educationaid 229, 230, 237aid, see also development assistance (aid);education aidaid commitmentssee also aid disbursementsbasic education 217, 227–8, 227, 228, 229,229, 230, 231, 241bilateral donors 218, 219, 223, 224–5, 225,227–8Catalytic Fund 259education aid 227, 227, 227, 228, 228, 229,229–30, 229, 231, 234, 238, 241, 242failure 54, 219, 220–1, 222, 227–8, 228, 273effect of financial crisis 222–3, 224–5, 226national targets 221–2need for increase 119, 129–30, 273post-secondary education 229–30reduction 273to countries in crisis 34aid disbursementssee also aid commitmentsbasic education 227, 241, 242bilateral donors 222, 224–5, 234–5Catalytic Fund 255–8, 256, 257, 257, 258,259, 260education aid 234, 241, 242, 242front-loading 34, 35, 37Global Fund 262and GNI 220, 224health aid 264effect of rules on FTI aid 254and targets 225through PRGF 34transaction costs 220, 233, 234, 245, 246,250, 260aid effectivenessaid allocation to conflict areas 241–2, 273aid delivery 234aid predictability 234–5, 235, 258–9aligning aid with government priorities235, 237, 237, 238basic education shortfall 274and governance problems 220, 252–4in health care 265<strong>monitoring</strong> 235, 237–8, 238, 239and use of public financial managementsystems 235–7, 236, 237aid expansion 231–3aid flows 220, 226–7, 227aid governance see governanceaid predictabilityeducation 234–5, 235, 258–9health programmes 262aid-to-GNI ratio 220, 221, 222, 222, 223, 224,224, 225AIDS see HIV and AIDSAlbaniaeducation poverty and gender disparity,in rural areas 160, 161human rights 293486

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