Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

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INDEXFramework for Action see Dakar Frameworkfor ActionFranceadult literacy 96aid financing models 232aid-to-GNI ratio 225education aid, levy 233education aid donor 225Catalytic Fund 255commitments 228, 229–30, 229, 230disbursements 222fair share of target 223for fee abolition 48national systems 236, 237pledge on enrolment 232Global Fund donor 262, 263health aid 263learning achievement 156, 156mixed ability teaching 198pre-primary education 50reading literacy 108SDR allocation 33‘second chance’ programmes 91targeted programmes 199technical and vocational education 78, 79,92youth unemployment 83, 84free primary education see cash transferprogrammes; education costs;school fees, abolitionFree Primary Education budget (Kenya) 196‘free-riding’ 219front-loading, disbursements 34, 35, 37FTI see Fast Track InitiativeFUNDEF (Brazil) 111, 198, 212, 213funding see development assistance (aid);education aid; finance; financinggap; loansFundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimentodo Ensino Fundamental e deValorização do Magistério(FUNDEF) (Brazil) 111, 198, 212,213fur<strong>the</strong>r education see learning and life skills(<strong>EFA</strong> goal); technical and vocationaleducation (TVE); tertiary educationFutbol Club Barcelona 233GG8 countriessee also OECD countriescommitment to aid 220, 221–2failure to respond to developing countryneeds 20Preliminary Accountability Report 225shortfall in fair share of aid 223summits 19, 32, 220, 222, 223, 225G20 countriesresponse to crisis 34, 35summit (London) 19, 20, 32, 223Gaboneducation poverty 140, 142, 143, 160, 161gender parity/disparity and out-of schoolchildren, rural areas 160, 161Gambiabasic education 127, 128concessional loans 35education aid, disbursements 256, 257education expenditure 126, 127education poverty 141, 143, 160, 161fiscal space 30, 31gender parity/disparity 141, 160, 161language gap 152national plan endorsement 253out-of-school children 161primary education 126enrolment 63, 65reading literacy 112, 113relative deprivation 152rural areas 160, 161school completion 72teacher incentives 198teachers 117Gates Foundation 232, 262, 263, 264, 264nGAVI Alliance 47, 232, 249, 261n, 264Gaza, effect of conflict 181gender inequality see gender parity/disparity(<strong>EFA</strong> goal)gender parity/disparity (<strong>EFA</strong> goal)access to education 64–7, 66, 66–7, 81,136, 152, 153, 166, 167, 171, 178,178–9, 180, 186adult literacy 80, 94, 98–9, 98n, 99, 100, 100effect of aid 219, 228–31child labour 168–9effect of classroom construction 191effect of economic shocks 167and education poverty 140–3, 141, 142,143, 144–5, 145–6, 147, 148–9, 148,149, 151, 152, 153, 156, 160–3and employment 82, 83, 83, 85and indigenous peoples 146, 149, 170learning achievement 109out-of-school children 54, 56, 58, 60, 61pre-primary education 50primary education 54, 62, 64–7, 65, 66,66–7, 67, 68, 68, 71, 147, 170, 219progress towards 41, 54rights legislation 292, 293school attendance 147secondary education 81effect of targeted programmes 208, 294,295targets 122technical and vocational education 86, 87gender parity indexadult literacy 98nprimary education 64–5, 65, 66geographic disparitysee also conflict areas; pastoralists;regional disparities; relativedeprivation; rural areas<strong>marginalized</strong> groups 175–9, 176, 178, 179primary education 68, 68, 69–71, 70, 71Georgiaeducation poverty and gender disparity,rural areas 160, 161human rights 293learning achievement 105, 107, 110national plan endorsement 253out-of-school children 161school completion 73GER see gross enrolment ratioGermanyaid-to-GNI ratio 222, 225education aid, levy 233education aid donor 225Catalytic Fund 255commitments 228, 229, 229, 230–1,230disbursements 222fair share of target 222, 223national systems 237Global Fund donor 262, 263health aid 263human rights 293immigrant learning 157, 157learning achievement 107, 108, 109, 110,156, 156reading literacy 108technical and vocational education 77, 79,88, 92vocational tracking 199youth unemployment 83Ghanaabolition of school fees 189adult literacy 97aid 48basic education 75, 127, 128child labour 168children with disabilities 182complementary education programmes195concessional loans 35education aiddisbursements 256, 257national systems 236education expenditure 27, 35, 126, 127education poverty 140, 140, 153, 160, 161fiscal space 30gender parity/disparity 61, 153, 160, 161health costs 48, 48learning achievement 105, 105, 107maternal health care 48national plan endorsement 253out-of-school children 60, 61, 70, 161primary education 126, 195enrolment 59, 63, 65relative deprivation 151remittances 25, 33rural areas 160, 161school completion 72school grants 189technical and vocational education 87, 88GIR (gross intake rate) 72, 73girlssee also gender parity/disparity (<strong>EFA</strong>goal); womenaccess to education 65–6, 68, 68, 71, 152,153, 166, 167, 171, 177, 178–9, 180,186child labour 168–9grants and stipends 190HIV infection rates 184effect of language on exclusion 71learning achievement 109<strong>marginalized</strong> group 41, 152, 153, 166, 167marriage 75, 136, 167, 178, 205out-of-school 54, 56, 58, 60, 61, 177primary education 64, 65, 66, 66–7, 67, 68effect of scholarships 207targeted programmes 294, 295technical and vocational education 81Gleneagles Summit 220, 222, 223Global Alliance for Vaccines andImmunisation see GAVI AllianceGlobal Campaign for Education 232, 275<strong>global</strong> costing, targets 121, 121, 122, 125–6,125Global Food Crisis Response Programme(GFCRP) 34495

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