Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

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INDEXsecondary education 91technical and vocational education 79, 92youth unemployment 83, 84United Republic of Tanzania 228abolition of school fees 166adult literacy 97, 97basic education 127, 128child labour 169child mortality rate 43children with disabilities 182, 202, 203development assistance 218education aid 219, 237aid alignment 238disbursements 234national systems 236education expenditure 27, 35, 126, 127education poverty 141, 146, 162, 163employment 87external shocks 169fiscal space 30, 31gender parity/disparity 141, 162, 163HIV and AIDS 185immigrant refugees 179orphans 184out-of-school children 56, 70, 163, 169pre-primary education 50primary education 126enrolment 58, 59, 59, 62, 63, 70pupil/teacher ratio 115, 115redistributive finance 211rural areas 162, 163school completion 72school grants 189social protection programmes 34stunted children 44teachers 114, 116, 117technical and vocational education 86, 87United Statesability grouping 198adult literacy 96aid-to-GNI ratio 222civil rights 204cognitive development 171ECCE programmes 49–50, 52education aid donorcommitments 221, 222, 224, 228, 229,229, 230for conflict areas 245ndisbursements 222fair share of target 223Global Fund for Education 265, 266national systems 236, 237education expenditure 29, 37education programmes 188–9education rights 205ethnic minority groups 170, 171fiscal stimulus 28, 36Global Fund donor 263health aid donor 262human rights 293language skills 49learning achievement 105, 106, 107, 110,156, 156, 170, 171out-of-school children 155pre-primary education 51relative deprivation 157‘second chance’ programmes 89, 91technical and vocational education 92youth unemployment 83, 84Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948203, 292universal primary education (UPE) (<strong>EFA</strong> goal)see also access to education; educationpovertyaid 219, 228–31proposed from football levy 232, 233,233bilateral aid 219, 229–30completion 72–4, 72, 73effect of conflict 69costing targets 121, 122costs of achieving <strong>EFA</strong> 125–6, 125dropout see dropout main entryeducation cost reduction 189–90educational achievement see learningachievementenrolment 61–71, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,68, 69, 71, 218–19, 257, 259, 261financing gap 120, 130FTI objective 249gender disparity 54, 64–7, 65, 66, 66–7,67, 68, 68, 71, 147, 170, 219gross intake rates 72, 73late enrolment 59–60, 60, 72–3, 72, 170and marginalization 71, 71, 147national plans 234, 238, 250, 253, 253,254, 258, 259non-government programmes 175, 176,176, 194, 195, 245out-of-school children 55–61, 56, 57,58–9, 59, 60, 61, 70, 70problems remaining 54–5progress towards 41, 54–75, 136, 147regional disparities 68, 68, 69–71, 70, 71rights legislation 292school attendance 60–1, 61, 66–7, 67, 68,147, 152, 153survival rates to grade 5 73teacher recruitment 116, 117, 126, 126,190, 197, 199, 201teaching hours 114wealthier countries failure 69–71, 70, 71unqualified teachers 115untouchability 171, 171nUPE see universal primary education (UPE)(<strong>EFA</strong> goal)urban areassee also slum dwellerseducation poverty 142, 144, 151female literacy 100, 101primary school attendance 60–1, 61, 67,68, 68school completion 192school facilities 114street children 25, 168, 195teacher recruitment 115, 116teachers 197Uruguaylearning achievement 154reading literacy 108, 109relative deprivation 154‘second chance’ programmes 89, 90targeted programmes 199USSR see Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus;Estonia; Georgia; Kazakhstan;Kyrgyzstan; Latvia; Lithuania;Republic of Moldova; RussianFederation; Turkmenistan; Ukraine;Uzbekistan.Uzbekistanhuman rights 293Vvaccination campaigns 47finance 232, 264Vanuatuhuman rights 292primary education, enrolment 63Venezuela see Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuelaViet Namadult literacy 97, 99basic education 128bilingual education 174ECCE programmes 52education aid, national systems 236education costs 190education poverty 140, 142, 143, 146, 153,162, 163ethnic minority groups 146, 153, 154, 171gender parity/disparity 162, 163malnutrition 43, 48national plan endorsement 253out-of-school children 163poverty reduction programmes 190relative deprivation 151, 151, 152–4rural areas 162, 163stipends 190stunted children 44teachers 117technical and vocational education 93visual impairment 181, 182, 183, 183, 202Vitamin A deficiency 44, 181vocational trackingearly categorization 77–8, 79, 86, 92,198–9migrants 157and unemployment 84, 85, 85Vulnerability Fund 35Wwages see household wealth; salarieswars see conflict areaswealth inequalitiesand cognitive ability 49, 50and education poverty 140–3, 141, 142,143, 144–5, 145–6, 147, 148–9, 148,149, 151, 152, 153, 156, 160–3and pre-primary participation 52and primary net enrolment 69–71, 70regional disparities 45, 46, 50, 68, 68, 140,211–12West Africacontract teachers 117enrolment 66pastoralists 143rural areas 177Western Europe see European Commission;European Union; individualcountries; North America andWestern Europe‘whole country’ approach, <strong>monitoring</strong> of aidperformance 222‘whole of government’ aid model 247within-country disparities see regionaldisparitieswomensee also gender parity/disparity(<strong>EFA</strong> goal); girls; mo<strong>the</strong>rs509

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