Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

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INDEXrich countries see developed countries;individual countries;OECD countriesRight of Children to Free and CompulsoryEducation Act 2009 (India) 204rightschildren 135–6, 138, 204–5, 292, 293legislation 186, 188, 203–6, 204, 205, 273,292–3women 25, 46, 292road accidents, and disability 182Roma community 158, 158, 170Romaniachildren with disabilities 182education aid donor, Catalytic Fund 255Global Fund donor 263learning achievement 105primary education, enrolment 182rural areassee also nomadic communities;pastoralists; urban areasaccess to education 142–3, 144, 145,160–3, 171, 176–9, 192enrolment 71, 177girls 65–6, 68, 68, 71, 171, 177, 178–9and household wealth 142out-of-school children 59, 60–1, 61primary school attendance 60–1, 61,64, 66, 67, 68, 68child labour 168community schools 194–5distance learning 194education poverty 142–3, 144, 145, 147,149, 151, 153, 160–3, 178–9, 178,179female literacy 100, 101migration from 25, 175–6, 177school completion 192school facilities 114teacher incentives 198teacher recruitment 68, 115, 116, 195,197teacher shortages 197teacher training 160, 194transport 191Russian Federationeducation aid donor, Catalytic Fund 255Global Fund donor 263human rights 293learning achievement 105, 107, 110reading literacy 109Rwandaadult literacy 97aid for reconstruction 245basic education 127, 128classroom construction 125, 126ECCE programmes 52education aid 242, 243, 251disbursements 242, 255, 256, 257national systems 236education expenditure 27, 35, 126, 127, 242education poverty 140, 141, 162, 163fiscal space 30, 31gender parity/disparity 141, 162, 163human rights 292, 293national plan endorsement 253out-of-school children 163primary education 126enrolment 59, 192pupil/teacher ratio 115rural areas 162, 163stunted children 44teachers 114, 117technical and vocational education 87SSalamanca Statement and Frameworkfor Action 1994 196salaries, teaching staff 117, 120, 122, 123–4,123, 124, 125, 126, 126Samoa, human rights 292, 293San Marinohuman rights 292Sao Tome and Principeeducation aid, disbursements 256education poverty 140, 162, 163fiscal space 30, 31gender parity/disparity 162, 163national plan endorsement 253out-of-school children 163primary education, enrolment 63rural areas 162, 163satellite schools 192, 203Saudi Arabiaeducation aid donor 231, 232Global Fund donor 263learning achievement 105, 105, 106pre-primary education 50Scandinavia see Denmark; Finland; Norway;Swedenscheduled castes 171, 172, 172scheduled tribes 171–2, 171n, 172, 177scholarships 106n, 207, 219, 294school achievement see learningachievementschool attendancesee also dropout; enrolment;out-of-school children; schoolparticipationand caste system 172and child labour 168children with disabilities 191pre-primary 52primary school 60–1, 61, 64, 66–7, 67, 68,68, 147, 152, 153secondary education 55, 148slum dwellers 175–6effect of social protection programmes207–8, 208, 294–5school boats 195school building programmesaid 219, 234, 251costing 123–4, 123, 125, 126in <strong>marginalized</strong> areas 186, 191, 208, 295school completionsee also education poverty; survival rateto grade 5financial awards 295primary school 72–4, 72, 73urban areas 192school costs see education costsschool environment see learningenvironmentschool facilities, lack of access for those withdisabilities 182, 183school feeding programmes 208–9, 294, 295school fees, abolition 165–6, 190, 251, 257, 259school grants 189–90, 294see also scholarships; stipendsSchool for Life (Ghana) 195school participationsee also dropout; enrolment;out-of-school children;school attendanceand household wealth 52, 58–9, 61, 61,66–7, 71and parental background 47, 47, 52, 52, 154school performance see learningachievementschool resourcescostings 124for learning environment 114see also learning environment;teachers; textbooksschool retentionsee also school completionand pre-primary enrolment 50school-based TVE 78, 79–82schools see school building programmes;‘school’ entries; secondaryeducation; universal primaryeducation (UPE) (<strong>EFA</strong> goal)science, learning achievement 109, 110, 111,156Scotlandsee also United Kingdomlearning achievement 105, 107, 110‘second chance’ programmes 77, 87, 89–91,90, 91, 275out-of-school adolescents 194, 195Second Master Plan (Spain) 231secondary educationsee also basic educationaid 219, 228–9attendance 55, 148costing targets 121, 122and employment 83enrolment 80–1, 80, 219financing gap 119, 130gender parity 81legislation 292out-of-school children 55, 74reading literacy 108rural areas 177stipends 190technical and vocational education 78,79–82, 92transition to 75, 166n, 219sector-wide approaches (SWAps)aid 226, 250technical and vocational education 87self-employment 87SENAI (Serviço Nacional de AprendizagemIndustrial) (Brazil) 78, 79Senegaladult literacy 97, 97basic education 127, 128concessional loans 35education aiddisbursements 242, 255, 256national systems 236performance related 238education expenditure 126, 127, 242education poverty 141, 143, 162, 163employment 87fiscal space 30, 31gender parity/disparity 61, 64–5, 66, 141,162, 163health costs 48, 48loan conditions 35–6national plan endorsement 253505

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