Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

Reaching the marginalized: EFA global monitoring report, 2010; 2010

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INDEXOmanlearning achievement 105primary education, enrolment 63, 65Open Secondary School system (Mexico)89–90Open Society Institute 232Oportunidades programme (Mexico) 48, 207,209, 295orphanseffect of HIV and AIDS 184effect on learning achievement 111targeted programmes 190, 295out-of-school childrensee also dropout; school attendanceadolescents 55, 74–5, 74, 194effect of cash transfer programmes 208and child labour 168, 169, 169children with disabilities 182, 183effect of classroom construction 191developed countries 155and education aid 219, 220, 232, 240, 243,261and <strong>EFA</strong> goals 41, 54experiences 187effect of financial crises 25geographic disparity 70, 70effect of HIV and AIDS 184and household wealth 58–9, 61measurement 58–9, 59and poverty 141, 144, 161, 163, 166primary education 55–61, 56, 58–9, 59, 60,61, 70, 70reductions/increases 54, 55–61, 56second chance programmes 194, 195secondary education 55, 74from slums 166street children 168due to Taliban decrees 180trend projections 57worldwide 188–9over-age entry 58, 73overcrowding, in schools 114PPacificsee also East Asia and <strong>the</strong> Pacific;individual countriesadult literacy 95primary education, enrolment 62secondary, technical/vocational andtertiary education 80Pakistanadult literacy 95, 95, 97, 100basic education 127, 128effect of conflict 179–80education aid 241, 241ndisbursements 242education expenditure 126, 127, 128education poverty 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,146, 153, 162, 163gender parity/disparity 60, 61, 67, 68, 68,141, 153, 162, 163, 167human rights 292immigrant refugees 179inequalities 68language gap 149, 150, 152learning achievement 107, 110, 111loan conditions 35–6multigrade teaching 192out-of-school children 60, 60, 61, 163primary education 68, 68, 126, 192enrolment 59, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70relative deprivation 151, 152rural areas 162, 163school completion 72, 73social protection programmes 295street children 168stunted children 44Palestinian Autonomous Territorieseducation aid 245–6, 247learning achievement 105primary education, enrolment 63, 69school completion 72teachers 117Panamaout-of-school children 55reading literacy 108school completion 73‘second chance’ programmes 90Papua New Guineabasic education 127, 128education aid, national systems 236education expenditure 127human rights 292teachers 117Paraguaybilingual education 174human rights 293literacy programmes 103reading literacy 108‘second chance’ programmes 90social protection programmes 295parental wealth see household wealthparentssee also mo<strong>the</strong>rseffect of background 47, 47, 52, 52, 154,155–6with disabilities 184, 184Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness 234,235, 237, 248Partnership Meetings, FTI 253partnershipssee also Fast Track Initiative (FTI)education aid 232–3, 237, 264–5, 267health aid 264for literacy 103with non-state education providers 196in vocational education provision 58PASEC learning assessments 109, 111pastoralistssee also nomadic communitieseducation poverty 143, 144, 147, 178–9, 178mobile schools 193, 193political voice 193peacekeeping, reconstruction of society 243,244per capita income, and education poverty 142performance-based management, aid 238,239Perry Preschool Program (United States) 50nPeruadult literacy 99–100, 101bilingual education 174, 200education poverty 140, 146, 146, 149, 162,163gender parity/disparity 101, 146, 149, 162,163indigenous people 154intercultural education 200language difficulties 111learning achievement 111, 154learning environment 114literacy programmes 103malnutrition 43out-of-school children 163primary education, enrolment 59reading literacy 108, 112, 113rural areas 162, 163, 192school completion 72‘second chance’ programmes 89, 90stunted children 44teacher training 198Philippinesadult literacy 97, 100, 101effect of conflict 145, 148, 149, 180, 180ECCE programmes 52education poverty 140, 140, 145, 148–9,148, 149, 162, 163gender parity/disparity 101, 162, 163learning environment 114out-of-school children 55, 60, 163parents with disabilities 184, 184primary education 54enrolment 59, 70, 71relative deprivation 151, 151rural areas 162, 163stunted children 44teacher deployment 197physical disability 182, 183PISA (Programme for International StudentAssessment) 107, 108–9, 109, 109,110, 111planning see education planningpledgesaid predictability 235Dakar Framework for Action 119failure to meet 217, 219, 220–5, 222, 223,265, 273‘fair share principle 222, 223Gleneagles summit 130–1Polandeducation aid donor 231nGlobal Fund donor 263improving equity 111learning achievement 110, 110reading literacy 109political leadership, importance for <strong>EFA</strong> goals267political mobilization 174, 193, 205–6, 206,273, 275political unrest see conflict areasPortugaleducation aid donor 229, 230disbursements 222fair share of target 223national systems 237Global Fund donor 263human rights 293learning achievement 110reading literacy 108post traumatic stress disorder, childrenfrom conflict areas 181post-secondary educationsee also learning and life skills (<strong>EFA</strong> goal);‘second chance’ programmes;tertiary educationaid 228, 229, 229–30, 230povertysee also disadvantage; education poverty;household wealth; marginalization;wealth inequalities503

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