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catalogue 2007 en .pdf - Festival international du documentaire de ...

catalogue 2007 en .pdf - Festival international du documentaire de ...


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CARTE BLANCHE À PEDRO COSTAReis is forgott<strong>en</strong> today in Portugal. The problems of rights of authorisation, therefusals by Margarida Cor<strong>de</strong>iro have long stopped the films from being se<strong>en</strong>. JoséManuel Costa is now in charge of the restoration of copies. Alas, this will probablyhave no effect. More or less the same thing could be said of Reis as of Straub:people do not want to see his films. Why? In the case of Reis (and in the case ofStraub) there is a luxury in the poverty aspect which seems to displeaseeverybody. It is true that it goes against all that is done in cinema. I felt the samething about Forward, Youth: if you do much better and more richly than theAmericans, but with less money, it poses problems, the relationships of pro<strong>du</strong>ctionbecome rapidly complicated.” Pedro Costa.EPITALIEALLEMAGNEROYAUME-UNIFRANCE1979Couleur35mm104’V.O.Itali<strong>en</strong>/allemandS.T.FrançaisAvecOlimpia CarlisiGuido LombardiLori PelosiniEnnio LauricellaGino FeliciWalter PardiniMauro MonniCarmelo LacorteLuigi GiordanelloMario Di MattiaPaolo CinnaniGianni TotiDALLE NUBE ALLE RESISTENZADE LA NUÉE À LA RÉSISTANCEréalisé par / directeb by JEAN-MARIE STRAUB ET DANIÈLE HUILLETCARTE BLANCHE À PEDRO COSTA“C’est un <strong>de</strong>s premiers films <strong>de</strong>s Straub que j’ai vu. Je crois que c’est un <strong>de</strong>ceux que Jean-Marie et Danièle préfèr<strong>en</strong>t. Ils ont eu beaucoup <strong>de</strong> chanceavec ce film : tout est bi<strong>en</strong>, ou presque. Cela dit, je me souvi<strong>en</strong>s avoir étégêné, à l’époque, par le discours <strong>du</strong> prêtre : il me semblait que la mise <strong>en</strong>scène, <strong>en</strong> haut <strong>de</strong>s escaliers, était un peu trop spectaculaire et mettait trop<strong>en</strong> avant un côté militant anti-catholique. Reste que le film est superbe : cinqétoiles !” par Pedro Costa.Jean-Marie and Danièle prefer. They were very lucky with this film: everythingis good, almost. That said, I remember being bothered, at the time, by thepriest’s discourse: if seemed to me that the staging at the top of the stairswas a bit too spectacular and placed a militant anti-Catholic aspect a bit toomuch in the forefront. However, the film is superb: five stars!” Pedro Costa.EP147

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