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cro vengono ricreate nella stessa Kwangju, e molti dei<br />

sopravvissuti offrono la loro collaborazione. Questo film<br />

sarà anche l’ultimo atto <strong>del</strong>la collaborazione con il direttore<br />

<strong>del</strong>la fotografia Yoo Joung-kil che, all’età di 63 anni, si<br />

spegnerà nel 1998. APetal ottiene un risultato inferiore al<br />

previsto. Le reazioni <strong>del</strong>la critica sono contrastanti. In<br />

negativo viene rimarcato l’uso gratuito e banale <strong>del</strong>la violenza<br />

sessuale come modo di ripercorrere la storia. Parte<br />

dei commenti stigmatizza la commistione di problematiche<br />

sessuali, sociali e storiche.<br />

Jang trovava APetal “troppo costruito” e vedeva nel soggetto<br />

di Timeless, Bottomless, Bad Movie l’occasione per un<br />

approccio stilistico e narrativo che si distaccasse dalle pratiche<br />

convenzionali e per avvicinarsi a quel “OPEN FILM,<br />

CINEMA” da lui stesso teorizzato all’inizio degli anni ‘80.<br />

Bad Movie, è tratto dall’omonimo brano dei Pipi Longstocking,<br />

una band locale guidata da Dal Paran a cui viene affidata<br />

la colonna sonora. Una collaborazione tanto riuscita<br />

da portare lo stesso Dal Paran a firmare anche le musiche<br />

di Lies e Resurrection of the Little Match Girl, caratterizzando<br />

così quella che è stata definita la “fase sperimentale”<br />

<strong>del</strong>la carriera <strong>del</strong> regista. In Bad Movie, nulla era stato prestabilito.<br />

Tra non poche vicissitudini la lavorazione viene<br />

conclusa dopo trentaquattro giorni effettivi di riprese. “La<br />

gente ha detto cose molto cattive su di me a causa di Bad<br />

Movie – ad esempio che non era nemmeno un film e che<br />

corrompevo i teenager – con Lies la mia situazione è diventata<br />

più problematica – venivo accusato di pornografia – e<br />

con Match Girl è peggiorata ulteriormente!” ha dichiarato<br />

Jang nel 2003. La Miracin Korea Film taglia, senza l’autorizzazione<br />

di Jang, ben ventiquattro minuti e Bad Movie<br />

esce dunque nelle sale coreane in una versione misconosciuta<br />

dallo stesso autore e da più parti definita “senza<br />

senso”, data la mancanza di alcune scene chiave. Dopo<br />

aver interrotto qualunque rapporto con la Miracin, Jang<br />

non prende parte nemmeno alle prime due proiezioni <strong>del</strong>la<br />

versione integrale, presentata e premiata ai festival di<br />

Pusan e Tokyo. Il critico Tony Rayns parla <strong>del</strong>l’opera più<br />

provocatoria mai realizzata in Corea <strong>del</strong> Sud.<br />

Dopo le polemiche di Bad Movie, Jang in un primo tempo<br />

pensa di girare Resurrection of the Little Match Girl, ma il<br />

produttore Shin Chul <strong>del</strong>la compagnia Shincine lo convince<br />

a lavorare prima su Lies. Il film, basato sullo scandaloso<br />

romanzo di Jang Jung-il, finito in carcere con l’accusa di<br />

pornografia, è sin dall’inizio destinato a suscitare aspre<br />

polemiche. Per questo motivo la produzione cerca in tutti<br />

i modi di non far trapelare alcun dettaglio alla stampa. La<br />

società conta di presentare il film ai principali festival<br />

internazionali, cercando in tal modo di influenzare le inevitabili<br />

future battaglie con la censura. Il film entra in concorso<br />

a Venezia. La censura coreana commenta nel seguente<br />

modo: “Lies presenta in modo esplicito scene sessuali<br />

sadomasochistiche e perverse con un minore, che potrebbero<br />

avere un impatto malsano [sulla società]”. La Shincine<br />

proietta in anteprima per la stampa la cosiddetta “versione<br />

locale”. Le critiche nel complesso sono positive. L’anteprima<br />

mondiale a Venezia ha molta risonanza nella<br />

stampa coreana, mentre al festival viene accolto in maniera<br />

contrastante da pubblico e critica. Alla fine il film esce in<br />

Corea vietato ai minori di 18 anni e con vari tagli.<br />

Resurrection of the Little Match Girl era nei piani di Jang fin<br />

dal 1998. “Questo film - commenta Jang - sarà un action<br />

conventional methods and towards that “Open Film, Cinema”<br />

that he theorized about in the early 1980s. Bad Movie is based<br />

on the eponymous song by the South Korean punk rock band<br />

Pipi Longstocking, led by Dal Paran, who was commissioned to<br />

create the soundtrack. This collaboration was so successful that<br />

Dal Paran later also composed the music for Lies and Resurrection<br />

of the Little Match Girl, thus characterizing that<br />

which has been defined the “experimental phase” of the director’s<br />

career. Nothing was established beforehand in Bad Movie.<br />

Plagued with numerous difficulties, the film was shot in 24 days.<br />

“People said a lot mean things about me because of Bad Movie<br />

– for example, that it wasn’t even a film and that I was corrupting<br />

teenagers. With Lies, my situation became even more problematic<br />

– I was accused of pornography. And with Match Girl<br />

it’s gotten even worse!” said Jang in 2003. Miracin Korea Film<br />

edited the film, without Jang’s permission, cutting out 24 minutes<br />

of Bad Movie which was released in Korean <strong>cinema</strong>s in a<br />

version that the director refused to acknowledge and was deemed<br />

“senseless” by more than a few, given the absence of several key<br />

scenes. After having cut all ties with Miracin, Jang did not even<br />

participate in the first screenings of the restored version, presented<br />

and awarded at the Pusan and Tokyo Film Festivals. Critic<br />

Tony Rayns called it the most provocative film ever made in<br />

South Korea.<br />

After the controversy of Bad Movie, Jang initially thought to<br />

make Resurrection of the Little Match Girl, but producer Shin<br />

Chul of the Shincine production company convinced him to work<br />

on Lies first. The film, based on the scandalous novel by Jang<br />

Jung-il, who was accused of and imprisoned for pornography on<br />

account of it, was destined to evoke controversy from its earliest<br />

stages. For this reason, the production company tried in every<br />

possible not to leak out any details to the press. The company<br />

reckoned that by presenting the film at the main international<br />

film festivals, they could thus have greater influence upon the<br />

inevitable impending battle with censors. The film was selected<br />

for competition at the Venice Film Festival. The Korean censors’<br />

comments: “Lies explicitly presents perverse and sadomasochistic<br />

sexual scenes with a minor, which could have an unhealthy<br />

impact [on society].” Shincine screened the so-called “local version”<br />

for the press. The critical response was generally positive.<br />

The world premiere in Venice resonated greatly with the Korean<br />

press, while both the festival’s public and the press received it<br />

with mixed reviews. Ultimately, the film was released in Korea<br />

but restricted to minors, and certain scenes were cut out altogether.<br />

Jang had wanted to make Resurrection of the Little Match<br />

Girl ever since 1998. “This film,” says Jang, “will be an action<br />

movie, something I never imagined I could make. It certainly<br />

won’t be easy, there will be a large crew, a big budget…it will be<br />

like a war, but we’ll have fun.” From the anticipated budget of<br />

little more than three million dollars, the budget rose to eight<br />

million (not including marketing costs) and, even with a long<br />

pause in the middle, the six months of production turned into<br />

fourteen. Variety wrote: “An industry analyst spoke of Match<br />

Girl as a film that causes more qualms than expectations because<br />

of its unusually high budget. Since it is being directed by industry<br />

bad boy Jang Sun-woo… many fear that the film will not be<br />

able to gain enough of the public’s attention to cover the considerable<br />

investment costs.”<br />

Aprophetic observation seeing as how after its release Match<br />

Girl did not even earn back its marketing budget. “During production,”<br />

Jang admitted, “we paid the price of our relative inex-<br />

41 a <strong>Mostra</strong> Internazionale <strong>del</strong> Nuovo Cinema 41

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