MICHAEL DEMPSEY - Cranfield University

MICHAEL DEMPSEY - Cranfield University

MICHAEL DEMPSEY - Cranfield University


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Resource distribution systems<br />

There is a resentment by former CPSA staff about people<br />

coming in. They see it as their building (Interviewee O)<br />

Though there may have been consolations:-<br />

It said CPSA on the front for a good 9 months. (Interviewee C)<br />

The system for allocating space within the new building was centrally<br />

driven, though there was some consultation on the layouts within that.<br />

Managers did differ on the extent of such consultation:-<br />

What we did really was to say ‘well, we have to get x number in<br />

here’ and we space planned the areas into quartets of desks,<br />

single desks, in the room and where we hoped to get, let’s say,<br />

30 people into an area, as long as it was not totally<br />

unreasonable we moved desks around until we did fit them in.<br />

Then we really sold them, saying ‘that is where you will be’ and<br />

that is the ideal layout as we see it. There were not that many<br />

options for instance they were not given the option of having the<br />

2nd or 3rd floor or the north or south wing; they were told that<br />

that is the wing you are having and that is the space planning<br />

which will enable you to have the number of people you have in<br />

your area. So, no there was not a great deal of consultation.<br />

(Interviewee L)<br />

This does not entirely fit with the evidence from managers in general or<br />

with the experience of the researcher who attended several meetings<br />

on office location. But there were certainly some constraints imposed:-<br />

I was forced into an office, which is why I have got one of these,<br />

(indicating glass door) which was the only compromise I could<br />

get out of H at the time who said, "no we think that's wrong,<br />

national officers should have their offices, there will be an office<br />

for the negotiators, the support staff will have an office and so<br />

on." And I said that I wanted an open plan environment but I was<br />

told that I could not have it. So we ended up with this<br />

compromise which is not a very good compromise. (Interviewee<br />

B)<br />

This was a Senior National Officer; the same constraint did not seem to<br />

apply to functional managers:-<br />

I saw from day one the best way of getting an open approach,<br />

an inclusive approach, was to break down barriers and walls are<br />

the most physical representation of a barrier that there is. I have<br />

a job where I do need to concentrate quite hard on lots of<br />

occasions and I find it no problem whatsoever. I have just a little<br />

bit of screening and that is all that you need to be able to<br />

operate quite comfortably without any difficulty whatsoever.<br />

(Interviewee C)<br />


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