Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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more."<br />

name."<br />

Ample<br />

Evidence<br />

John 5:36, 10:25, 14:10, 11<br />

Alvin W. Smith, D.D.<br />

It is still a very important question: Who Is<br />

Jesus Christ Billy Sunday preached a sermon on<br />

that question, toward the end of his ministry, in im<br />

agination calling upon the individuals whom Jesus<br />

healed, cleansed or raised from the dead to give<br />

answer, "Who is Jesus Christ" The same question<br />

was addressed to the enemies of Jesus, the Phari<br />

sees, Sadduccees and the high priest. Pilate and the<br />

soldiers were also included.<br />

Without exception the answer was "Jesus Christ<br />

is God." It was given gladly by His friends and reluc<br />

tantly by His enemies, but given, nevertheless.<br />

It is just as important today for people to have<br />

the right answer to Jesus' question, "Whom say ye<br />

that I am " as it was on that day when Jesus first<br />

asked the disciples in Caesarea Philippi. Is Jesus<br />

God, as He claimed to be, or just a good man<br />

Recently a bold advertisement appeared on the<br />

church page of our newspaper, an advertisement in<br />

serted by a local church in the community featuring<br />

the question, IS GOD SUPERNATURAL The ques<br />

tion was answered with an unqualified "NO." The<br />

advertisement went on to assert, "We believe that Je<br />

sus was a man, no It is sad to realize that<br />

many others evidently believe that, who are less bold<br />

and frank about it.<br />

It was also of more than passing interest to<br />

me, to read the review of a new book, in which the<br />

author makes the plea that all magic be taken out of<br />

Christianity<br />

and the church. One could agree with<br />

the author if he used the word MAGIC in the same<br />

sense in which the Bible uses it, as sorcery, necro<br />

mancy,<br />

conjuration or enchantment.<br />

Webster's Unabridged defines magic, as "the art<br />

or body of arts which pretends or is believed to pro<br />

duce effects by the assistance of supernatural beings<br />

or departed spirits, or by the mastery of secret forces<br />

nature."<br />

in<br />

We know that God in His Word forbade Israel<br />

from having anything to do with sorcery and witch<br />

craft. We are familiar with the account of the<br />

magicians of Egypt who undertook to duplicate the<br />

miracles performed by Moses at God's direction,<br />

with their enchantments. They soon confessed that<br />

any further pretence was beyond them, "This is<br />

the finger of God."<br />

Jesus was accused by His enemies of casting<br />

with Beelze<br />

out demons by collusion (as they said),<br />

bub, the prince of devils. Jesus promptly disclaimed<br />

any and all such collusion and declared that He was<br />

casting out demons by the Spirit of God.<br />

The author of this book to which I refer ap<br />

peared to be using the word magic in a loose sense,<br />

to mean everything SUPERNATURAL, including<br />

the miracles, as though that were a weakness and a<br />

stumbling block to faith.<br />

Brethren, this is no idle speculation. There is<br />

102<br />

today, in our country and throughout the world the<br />

age-old conflict between the natural and the super<br />

natural in application to religion. The battle lines are<br />

sharply drawn ; and the battle rages around the ques<br />

tion of the Deity, the Godhead of Jesus Christ. Is<br />

He only a man, or is He in fact and reality very God<br />

of very God <br />

In the scriptures we have before us we can see<br />

the use which the Lord Jesus Christ made of the<br />

evidence that pointed then and still points to His<br />

being just what He claimed to be, the Messiah, the<br />

One prophesied, one with the Father, sent by the<br />

Father and approved by Him. In chapter 5 of John's<br />

gospel is an array of four kinds of witness supporting<br />

Jesus'<br />

claim:<br />

1. The witness of John the Baptist, 5:32,33.<br />

2. That of the Heavenly Father, v. 37.<br />

3. That of the O.T. Scriptures, Moses .<br />

45, 46.<br />

.<br />

vs.39,<br />

4. The works which Jesus, Himself did. v. 36.<br />

Jesus carried the issue to its logical conclusion. On<br />

more than one occasion He spoke of it. See chap.<br />

10:25, 14:10-11.<br />

Any calling into question of the miracles of<br />

Jesus as an asset to faith in Him, runs directly<br />

against Jesus' own words. He laid great weight upon<br />

these works as evidence of His being genuine. Shall<br />

we fail to acquiesce <br />

pel,<br />

All of these things are found in the Fourth Gos<br />

which deals in particular with this kind of rea<br />

soning. Of the four gospels, that of John employs<br />

the miracles of Jesus, particularly, as evidence to<br />

faith. The very purpose of writing this gospel is<br />

stated in terms of the SIGNS, ch. 20 :30, 31,<br />

"And many other signs truly did Jesus in the<br />

presence of his disciples, which are not written in<br />

this book: but these are written, that ye might<br />

believe that Jesus is the Christ; and that believ<br />

ing, ye might have life through his<br />

In chapter 2:11, the author specifies the turning<br />

of the water into wine as the beginning of the signs :<br />

'This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of<br />

Galilee and manifested forth his glory; and his<br />

disciples believed on Him."<br />

Then follows the third miracle, the healing of the son<br />

of the nobleman. Then, in series, the healing of the<br />

impotent man, the feeding of the five thousand, the<br />

giving of sight to the man born blind and the raising<br />

of Lazarus. Later, there is the account of His own<br />

resurrection, predicted and<br />

fulfilled; finally, the<br />

draft of fishes in Galilee.<br />

It is your responsibility and mine, the responsi<br />

bility of all who read or hear this record, to decide<br />

in the heart, whether or not it is true. Jesus, knowing<br />

that He had come from God and had come down<br />


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