Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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you.'<br />

church"<br />

sword"<br />

because it molds the thought life of the na<br />

tion and this is the source of all action, humanly<br />

speaking.<br />

Be generous with your letters of commendation.<br />

If you like a radio or television program, say so.<br />

Many people in public life long for approval and en<br />

seek to do the right. David<br />

couragement when they<br />

Dunn says again, "How can you know that your<br />

word of appreciation or commendation will not<br />

strengthen or encourage some great person at a<br />

critical hour in his or her life I think often of the<br />

loneliness of Abraham Lincoln as he left the battle<br />

field after his Gettysburg address. After the long,<br />

flowery speech of Edward Everett, the orator of the<br />

day,<br />

which drew thunderous applause from the<br />

crowd, his simple speech was received in silence. He<br />

could not know that his hearers were so moved by<br />

his message that applause would have seemed sac<br />

rilege. He could not foresee that his words would one<br />

day be cast in imperishable bronze, and be taught<br />

every school child in the land. He could not know<br />

because no one told him."<br />

Do not hesitate when you feel that a letter of<br />

protest should be written. Make it kindly but firm<br />

and precede the protest by a word of commendation<br />

if possible. Some years ago wine advertising was dis<br />

continued in "Better Homes And Gardens" because<br />

of a volume of protests.<br />

Again, a letter may contain your witness for<br />

Christ your Saviour. Why can we talk so readily of<br />

a new recipe, a good book, a new product in the mar<br />

ket and yet refrain from telling the best news of all<br />

"That Christ died for our sins according to the<br />

Scriptures"<br />

Some like to enclose helpful tracts.<br />

Letter writing can be used by people of limited<br />

strength to do great good. One elderly woman writes<br />

each child in the congregation a letter on his birth<br />

day, that will be treasured.<br />

Here are suggestions to aid in really getting the<br />

contemplated letters written :<br />

1. Keep well stocked with stationery, stamps,<br />

postal cards, a convenient pen and all-occasion cards.<br />

These can aid us greatly in expressing the desired<br />

message.<br />

2. Have a correspondence corner somewhere so<br />

that you can write with ease.<br />

3. Set a time in the daily or weekly schedule<br />

when you will devote yourself to this form of serv<br />

ice.<br />

4. Pray for God's guidance that you may say the<br />

right thing. Certainly you will never say in writing<br />

anything that you could not say face to face. Seek<br />

to promote God's glory and the good of your fellow<br />

men through your pen.<br />

David Dunn assures us: "There is something<br />

peculiarly you in the letter or note you write. It<br />

says, T think enough of you to take the trouble<br />

to sit down and try to put into words the feeling I<br />

have toward It matters not whether you have<br />

the gift of expression. If you say what is in your<br />

heart, the words won't matter. And who knows your<br />

letter may<br />

arrive at a time of crisis. The course of<br />

many a person's life has been changed by a letter<br />

mail."<br />

received in the morning's<br />

Years ago in my address book I pasted this<br />

poem by Margaret gangster:<br />

June 15, 1955<br />

"Oftentimes it makes you better<br />

When you're ill to get a letter.<br />

Oftentimes when you are sad<br />

A wee note will make you glad.<br />

Sometimes when you're all alone,<br />

In a letter's friendly tone,<br />

You will find the sympathy<br />

That you need! It seems to me<br />

Letters are an easy way<br />

To make brighter someone's day.<br />

Letters make the miles seem fewer,<br />

Letters make old faiths seem newer,<br />

Letters make a friendly hand<br />

Warmly reach from land to land.<br />

Oh, I think we should (don't you)<br />

Write more letters than we do!"<br />

Book Review<br />

HIS NAME by the Rev. William Dyer, and EPHE<br />

SIANS by Walter C. Wright.<br />

These two books in the Moody<br />

brary<br />

Colportage Li<br />

contain 128 pages each and sell for 35c.<br />

HIS NAME is a series of sermons on the names<br />

of Christ found in the Old Testament the Desire of<br />

all Nations, the King of kings, the Mighty God, etc.<br />

It was the author's purpose to make his hearers and<br />

readers realize the matchless beauty of the Saviour<br />

and our need of Him. He was distressed because so<br />

many spent life very careless about the all important<br />

things of eternity and very careful about the less<br />

necessary things of time. He compares them to a<br />

woman who carried out her possessions from the<br />

burning house and her child was left to perish in the<br />

flames. The author, an English minister who died in<br />

1696, left the church in which he was raised and<br />

trained to work among the Quakers who were more<br />

interested in bringing others to know the Lord. It<br />

is well worth the price asked.<br />

EPHESIANS is a brief commentary<br />

on the let<br />

ter. Being brief it does not deal with every verse at<br />

great length, nor with some of the critical problems<br />

that some may raise. Yet for a good understanding<br />

of the real meaning of this letter "from the heart<br />

of Christ through the heart of Paul to the heart of<br />

the this booklet has much to offer. The av<br />

erage reader will find it more interesting and more<br />

helpful than some larger and far more expensive<br />

works.<br />

Stories for Young People.<br />

R. C. F.<br />

The Moody Press has also published three stor<br />

ies for children and younger young people. These are<br />

entitled Judy's Birthday Wish, Peppermint Sue, and<br />

Jack-o'-lantern house. The first two sell for 50c each<br />

and the third one for 75c.<br />

These are all paper covered, well bound booklets.<br />

The stories are well written. Each one emphasizes<br />

the need for faith and that young people need to be<br />

Christians in all of life. They teach the truth that,<br />

in the long run, the Christian life really pays.<br />

If you have children and young people in your<br />

homes, they will read and enjoy these books.<br />

R. C. F.<br />


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