Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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Good News<br />

By William James Robinson, A.M., D.D.<br />

Every one counts happenings favorable to his<br />

pet ideas good news. I am sure I shall give some news<br />

that will rejoice many hearts. "Washington, D. G,<br />

December 21, 1953 "The Internal revenue service<br />

today released new figures on cigarette sales, reveal<br />

ing that the drop in sales which started last April<br />

continued through October.<br />

"Spokesmen for tobacco manufacturing report<br />

that more people are stopping smoking every day."<br />

Every right thinking person will rejoice at what<br />

each of these paragraphs say. This giving up smok<br />

ing is very likely due to the fact Dr. Alton Oschener<br />

and some other eminent physicians have announced<br />

that it is their conviction heavy cigarette smoking is<br />

very likely a potent cause of the rapid increase of<br />

lung cancer. Dr. Oschener is reputed to have said<br />

that a heavy smoker of cigarettes has 500 more<br />

chances of nonsmoker.<br />

This should be alarming to every<br />

contracting lung cancer than a<br />

cigarette<br />

smoker. Recent autopsies made in various parts of<br />

the country confirm their declaration. It has been<br />

noticed for a long time many heavy smokers had<br />

lung cancer. So it is not surprising that physicians<br />

have arrived at the conclusion that smoking cigar<br />

ettes is the major cause of the rapid increase of this<br />

malady.<br />

I have a letter in my hand in reply to one I<br />

wrote the Journal of the American Medical Associa<br />

tion asking if it was true that they had discontinued<br />

publishing advertisements of tobacco and alcoholic<br />

beverages. The editor replied: "It is correct, alcohol<br />

and tobacco advertising will no longer be carried in<br />

publications of The American Medical Association."<br />

This is an announcement that every opponent of<br />

these evils will read with delight. Perhaps a larger<br />

per cent of doctors smoke than of any other group<br />

of professional men. The statement that I have<br />

quoted clearly implies, regardless of whether they<br />

smoke or not, a majority of them disapprove of it.<br />

I have repeatedly asked in my articles for the name<br />

and address of any member of The American Medical<br />

Association or College of Surgeons who smoke, who<br />

will publicly advise others, especially young people,<br />

to smoke. I have not heard of one. Now I am sure 1<br />

will never be given the name and address of any one<br />

of these groups who will advise others to smoke. I<br />

have made the same challenge to educators who<br />

smoke. I have not heard of one who will do it.<br />

I am wondering what cigarette manufacturers<br />

who have been boasting about the number of dis<br />

tinguished doctors who prefer their brand of cigar<br />

ettes to all others will say now. I have noticed they<br />

never give the name of even one of their smoking<br />

doctors who commend their goods. Did they ever<br />

have them<br />

The thinking of leaders makes public sentiment<br />

and that is a tremendous factor in determining the<br />

conduct of people. Every person consciously or un<br />

consciously delights in having a leader that he or she<br />

can enjoy following. Thus a few men determine the<br />

character of large communities for weal or woe.<br />

Years ago the renowned neurologist, Dr. Charles<br />

B. Towns said: "Tobacco is an unfavorable factor<br />

which predisposes men to worse habits. A boy<br />

always starts smoking before he starts drinking.<br />

March 9, 1955<br />

If he is disposed to drink that disposition will be<br />

increased by smoking, because the action of tobacco<br />

makes it normal for him to feel the need of<br />

stimulation. He is likely to go to alcohol to soothe<br />

muscular unrest, to blunt the irritation he has<br />

received from tobacco. From alcohol he goes to<br />

morphine for the same reason. The nervous condition<br />

due to excessive drinking is allayed by morphine, just<br />

as the nervous condition due to excessive smoking is<br />

allayed by alcohol. Morphine is the legitimate conse<br />

quence of alcohol and alcohol is the legitimate con<br />

sequence of tobacco. Cigarettes, drink, opium is the<br />

logical and regular<br />

He also said, "I consider cigarette smoking is<br />

the greatest vice devastating humanity today be<br />

cause it is doing more than any other vice to de<br />

teriorate the race.<br />

Dr. Daniel H. Kress, a distinguished neurolo<br />

gist, said: "The two habits (drinking and smoking)<br />

are very intimately associated. The one leads to the<br />

other. They are Siamese twins inseparably joined<br />

together."<br />

When a youth is saved from cigarettes he is<br />

very likely saved from alcohol and other worse drugs,<br />

including opium and heroin and the possibility of<br />

being an alcoholic and acquiring residence on "skid<br />

It would be beyond belief if we did not know<br />

that many so called "finest families" and multitudes<br />

of their imitators encourage their children to smoke<br />

and drink, thus conditioning them for alcoholism and<br />

residence on "skid There seems to be no more<br />

deplorable end to which one could come. And yet<br />

many seemingly superior families encourage smok<br />

and drinking.<br />

ing<br />

Wise parents will abstain from narcotics and<br />

do all in their power to keep their children from be<br />

coming users of any narcotic of any kind. No parent<br />

can be sure his or her child is free from these evils<br />

until he has reached maturity free from the first<br />

taste of them. Total abstinence from all potent drinks<br />

and smoking is the only safe course to pursue. To<br />

accomplish this, keep children supplied with attrac<br />

tive literature that tells of the dangers in drinking<br />

and smoking.<br />

GLIMPSES Continued from page 146<br />

Laubach teaching method. This was done from charts and<br />

each one of us in turn had to go forward and 'teach' all<br />

the others who for the moment became illiterates. What<br />

we learned we had a chance to put into practice in the after<br />

noon work. Six teams went out in the mission cars each<br />

afternoon to near or far villages actually to teach. In none<br />

of them was there any dearth of illiterates to practice on.<br />

One village that had been visited each day for three days,<br />

said, 'You have set our village on fire.' Even the Muslims<br />

there are interested and have sent in to buy Laubach prim<br />

ers and the Christians are teaching them. Dr. and Mrs.<br />

Laubach themselves went with the groups that visited<br />

Ransonabad and Village 190, our largest Christian colonies.<br />

"We are spending our mornings in the school giving<br />

the children some special Bible training." They are also<br />

teaching them the Laubach method. "The Head Master<br />

today ordered a thousand Laubach primers which will be<br />

put in the hands of the students as soon as they have finish<br />

ed the training, with the hope they will go to their homes<br />

and teach their own illiterate parents and neighbors."<br />


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