Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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The Race Before Us"<br />

The Wednesday morning devotional address at the Grinnell Conference<br />

Rev. Kermit S. Edgar<br />

Hebrews 12:1, 2, "Wherefore, seeing<br />

we also are<br />

compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,<br />

let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth<br />

so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the<br />

race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the<br />

;"<br />

author and finisher of our faith<br />

Life is a race, in the sense of striving toward<br />

an objective. The apostle Paul summed up his life in<br />

these words: "I have fought a good fight, I have<br />

finished my course, I have kept the faith." His life<br />

had been a race, characterized by effort and struggle<br />

all the way, and he had not faltered. Hence the ex<br />

hortation of this Epistle, beginning at chapter 10,<br />

verse 19, is to hold fast to our hope in the New Cove<br />

nant through the blood of Christ, and to help the<br />

"brethren. The 11th chapter adds its list of illustra<br />

tions of such faith. Then,<br />

supported by examples,<br />

the writer calls upon us to follow in their footsteps<br />

of faithfulness. "Let us run with patience the race<br />

us."<br />

that is set before<br />

I. We Must Run The Christian Race.<br />

There are many kinds of races, races against<br />

'competition and races against time. There are short<br />

dashes and races of long endurance. The Christian<br />

race is a relay race one in which others have run<br />

before us, and still others shall follow us. It is now<br />

our turn to carry the baton.<br />

The stadium is filled with old grads, all of them<br />

runners at one time or another. Some are terribly<br />

battered and mutilated. But they are the most glori<br />

ous company of winners the world has ever known !<br />

Every one has received the crown of righteousness !<br />

The list is not complete, for it numbers a great mul<br />

titude which no man can number, from the days of<br />

Abel down to the times of our fathers of whom we<br />

have been most conscious during these days of cove<br />

nanting. Each in turn has carried the baton, and<br />

now it is passed to us.<br />

It is most important that we appreciate the<br />

heritage of truth we have received from the past,<br />

and that we carry it as a sacred trust for the future.<br />

The race did not start with us, neither does it stop<br />

with us. Paul in Ephesians 2:19-22, uses another<br />

figure, that of a temple, "built upon the foundation<br />

of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself<br />

being the chief corner stone ; in whom all the build<br />

ing fitly framed together groweth unto a holy tem<br />

ple in the Lord : in whom ye also are builded together<br />

for a habitation of God through the Spirit." Peter<br />

speaks of us as living stones in this temple. So as one<br />

stone is built upon another, we are built upon the<br />

past,<br />

and the future will rest upon us.<br />

In our sixth Term of Communion we acknowl<br />

edge that "Jesus Christ is Saviour and Lord of men<br />

and of nations, and that in loyalty and obedience to<br />

Him, it is our duty to follow the noble example of<br />

the faithful confessors and martyrs of Jesus in their<br />

372<br />

witness for divine truth, and in their sacrifices and<br />

labors to establish the Kingdom of God on earth."<br />

That is what is handed us from the past, divine<br />

truth and its application to every relationship of life.<br />

Only as we are faithful to their example in witness<br />

and labor, shall we be able to hand to those yet un<br />

born this sacred trust.<br />

In the 73rd Psalm, the Psalmist was having "a<br />

rough time" until his faith wavered, and he was<br />

ready to speak rashly from momentary surface im<br />

pressions. But he checked himself: "If I had said,<br />

been."<br />

children false had<br />

I thus will speak, I to Thy<br />

Young people, in the moments of the trial of your<br />

faith, do not lightly esteem the faith of your fathers,<br />

verified through generation after generation of test<br />

ing, and do not lightly discard it until you can re<br />

place it with something that will yield the same<br />

fruit of steadfastness! Moreover, you will be dis<br />

loyal to God's children after you if you do not pass<br />

on to them the conclusion of the Psalm, "I have put<br />

my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Thy<br />

"For Whom have I in heaven but Thee<br />

None else on earth I long to know.<br />

My flesh may faint and weary be ;<br />

My heart may fail and heavy grow ;<br />

With strength doth God my heart restore;<br />

evermore."<br />

He is my portion<br />

II. We Must Run toward a Definite Goal.<br />

It was said that Abraham "looked for a city which<br />

hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God."<br />

In Hebrews 11:16 we read: "They desire a better<br />

country, that is, a heavenly: wherefore God is not<br />

ashamed to be called their God: for He hath pre<br />

pared for them a Psalm 107 expresses God's<br />

leading, "That they might to a city go, wherein they<br />

might Jesus said: "When ye pray, say, Our<br />

Father which art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy Name.<br />

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it<br />

is in heaven." The goal before us is a Kingdom of<br />

righteousness, a world for Jesus Christ,<br />

all of life for Him.<br />

all life and<br />

Therefore, ours is the goal of the ends of the<br />

earth turning, repenting, unto the Lord. It is the<br />

goal of the knowledge of the Lord covering the<br />

earth, as the waters cover the sea. It is the goal of<br />

that day when at the name of<br />

Jesus, every knee shall<br />

bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ<br />

is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. It is the<br />

goal of all<br />

knowing Him, from the least unto the<br />

greatest. For He "is set down at the right hand of<br />

the throne of God." "He must reign, till He hath put<br />

all enemies under His feet."<br />

But we say, "That is too far away. It may<br />

not<br />

come when I am, running. What is my goal today"<br />

That is it. There is no lesser. Our question should<br />

be, "What can we contribute toward the attainment<br />

of that The answer is in the Covenant we<br />


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