Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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made."<br />

efficient."<br />

wisdom."<br />

stand"<br />

century,"<br />

good"<br />

year,"<br />

manger."<br />

The Editor's Page<br />


God's Arguments Versus the Atheists'<br />

Sales Resistance<br />

"There are no atheists in the Fox-holes," said<br />

the G.I.s in the World Wars.<br />

"There are no atheists among the nuclear scien<br />

tists not a single<br />

one,"<br />

says Col. John D. Craig, a<br />

former Army man Commissioned by the government<br />

to photograph the atomic explosions at the original<br />

Bikini and Eniwetok tests.<br />

"There are no atheists among the nuclear scien<br />

tists not a single one. When they succeeded in split<br />

ting the atom, they realized for the first time man<br />

had stepped into the realm of Creation, that it was<br />

Divine Sovereignty speaking to him, and that man<br />

had better listen to what his Creator was saying to<br />

him. For now two destinies were offered to man. The<br />

very power that was active in creation had been<br />

and he could use it either for<br />

placed at his disposal,<br />

untold blessings or for his own undoing. Once more<br />

he had been confronted with the age-old alternative<br />

of choosing between life and death." (ERA-4/13/55)<br />

.<br />

Of the power of the bomb he says it not only caused<br />

an island to disappear but "blew a hole in the ocean<br />

bottom a mile in diameter and 75 feet deep." Despite<br />

this fact, Craig says, "only about one-thousandth of<br />

the potential power of the bomb had been actually re<br />

leased, since the nuclear bombs are onetenth<br />

of one per<br />

only about<br />

cent<br />

The news reports of the recent bomb test at<br />

Yucca Flat, Nev., say that the flash had the bril<br />

liance of 300 suns, the force of 35,000 tons (not<br />

pounds) of TNT, and that the shock wave was heard<br />

and felt in Los Angeles 250 miles away. (See pictures<br />

on our front page and explanation on p. 306).<br />

"Who considers the power of Thy anger, and thy<br />

wrath according to the fear (perhaps lack of fear is<br />

intended) of Thee So teach us to number our days<br />

that we may apply our hearts unto (Psalm<br />

90:11, 12, RSV).<br />

God Is Pressing Home the Argument<br />

In Romans I we are told; "For the wrath oif<br />

God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness<br />

and wickedness of men .... for what can be known<br />

about God is plain to them, because God has shown<br />

it unto them. Ever since the creation of the world<br />

His invisible nature, namely His eternal power and<br />

deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that<br />

have been But now when man's sophistication<br />

has grown, and his resistance to awe, the Palomar<br />

telescope has revealed the incomprehensible infini<br />

tude of the universe. When we had begun to be con<br />

cerned about the exhaustion of our fuel supplies of<br />

coal and oil, the limitless power resources of the atom<br />

is being revealed to us. Not that it sets our minds to<br />

rest, rather it is increasing our fears, because of<br />

man's inhumanity to man. But that can be a school<br />

master to bring us to Christ. We are learning that<br />

the wisdom of yesterday was "but the outskirts of<br />

His ways; and how small a whisper do we hear of<br />

Him ! But the thunder of His power who can under-<br />

306<br />

The Atomic Age is both an invitation and<br />

a threat.<br />

Will the Atheist Be Convinced<br />

When we quoted that there are no atheists in<br />

fox-holes or among nuclear scientists, let Us not sup<br />

pose that all these persons have become convinced,<br />

evangelical, born-again Christians. There are practi<br />

cally no Atheists in the world in the root meaning<br />

of the word no-godists, even among the loud<br />

mouthed variety. There are many willful agnostics<br />

don't-knowists. "The fool (wishful thinkers) hath<br />

said in his heart, "There is no God. Corrupt are they,<br />

and have done abominable iniquity; there is none<br />

that doeth (Psalm 53:1). The atheism is in<br />

his heart, not in his head. His life demonstrates his<br />

practical atheism, and until his heart is convinced<br />

he will remain a practical demonstration of atheism.<br />

Through all the centuries past, the atom and the<br />

electron have been wrapped in their swaddling<br />

clothes, and now that they are being unbound for<br />

the use of mankind, and will continue to be in the<br />

coming decades, we need not expect miracles of grace<br />

wrought by them, except as they are employed by<br />

Him Who was once Himself bound in swaddling<br />

clothes.<br />


"And so it was, that, while they were there (in<br />

Bethlehem), the days were accomplished that she<br />

(Mary "the mother of the "the mother of her<br />

"the mother of ail time not excepting Eve<br />

the Mother of All Living") brought forth her first<br />

born son (conceived in her womb by the power of the<br />

Holy Ghost,) and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes,<br />

and laid Him in a To manger."<br />

the shepherds the<br />

Conductor of the Angel Chorus announced, "Unto<br />

you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,<br />

which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign<br />

unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swad<br />

dling clothes, lying in a<br />

Why did Luke,<br />

the Dean of all Research Historians, the paragon of<br />

all reporters, lay such emphasis on that insignificant<br />

fact "wrapped in swaddling clothes" Did he copy<br />

that from the Bethlehem Evening Dispatch of De<br />

cember 25 It could hardly have been news in Beth<br />

lehem, for the custom was as old as Job (38:9), as<br />

old as Jeremiah (Lam. 2:22), as old as Ezekiel (16:<br />

.<br />

4) But it is news to us, and always will be, that the<br />

Almighty Son of Almighty God, to whom all power<br />

has been given was once wrapped in swaddling<br />

clothes and laid in the manger of a cow-shed. A most<br />

significant fact! Selah. Meditate.<br />

I had thought to speak more about the swaddled<br />

Christ, how His friends and His enemies and I and<br />

you have kept Him from using His full power, but<br />

circumstances have interposed, so think it over for<br />

the next few days, and God willing, we shall continue<br />

the subject next week.<br />

D.R.T.<br />




FLOOR The long-delayed nuclear test over Sur-<br />


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