Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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Lesson Helps for the Week of April 10, 1955<br />

C. Y. P. U. TOPIC<br />

AprU 10, 1955<br />

"The LIVING JESUS"<br />

John 6:51; 14:1-19<br />

Comments by Rev. Robert W. McMillan<br />


DEAD<br />

Standing in front of a shop window,<br />

a man was gazing<br />

upon a beautiful pic<br />

ture of the crucifixion. Beside him stood<br />

a ragged street urchin, also enrapt, stu<br />

dying the same picture. The man, won<br />

dering if the lad really understood the<br />

picture, asked; "Sonny, what does it<br />

mean"<br />

"Doncha know" he answered.<br />

"That there man is Jesus and them<br />

others is Roman soldiers, and the wom<br />

an what's cryin'<br />

is His mother, and<br />

they killed Him." After a bit the man<br />

walked away, but soon heard the sound<br />

of running feet behind him.<br />

Breath<br />

lessly the little street arab exclaimed,<br />

"Say, Mister, I f<strong>org</strong>ot to tell you, but<br />

He rose again."<br />

"But He rose That's again."<br />

the point,<br />

young people ! He was "delivered for our<br />

but He was also "raised<br />

again for our justification" (Rom. 4:25).<br />

These comments are written to help<br />

you with your meeting on April 10 the<br />

day when the resurrection of Jesus<br />

Christ will be the central theme in<br />

churches everywhere.<br />



How important is this fact that Jesus<br />

is not a dead martyr, but a living Sav<br />

iour who is even now "prepare (ing) a<br />

place for<br />

and One who will come<br />

again and receive you unto Himself.<br />

Tom Olson, writing in NOW, lists the<br />

staggering implications of a denial of the<br />

resurrection.<br />

"If Christ be not raised from the<br />

dead:<br />

1. Prophecy would have failed, for it<br />

was predicted that His body<br />

no corruption (Ps. 16 :10) .<br />

would see<br />

2. The apostles would have been false<br />

witnesses, for they said again and again<br />

that He arose from among the dead<br />

(Acts 2:32).<br />

3. Preaching would be so much van<br />

ity, for if there is no resurrection people<br />

may as well live as they list (I Cor. 15:<br />

19).<br />

4. Faith would be an empty thing, for<br />

faith in a corpse is valueless for the re<br />

mission of sins (I Cor. 15:17).<br />

5. Christian martyrs could be shown to<br />

have been silly characters, sacrificing<br />

their lives for believing something which<br />

never occurred (I Cor. 15:18).<br />

6. Death would be hopeless, for if<br />

March 23, 1955<br />

Christ did not rise certainly His follow<br />

ers will not (John 14:19).<br />

7. The hope of the Church would be<br />

blasted, for if Christ be not raised, how<br />

can He come again (I Cor. 15:23)<br />

8. Assurance of God's satisfaction with<br />

the atoning sacrifice of Christ would be<br />

an impossibility (Acts 17:31).<br />

'But now is<br />

Christ risen from the<br />

dead, and become the firstfruits of them<br />

that slept. For since by man came death,<br />

by man came also the resurrection of the<br />

dead' 15:20-21)."<br />

(I Cor.<br />




There is another resurrection, often<br />

overlooked, that the whole world should<br />

consider today, and every other day in<br />

the year. The Bible speaks not only<br />

about the resurrection of believers, but<br />

also of unbelievers. (John 5:28, 29<br />

"The<br />

hour is coming, in the which all that are<br />

in the graves shall come forth; they that<br />

have done good, unto the resurrection<br />

of life; and they that have done evil unto<br />

the resurrection of damnation.")<br />

The<br />

resurrection of damnation! T. Dewitt<br />

Talmadge, in his book, "The Empty<br />

Tomb,"<br />

has this to say about that res<br />

urrection :<br />

"If, after the close of a night's de<br />

bauch, a man gets up and sits on the side<br />

of the bed, sick, exhausted, and horrified<br />

with the review of the past, or rouses up<br />

with delirium tremens, and sees ser<br />

pents crawling over him or devils danc<br />

ing about him<br />

what will be the feeling<br />

of a man who gets up out of his bed on<br />

the last morning of earth, and reviews<br />

an unpardoned past, and instead of im<br />

aginary evils crawling over him and flit<br />

ting before him, finds the real frights<br />

and pains and woes of the resurrection<br />

of damnation Between the styles of<br />

rising, choose you. I set before you, in<br />

God's name, two resurrected bodies. The<br />

one radiant, glorious, Christ-like; the<br />

other worn, blasted, infernal. I commend<br />

you to the Lord of the resurrection. Con<br />

fiding in Him, Death will be to you only<br />

the black servant that opens the door<br />

and the grave will be to you only the<br />

dressing room where you dress for glo<br />


April 10, 1955<br />

Mrs. Luther McFarland<br />


Scripture: Exodus Chapter 3<br />

Memory Verse: "Jesus saith unto him,<br />

I am the way, the truth, and the life : no<br />

man cometh unto the Father, but by<br />

John 14:6.<br />

Psalms<br />

Memory Psalm 103:9-12, page 244<br />

Psalm 19:1-4, page 41<br />

Psalm 95 :6-9, page 231<br />

Psalm 93:1-5, page 228<br />

If you read all of the second chapter<br />

of Exodus last week you learned that<br />

Moses was at the court of Pharaoh<br />

about 35 years. But because of his hasty<br />

action in killing the Egyptian task<br />

master, he fled to the wilderness, where<br />

he remained forty years, until the time<br />

of our lesson today.<br />

Here in the desert Moses found a<br />

home and became a shepherd like the<br />

people among whom he lived. For forty<br />

years God was his teacher. Moses had<br />

lessons to learn which neither his moth<br />

er nor the schools of Egypt could teach<br />

him. He was alone a great part of the<br />

time, and so had much time for quiet<br />

thought and meditation. We all need<br />

quiet times in our lives when we can<br />

listen to God's voice talking to us, and<br />

when we can talk to Him. Perhaps the<br />

greatest lesson that Moses learned, and<br />

that we need to learn, is that of self con<br />

trol. In the palace as the King's grand<br />

son he learned the lesson of the use of<br />

authority; in the desert with God and<br />

the works of God as his teacher, he<br />

learned the lesson of humility.<br />

There was yet another lesson Moses<br />

was to learn, it was a lesson of rev<br />

erence in the presence of God. On that<br />

day when God spoke to Moses, the sun<br />

rose as usual in all its brightness over<br />

the sandy desert and bare mountains.<br />

The sheep browsed as<br />

usual, or lay<br />

panting in the shadow of a great rock or<br />

shrub. These things were as they had<br />

been forty years ago; there was nothing<br />

to make Moses think that God was any<br />

nearer than in days past. Suddenly an<br />

ordinary bush began to shine; it seemed<br />

to be on fire. Moses turned aside from<br />

the path he was following, to better see<br />

a bush that was on fire but was not be<br />

ing consumed or destroyed by the flame.<br />

It was then that he heard God's voice<br />

calling to him, "Moses, Moses."<br />

Then it was that Moses learned a<br />

lesson in reverence to God, Exodus 3:5,<br />

a lesson that all of us should learn. God<br />

wants all His children to come into His<br />

presence in prayer, through His Son;<br />

but we are to come in humility and in<br />

reverence. Why When we come into<br />

God's house, His church, we are to be<br />

reverent; not loud and boisterous. Why<br />

Leviticus 19:30. With reverence we<br />

should listen to the Word of God, and<br />

try to hear His message. God, in the<br />

Bible, speaks to us through the prophets,<br />


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