Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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Lesson Helps for the Week of March 20, 1955<br />

C.Y.P.U. TOPIC<br />

March 20, 1955<br />


"Character Study"<br />

Rev. Kenneth Smith<br />

Here is a suggested plan for your<br />

Young People's Meeting this week.<br />

1. Pick three people from your group<br />

to select their favorite psalm. If you ask<br />

them just before the meeting, it will<br />

give them time to select the one they<br />

love the most. Begin the meeting then<br />

with a praise service, asking each one of<br />

these folks to tell why they like the<br />

psalm they have chosen.<br />

2. Following the praise service, take<br />

some time for prayer. Ask the group if<br />

there are any specific matters for which<br />

they<br />

would like prayer; and then call on<br />

about four or five to pray, remembering<br />

these requests.<br />

3. Since the meeting<br />

centers on the<br />

subject of Bible study, have one of the<br />

:97-<br />

group prepared to read Psalm 119<br />

104 giving special note to the benefits<br />

which God promises to those who study<br />

the Bible.<br />

4. Now tonight you are going to try a<br />

different type of Bible study. It is called<br />

a "Character Study." A character study<br />

is no more than just what the subject<br />

describes: it is an analysis of a person<br />

in scripture with the purpose of learning<br />

from his life. I Corinthians 10:11 says:<br />

"Now all these things happened unto<br />

them for ensamples; and they are writ<br />

ten for our admonition, upon whom the<br />

come."<br />

ends of the world are So it is evi<br />

dent that God intends us to do "charac<br />

ter" studies that we might learn from<br />

them how we can be more effective in<br />

living for the glory<br />

of Christ.<br />

In actually doing a character study,<br />

one should write down what he can find<br />

on the following items:<br />

a. His conversion.<br />

b. His call to service.<br />

c. His strong points, (faith, prayer,<br />

etc.)<br />

d. His weak points, (sins, failures,<br />

etc.)<br />

e. His accomplishments.<br />

f. His influence.<br />

g. What to follow in his life.<br />

h. What to avoid in his life.<br />

i. What God said about him.<br />

5. The person whose life we are going<br />

to analize is Cornelius as described in<br />

Acts 10. By following the above outline,<br />

we will try to discover the elements in<br />

Cornelius that made him the man he<br />

was; and by so doing, we will be able to<br />

tell if we measure up to his character.<br />

If we see something<br />

wonderful in his<br />

life, it will give us something to try to<br />

March 2, 1955<br />

develop in ourselves with God's help.<br />

a. See that each one of the group has<br />

a copy of this list of items for which to<br />

look. Perhaps a blackboard could have<br />

the list so that everyone could see them.<br />

b. Have each person go into another<br />

part of the room and actually work out<br />

the answers from his Bible. The leader<br />

should see that paper and pencils are<br />

supplied, and he should also remind each<br />

one to note also the verse or verses from<br />

which he took his answers.<br />

c. Set a time limit. After explaining<br />

what is to be done, the leader should al<br />

low about 20 or 25 minutes for work on<br />

the study. Some will probably not finish;<br />

but it will be enough time to let them<br />

discover "how" to do a character study.<br />

The leader should do the study prior to<br />

the time of the meeting in order to be<br />

able to help any who may have some<br />

questions.<br />

d. Give a two-minute warning before<br />

saying:<br />

"Time's up!"; and then have<br />

the group gather together again to dis<br />

cuss what they found. The leader may<br />

call upon different ones to answer the<br />

different items, and this will promote<br />

everyone's having a part in the meeting.<br />

There may be certain items which are<br />

not found described in Cornelius' life;<br />

but in studying other characters they<br />

may be found. No doubt there will be<br />

plenty of discussion; and though the<br />

group wants to keep on sharing their<br />

discoveries, the leader should by all<br />

means close the meeting on time.<br />

6. In closing the meeting, the leader<br />

might suggest that each one keep this<br />

list of items for doing a Character Study<br />

and occasionally give variety to his de<br />

votional life by choosing<br />

a person in<br />

scripture and analyzing him. (It would<br />

be well to note the directions for all<br />

the study-plans described during the<br />

meetings in March. These plans are in<br />

valuable in keeping your devotional time<br />

keen and refreshing.) In most cases, it<br />

will be impossible to find in one passage<br />

all that one would like to know about<br />

characters in scripture, like David, Ab<br />

raham, Mary, the mother of Jesus, and<br />

Peter. Thus, you will need a concordance<br />

to look up all the passages in which<br />

these persons are mentioned, record<br />

them, and then consider each passage<br />

systematically. Keeping your findings in<br />

a notebook would be of great help to<br />

you in the future when you wish to re<br />

call what you found. If these suggestions<br />

are stressed by the leader, then this<br />

meeting will have lasting<br />

results as<br />

another approach has been given to<br />

JUNIOR<br />

help unfold the riches of God's Word.<br />

TOPIC<br />

March 20, 1955<br />

by Mrs. Philip W. Martin<br />


Scripture Text: Mark 15:12-25<br />

Memory Verse: "All we like sheep have<br />

gone astray; we have turned eveiy<br />

one to his own way; and the Lord hath<br />

all."<br />

laid on him the iniquity of us<br />

Isaiah 53:6<br />

Psalms:<br />

Memory Psalm for March, Psalm 130 :<br />

1-5, page 325<br />

Psalm 69:1-4, page 166<br />

Psalm 22, pages 46, 47 (use several<br />

verses from Psalm 22 for it is the<br />

psalm from which Jesus quoted<br />

while on the cross.)<br />

We are continuing our sad story from<br />

last week about the trials and death of<br />

Jesus Christ. We learned that in the<br />

middle of the night Judas pretended to<br />

be a friend of Jesus by giving Him a<br />

kiss, but this kiss was only a sign to a<br />

lot of soldiers that this was Jesus whom<br />

they were seeking to kill. Judas be<br />

trayed Jesus with a kiss. We cannot, in<br />

our short time, tell all that happened<br />

from the time Judas betrayed Jesus un<br />

til Jesus was nailed to the cross.<br />

The Jewish rulers were wanting Jesus<br />

put to death because He claimed to be<br />

God. So Jesus was taken to the high<br />

priest<br />

the highest ruler of the Jewish<br />

synagogue who should have rejoiced to<br />

see the Saviour. Peter followed the<br />

crowd and went in by the fire to keep<br />

warm. Before a man could be con<br />

demned to die there had to be the same<br />

charge brought against him by at least<br />

two witnesses. The people<br />

'<br />

inside could<br />

not agree about the reason why they<br />

had taken Jesus prisoner. Several people<br />

charged Him with things that were not<br />

so. Some people remembered things Je<br />

sus had said and twisted His words<br />

around to mean something entirely dif<br />

ferent from what Jesus meant. Through<br />

all this Jesus did not talk back. The<br />

high priest stood up<br />

He had nothing to say<br />

and asked Him if<br />

about the false<br />

charges. Still Jesus answered nothing.<br />

But when the high priest asked Jesus,<br />

"Art thou the Christ, the Son of the<br />

Blessed"<br />

then Jesus Spoke. In all His<br />

trials Jesus spoke only when there came<br />

up a question as to whether He is God<br />

or not. The Jews did not want to believe<br />

that Jesus is God so the high priest rent<br />

his clothes and said that because Jesus<br />

said He is the Saviour, therefore He<br />

must die. Then they began to hit Jesus<br />


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