Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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all."<br />

presbytery)"<br />

of'<br />

The desperation of Rome can be seen in all those<br />

Latin American countries where the Church can<br />

not dominate. Today the multitudes as never before<br />

are turning against Rome, seeking education, build<br />

ing a new middle class economy and turning as<br />

never before to the Gospel wherever it is being pro<br />

claimed. I have known Catholic Latin America for<br />

25 years, and have recently traveled over all of<br />

South America and the Iberian peninsula. Evangel<br />

ical churches are full. The response is challenging.<br />

With little wonder Rome, in desperation has turned<br />

to political action. In the Protestant countries, where<br />

complete religious freedom rules, the Roman church<br />

is growing. Recognizing that much is by immigra<br />

tion and large birthrates, nevertheless Rome pros<br />

pers. True, the Roman Catholics in Protestant<br />

lands are also tolerant and the Roman Church ab<br />

sorbs much of the Protestant concept and attitude.<br />

Yet behind the scenes, even here in America, Rome<br />

is busy infiltrating government, the public school<br />

system, and the whole political structure hoping<br />

for the day of domination and totalitarianism.<br />

Christ<br />

Not just a religion, but a PERSON, a Life. He<br />

became the "Way" and thus Christianity was first<br />

known. What is our strategy How are we to con<br />

quer the world The disciples of Christ did not use<br />

force. They did not try to establish a political system.<br />

they made no effort to intrigue the heathen by a<br />

religion of works or tickle their minds with a mystic<br />

al philosophy. The Christian Scriptural strategy is<br />

so simple we have failed to use it. The whole basis<br />

of Christianity is the relationship of the man to his<br />

Redeemer. God saves men one at a time. By faith<br />

men receive Christ. That regenerated man, made<br />

a new creation in Christ by the Holy Spirit, is to<br />

tell others what happened to him. He is to intro<br />

duce them to Christ and help them put their trust<br />

and faith in Him. Then they are to do the same<br />

thing. Believers are to assemble together. They are<br />

to live, love and serve their Lord and one another.<br />

Does it work<br />

Incredible but in one century the Gospel spread<br />

across Asia Minor, across southern Europe, to Eng<br />

land, down into Africa, and over into India. In three<br />

centuries it dominated the life of the Roman Em<br />

pire and, had it not been sabotaged by Constantine<br />

and made a state religion, the world would have<br />

been its goal. Today we press for the goal, every<br />

open land is hearing the gospel. The greatest 'band<br />

of true missionaries this world has ever seen is<br />

pushing back the veils of darkness but there is still<br />

much to do. At least a billion souls have never heard<br />

the Name of Jesus. May God grant revival to His<br />

Church around the globe, that His divine strategy<br />

may be put into effect transforming millions of<br />

born again believers into witnesses of Christ. Then<br />

we'll reach every corner of the world. Then we may<br />

look up for our Lord comes.<br />

Warning to Catholics<br />

The Point, Roman Catholic <strong>org</strong>an, has the fol<br />

lowing item, "Warning! Official diocesan figures<br />

show that one third of our American Catholic boys<br />

and girls now marry non-Catholics. Two out of three<br />

children born out of such marriages turn out non-<br />

Catholic. In 6 out of 10 mixed marriages, the Catho<br />

lic partner leaves the church. In the past 10 years,<br />

165,000 young Catholics who married Protestants<br />




BOARD . . .<br />

"There are diversities of gifts, but the same<br />

Spirit. And there are differences of administrations,<br />

but the same Lord. And there are diversities of op<br />

erations, but it is the same God which worketh all<br />

in I Cor. 12:4-6.<br />

These principles are everywhere apparent in the<br />

Church of Jesus Christ, but frequently the eyes of<br />

our<br />

understanding are darkened that we do not ob<br />

serve them. Again, on occasion, a youthful servant<br />

must be admonished in the words of Paul to Tim<br />

othy, "Stir up the gift of God that is in thee by put<br />

ting on of (the) hands (of the (n Tim.<br />

1:6). In the case of G. M. Robb, the church has,<br />

through the years, recognized certain gifts and has<br />

called for their dedication. First, gifts in the art of<br />

preaching, then gifts as a public lecturer for the<br />

Christian Amendment Movement, and gifts, of know<br />

ledge and judgment have been called into service on<br />

committees of the Synod.<br />

Soon after his appointment to the Board of<br />

Foreign Missions by the Synod 1944, the Board<br />

recognized in Mr. Robb good judgment and the<br />

grace of Christian charity. When, early in 1947, the<br />

Board came into the need of a Recording Secretary<br />

due to the illness of the late Dr. S. E. Greer, it rec<br />

ognized in Mr. Robb one who might well serve in this<br />

capacity. The Board was not disappointed, for Mr.<br />

Robb not only possessed gifts given from the hand<br />

of God, but he himself dedicated these gifts to the<br />

Master's service. Not only have the minutes of the<br />

Board Meetings been accurately and clearly recorded,<br />

but the extra touch has been rendered which made<br />

for the smoother and more effective running of the<br />

Board; these in the form of notes and notices sent<br />

to those members of the Board who had special as<br />

signments to fulfill.<br />

So, for these reasons especially, the thanks of<br />

the Board of Foreign Missions are herewith extended<br />

to our brother, G. M. Robb, as he moves from our<br />

area after nearly<br />

eleven years as a member of our<br />

Board and almost eight years as our faithful Re<br />

cording Secretary. We wish him Godspeed as he<br />

goes to take up the Lord's work in another part of<br />

the vineyard.<br />

This resolution of thanks would not be complete<br />

should we fail to record here, as well, our thanks<br />

to our Covenant God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,<br />

the giver of every good and perfect gift, for placing<br />

at our disposal, for these years, His servant in the<br />

Kingdom. "To Him be glory and honor and praise<br />

throughout all ages, world without end. Amen!"<br />

Respectfully submitted for the Board,<br />

J. Paul Wilson.<br />


. .<br />

A lecturer recently declared in the introduction<br />

of his lecture that he had received his moral training<br />

at the knee of a devout mother, and across the knee<br />

of a determined father. Sunday School Digest.<br />

and Jews before their parish priests have abandoned<br />

their Catholic faith." 217<br />

April 6, 1955

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