Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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spirit"<br />

again."<br />

feated. And on this field of combat God depends on<br />

the Christian to win the battle for Him. The battle is<br />

for the souls of men and God has decreed that man<br />

shall be a free agent, his soul cannot be coerced. But<br />

man is not expected, in fact is totally unable, to win<br />

the battle alone. Knocking at the door of his soul,<br />

waiting to be invited in, is the greatest power in the<br />

universe, God's Holy Spirit. A man or woman filled<br />

with that spirit and completely and fully controlled<br />

by that spirit, is irresistible. Nothing can stop him.<br />

Five Power Outlets<br />

There is just one source of power in our lives,<br />

God's Holy Spirit, but there are five power outlets by<br />

which He can work through us through our lives,<br />

what we are ; through our lips, what we say ; through<br />

our service, what we do; through our money, what<br />

we give; through our prayer, what we claim in<br />

Christ's name. Now the value of a life is limited to<br />

one spot at a time ; of<br />

words, to the life back of them ;<br />

of service, by time and distance; of money, by the<br />

motive for giving ; but prayer has no limits, the uni<br />

verse is its field of action.<br />

Prayer on the part of the Christian is essential<br />

to the working out of God's plan of salvation. God<br />

will do as the result of the praying of the humblest<br />

believer what otherwise He, the Omnipotent, could<br />

not do. Startling, but those are Christ's very words,<br />

"that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My<br />

name He may do it."<br />

(John 15:16). God, although<br />

all-powerful, must have our co-operation in this fate<br />

ful combat, because He has willed that man shall<br />

fight the battle and win the world for Christ. Our<br />

prayer then is God's opportunity to get into the<br />

world that would shut Him out so that there He may,<br />

through us, contend with the forces of Satan.<br />

Radio Is a Clue<br />

The radio gives us a little clue as to the way<br />

prayer works. Each devout believer is both a re<br />

ceiving and a sending set. As a receiver he can, al<br />

ways through the action of the Holy Spirit, tune in<br />

on God's great sending station in heaven and receive<br />

all the energy he can or will accept. And then, in turn<br />

he can be a transmitting station, directing his power<br />

beam to any quarter of the globe. And where that<br />

beam hits, a telling blow has been struck against the<br />

concealed foe, the only kind of offense, repeated of<br />

ten enough and with enough power, inevitably puts<br />

him to rout.<br />

Or another illustration of prayer is the main<br />

switchboard of a city's electrical system. Into that<br />

center comes the power from the generating plant.<br />

can direct<br />

The operator, by merely flicking switches,<br />

that power wherever he chooses over the outgoing<br />

lines. And prayer, like electricity, is power, and<br />

prayer does get results. Again witness Elijah. But<br />

there are myriads of modern instances, things hap<br />

pening around us daily, for which prayer is the only<br />

possible explanation.<br />

Three Phases<br />

Prayer is intercourse with God and consists of<br />

three distinct phases. The first is communion, simply<br />

being tuned in, being on good and familiar terms with<br />

God through the blood of the cross shed for our sins.<br />

This communion is the basis of all prayer, it is the<br />

essential breath of the Christian's life.<br />

18<br />

The second phase is petition, asking for what<br />

we need. That includes everything, for all good things<br />

are from God. With our station tuned in on God,<br />

there is and should be a constant, almost uncon<br />

scious, stream of petitions going up all the time,<br />

and a return stream of answers and power coming<br />

back. "Praying always with all prayer and supplica<br />

tion in the (Ephesians 6:18).<br />

The third phase of prayer is intercession. True<br />

prayer never stops with oneself, it is constantly<br />

reaching out for others. Communion and petition<br />

charge the battery of our lives, intercession turns<br />

that power into useful work in the whole world about<br />

us. And those directional beams travel with the speed<br />

of thought. Like radar they can instantly be directed<br />

where we will to a sick bed in a a loved<br />

hospital^to<br />

one far away, to a struggling missionary in Liberia,<br />

or Japan, or China, or on the Bowery, to a President<br />

beset on every side to wherever the battle is the<br />

fiercest and the help most needed.<br />

Six Basic Facts<br />

There are six basic facts underlying prayer<br />

which should be noted. First The earth is the<br />

Lord's, His by creation and sovereign rule. Second<br />

God gave the dominion of the earth to man. Third<br />

Man, by his sin of disobedience to God and<br />

obedience to Satan, lost that dominion and<br />

automatically turned it over to the devil. Fourth<br />

The kingship or rulership of the earth, which was<br />

given to man, now belongs to Satan. Fifth Since<br />

man, in the person of Adam, the representative of all<br />

mankind, gave the earth away, God, to get it back,<br />

must have another representative man. And the only<br />

man capable of doing that, of waging successful war<br />

against the arch enemy, was the God-Man, Jesus<br />

Christ. Sixth For 33 years God's Man and the pre<br />

tender-prince fought a duel on and for the earth, the<br />

most terrific combat ever waged or witnessed. "The<br />

waster prince of subtilty and force" did his best and<br />

his worst, and finally triumphed when God's Man<br />

hung dead upon the Cross. But did he On the third<br />

day Jesus rose triumphant, victorious over Death and<br />

Hell, and Satan knew that he was vanquished.<br />

But Satan refuses to acknowledge his defeat, he<br />

refuses to surrender his dominion until he must, he<br />

has the consent of the vast majority of men to his<br />

control, and he still hopes to make his possession of<br />

the earth permanent.<br />

Strange Sequel<br />

And now comes the strange and glorious sequel<br />

to this battle. What does Christ the victor do "He<br />

has left the conflict open, left the defeated chief on<br />

the field so that He, Christ, may win the whole prodi<br />

gal race back to His Father's home circle But,<br />

before that is accomplished, a great pitched battle,<br />

the last, must be fought on the earth. Apparently<br />

Satan is trying hard to get a Jesus, a representative<br />

man who will stand for him as Jesus stood for God,<br />

and when he finds that man then the great final<br />

battle will be fought.<br />

"Now prayer is this :<br />

a man down here on this<br />

sin-cursed earth, his life in full touch with the Victor,<br />

and contending against the pretender, insistently<br />

claiming that Satan shall yield before Jesus' victory,<br />

step by step, life by life. Jesus is the victor. Satan<br />

knows it and fears Him. He must yield before this<br />


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