Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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ever."<br />

scene"<br />

word."<br />

clean."<br />

spirit."<br />

am."<br />

Why Covenant Now<br />

S. Bruce Willson, D.D.<br />

The first of three Saturday evening addresses at the Grinnell Conference, July 17, 195U.<br />

The word "Covenant" is a treasured word in our<br />

vocabulary. We have heard of the covenants of the<br />

past and Mr. Blackwood will be speaking of that<br />

particular phase of our subject a little later. We will<br />

be concerned with the application of the Covenant as<br />

it concerns each individual, and Mr. McMillan will de<br />

velop that theme. But the subject that may be con<br />

cerning some of us this<br />

Now"<br />

evening is, "Why Covenant<br />

If we wanted to be formal we might speak<br />

of "The Contemporary Problem of Covenanting."<br />

What is there in the "contemporary which<br />

calls for covenanting now Why should the church<br />

covenant at this time To focus our attention upon<br />

this question I wish to call attention to a common<br />

word used in the Scripture, "henceforth." We find it<br />

in the record of the covenant of promises in Isaiah<br />

59:20, 21: "And the Redeemer shall come to Zion,<br />

and unto them that turn from transgression in Ja<br />

cob, saith the Lord. As for me, this is my covenant<br />

with them, saith the Lord; My spirit that is upon<br />

thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth,<br />

shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the<br />

mouth of<br />

thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy<br />

seed's seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and for<br />

We are indebted to the Anglo-Saxons for many<br />

words in our modern speech. The early Britons had a<br />

word "hens" from which has been derived our word<br />

hence. "Hens," had nothing to do with poultry, but<br />

meant "the place where you are now standing, from<br />

which you must proceed in any<br />

direction."<br />

It as<br />

sumes that somehow you have gotten to that place<br />

where you now stand.<br />

All who attend this conference have come to this<br />

place by traveling from our homes by train or bus<br />

or plane or car. In another sense, however, we have<br />

come to this place for the purpose of renewing our<br />

Covenant with God. Throughout the history of the<br />

Church, God has prepared the way whereby each<br />

generation may come to dedicate the life which he<br />

has given through a pledge of loyalty. Tonight we<br />

have come to this place by God's grace. For us, at<br />

this moment, this is hence.<br />

Someone may be considering another question.<br />

"Why should we renew our human covenants, when<br />

there is but one Covenant of Grace " The plan of sal<br />

vation has been made possible because God the Fa<br />

ther and God the Son entered into the Covenant of<br />

Grace. This is the Scriptural teaching which under<br />

lies all Christian faith. Our human covenants, be<br />

tween individuals, in group associations, in nations<br />

and between nations are dependent upon the mutual<br />

trust. Even more, the covenants which bind men to<br />

one another in God's kingdom's work, is grounded<br />

upon the eternal Covenant of God. But God's hence<br />

is not our hence. The Covenant of Grace was made in<br />

the councils of eternity. There is neither time nor<br />

place for the Covenant of God, it is eternal. It is<br />

from eternity to eternity the same. But as far as our<br />

life is concerned the hence of the Covenant of God<br />

does enter into human history. We can point to a<br />

period when God's Son came and took His stand at<br />

a designated place. And for Him that place became<br />

<strong>54</strong><br />

His hence. There He was nailed to the cross. There<br />

He was lifted up by men who did not believe in Him.<br />

They said to Him, "If you are the Son of God, come<br />

down (from that place) and we will believe." There<br />

He completed His covenant promise. This was<br />

Christ's hence. It was at this point God came into<br />

our life in this unique manner.<br />

Calvary is the starting point, so far as you and<br />

I are concerned, in our relationship with God. It is<br />

our starting point, because Christ willingly took His<br />

stand there, having come into the world to accom<br />

plish the purpose of the Covenant of redemption. It<br />

was there He could say, "It is finished." "Into thy<br />

hands I commend my<br />

Jesus spoke, not for<br />

Himself alone, but for you and for me. We too may<br />

stand in the presence of God because He has taken<br />

upon Himself the burden of our sin. He is our Re<br />

deemer as had been foretold, "The Redeemer shall<br />

come to Zion." And Zion became the meeting place<br />

with the Son of God. And there come with Him those<br />

"who turn from transgression in Jacob," Jacob, the<br />

usurper who unlawfully takes the place of another;<br />

who by the grace of God became Israel, the man who<br />

stands with God.<br />

God said this is My covenant with you who<br />

stand in this place. Having accepted Jesus Christ you<br />

have accepted that Covenant of Grace which was en<br />

tered into in the place where you could not stand, and<br />

because you are mortal, where only the God-man<br />

could come and stand. You are called upon that you<br />

may now have the privilege of talking with God and<br />

having fellowship with Him. That you might receive<br />

from Him His blessing, and that you might return<br />

to Him your love.<br />

Hence! No one can enter into Covenant with God<br />

until he has taken his stand there upon the Covenant<br />

of Grace. We must say with the Apostle, "By the<br />

grace of God, I am what I Only by the love of<br />

Christ am I called from the sin of which too often I<br />

am not conscious. Only by His Holy Spirit convicting<br />

me am I shown wherein I have lived for selfish ends<br />

and purposes. God by His Holy Spirit brings me to<br />

stand at the foot of the Cross. But when He has<br />

brought me to that place, He says, "My grace is<br />

sufficient for thee." "My spirit is upon thee, and my<br />

words which I have put in thy mouth shall not de<br />

part out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy<br />

seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed from<br />

henceforth, saith the Lord." What a wonderful bless<br />

ing it is to hear God say, "All the words that I com<br />

mand thee to speak unto them; diminish not a<br />

We cannot speak for God until we have<br />

me."<br />

obeyed His invitation to "Follow It is a wonder<br />

ful experience to have the fellowship with Christ. To<br />

have that peace of heart and conscience He<br />

alone can give. What a glad privilege that is ! And yet<br />

I hear Christ speak to the man who said, "I want to<br />

follow you. I too want that wonderful<br />

fellowship with<br />

one who can feed five thousand people with no visible<br />

effort. With one who can look at the blind man and<br />

say, "See." Who can touch the leper and say to such a<br />

a man, "Be thou This Christ I love His fel<br />

lowship. I want to be with Him. But let me first<br />


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