Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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me"<br />

creature."<br />

would."<br />

good."<br />

it<br />

yourselves."<br />

nothing."<br />

men."<br />

nothing."<br />

wife."<br />

pillar."<br />

ing of the first day of the week to put<br />

sweet-smelling spices on the body of<br />

Jesus to preserve it. On their way to the<br />

grave they<br />

wondered who would roll<br />

away the stone from the mouth of the<br />

tomb or sepulchre. Instead of digging<br />

down and lowering the casket into a<br />

grave as we do, they<br />

had a cave-like<br />

place on the side of a hill where they<br />

laid Jesus' body<br />

and a huge stone cov<br />

ered the entrance. Who would roll away<br />

the stone But as they came near the<br />

place, they saw that the stone was rolled<br />

away already! And when they looked in<br />

they saw a young man who had on a<br />

long white garment. The women were so<br />

frightened that they could not speak.<br />

So the young<br />

man (an angel) said,<br />

"Don't be afraid. I know you have come<br />

to see the body of Jesus. Here is where<br />

He was laid, but He is not here. He is<br />

risen! Go to the disciples and tell them<br />

(and especially Peter) that I will meet<br />

them in Galilee just as I said I<br />

I wonder why Peter was named.<br />

Wasn't he one of the disciples Yes,<br />

Peter was one of the disciples. Peter<br />

was one who liked to brag about him<br />

self. I'm sure you have seen some boys<br />

and girls like that. Peter tried to brush<br />

it off when Jesus warned him that he<br />

would be tempted to deny Him. Surely<br />

he would never deny Jesus. Why, he<br />

was ready to die with Him. But Peter<br />

did deny Jesus and Jesus turned and<br />

looked on Peter. Peter went out and<br />

wept bitterly. He was broken-hearted.<br />

How could Jesus have anything more<br />

to do with one who had so denied Him!<br />

But this message especially to Peter was<br />

a message full of love and f<strong>org</strong>iveness.<br />

Then when Jesus did meet with His dis<br />

ciples He asked Peter three times,<br />

"Lovest thou<br />

as Peter had denied Jesus.<br />

just as many times<br />

Jesus appeared to several people and<br />

groups of people and then forty days<br />

after He had risen from the dead He<br />

was speaking to His disciples and said,<br />

"Go ye into all the world and preach<br />

the gospel to every<br />

Then Je<br />

sus was taken up, up, up. And a cloud<br />

received Him out of their sight. Jesus<br />

is alive and He is in heaven, sitting at<br />

the right hand of God the Father plead<br />

ing for you and for me.<br />

Jesus has paid the price for the sins of<br />

all who will receive His gift of salvation.<br />

As soon as we receive this precious gift<br />

we must do just what those women were<br />

told to do. "GO QUICKLY AND TELL''<br />

(Matthew 28:7).<br />

Suppose you had borrowed $1,000<br />

from the bank. You intended to pay it<br />

back in a certain time. But you got hurt<br />

and couldn't earn your money so you<br />

could pay back the $1,000. As the time<br />

came when you should have paid the<br />

1<strong>54</strong><br />

bank, you went to the banker and told<br />

him your troubles. The banker tells you<br />

that you need not worry for some friend<br />

knew your condition and he paid the<br />

$1,000 for you. Well, you could hardly<br />

believe it but pretty soon your eyes fill<br />

with tears even though you have a smile.<br />

The lines of worry soon leave your face<br />

and before you know it you are telling<br />

your friends and neighbors about your<br />

friend. Jesus has paid the penalty for<br />

your sins. He has also obeyed God for<br />

you. Do you believe this Wouldn't you<br />

think the man in our story would have<br />

been silly if he had said to the banker,<br />

"No, I don't believe any of my friends<br />

put in $1,000 for me. I just must try to<br />

pay the $1,000<br />

somehow"<br />

But he is not<br />

as silly as the one who just won't be<br />

lieve that Jesus died on the cross for our<br />

sins. How thankful we should be and<br />

how anxious we should be to tell the<br />

good news of salvation to our friends!<br />

"For God so loved the world, that he<br />

gave his only begotten Son, that whoso<br />

ever believeth on him should not perish,<br />

but have everlasting<br />

life."<br />



March 27, 1955<br />


ORDER<br />

Rev. W. J. McBurney<br />

(Lessons based on International Sunday School<br />

Lessons; the International Bible Lessons for<br />

Christian Teaching:,<br />

copyrighted by the Inter<br />

national Council of Religious Education.)<br />

Matt. 5:13-16; Luke 10:29-37; Rom. 13;<br />

Eph. 4:17-32; I Peter 4:12-19<br />

PRINTED: Matt. 5:13-16; Luke 10:30-<br />

37; Rom. 13:8-10; I Peter 4:12-16<br />

MEMORY: Rom. 12:21: "Be not over<br />

come of evil, but overcome evil with<br />

Christ speaks several times of salt.<br />

Only once can His words be understood<br />

literally. That is when He said, "Salt is<br />

good."<br />

It makes food pleasant, and the<br />

Galilean Fishermen could not have<br />

marketed their fish in Jerusalem with<br />

out salt.<br />

Christ said, "Ye are the salt of the<br />

earth."<br />

As His redeemed people, we are<br />

to make the world more pleasant, and<br />

ward off social decay. James had much<br />

to say about the damage speech could<br />

do, flowing from an unbridled tongue.<br />

Paul said "Let your speech be seasoned<br />

with salt,<br />

and be at peace one with an<br />

other."<br />

We are not to carry<br />

around in a salt-cellar,<br />

our salt<br />

we might not<br />

have it with us at a needed moment.<br />

Christ said, "Have salt in It<br />

should be a quality in our personality.<br />

In connection with salt, Christ utters<br />

two terrible warnings; the first is<br />

against the loss of this saving quality in<br />

our personality. "But if the salt have<br />

lost its savor, ...<br />

is henceforth good<br />

for<br />

We never saw savorless<br />

salt. At least, I never did. There is no<br />

way in nature which salt looses its<br />

by<br />

savor. Salt cliffs<br />

centuries<br />

standing in<br />

the sun, are as salt as ever. Salt has<br />

been in solution in the ocean for thou<br />

sands of years,<br />

and is still salty. On the<br />

shore of Salt Lake, it has been desolved<br />

and dried countless times, and is still<br />

salt for our tables.<br />

Christ's listeners knew all about salt<br />

without savor. To this day, the Jews and<br />

Arabs that live near the Dead Sea or the<br />

Valley<br />

of Salt floor their bake-ovens<br />

with salt, because it absorbs much heat<br />

and gives it off slowly. After many fir<br />

ings, the salt looses its character, be<br />

comes insoluable in water, therefore<br />

has no taste: for salt is tasteless until<br />

dissolved. Then this savorless salt is cast<br />

out to be walked on in front of the oven,<br />

and new salt is put in the oven. Christ<br />

called this burnt out salt, "Good for<br />

nothing, but to be cast out and trodden<br />

under foot of<br />

And He was talking<br />

about folks who should be "the salt of<br />

the<br />

for<br />

earth."<br />

A terrible doom, to be "Good<br />

The other warning<br />

was against sins<br />

that Christ enumerates that preceded<br />

the flood and the destruction of Sodom.<br />

He did not mention gross sins, but<br />

rather the common pleasures and occu<br />

pations that were good in themselves,<br />

but were made the chief end of life,<br />

giving God a secondary place, if not<br />

crowding<br />

Him out entirely. Read this<br />

description of life (Luke 17:26-32) and<br />

compare it with what we see today.<br />

How easily these things can be put first<br />

and be made the chief end of our lives!<br />

Then passing<br />

the general disaster of<br />

the flood and fire, Christ gives the per<br />

sonal, individual warning, "Remember<br />

Lot's<br />

This has often been trans<br />

lated literally, without examining the<br />

text. Is the story<br />

of Gen. 19:26 to be<br />

understood materially, or figuratively as<br />

Christ spoke of salt Christ spoke of<br />

two kinds of salt; "good" and "good for<br />

nothing."<br />

Notice that we are not told of<br />

anything that was done to, or happened<br />

to Lot's wife. She did two things; she<br />

looked back, and she became. The second<br />

appears to have been the logical result<br />

of the first. Did she become good salt, or<br />

the burnt out, good for nothing kind<br />

Then she became "a<br />

The word<br />

pillar, appears a hundred times in the<br />

Old Testament. In every time save one,<br />

it refers to a person or object regarded<br />

for beauty<br />

or support. Now that one<br />

time it is from a different Hebrew word<br />

that is used eleven times, but only once<br />

translated "pillar." Nine times it is<br />

translated "garrison" and once "gover<br />

nor."<br />

These should support and be a<br />

strength in their community. All these<br />


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