Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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ones."<br />

commentaries."<br />

Excerpts From A Circular Letter<br />

By David Hansen<br />

We have just finished another communion sea<br />

son and two young ladies, having confessed their<br />

faith in Christ, were baptized, and entered the<br />

church. Another young lady has transferred her<br />

membership by letter from a Kyodan church. The<br />

Kyodan is the group of Christian churches which<br />

submitted to the pressure of the government dur<br />

ing the war and found themselves united without<br />

regard for denominations or beliefs. Now they have<br />

no distinctive principles and virtually no Chris<br />

tianity in the Bible sense of the word. This young<br />

woman, by her own testimony has "found" her<br />

Christian life again in this congregation where<br />

Christ is Lord indeed. The membership of the<br />

Ichinotani congregation now stands at 33 commu<br />

nicant members and 20 baptized members, with a<br />

dozen to 15 non-members attending Sabbath serv<br />

ices. Of course we reach a hundred or so others in<br />

smaller Bible study groups during the week but<br />

these groups are always varying with people coming<br />

and going. As long as the congregation is growing<br />

steadily we know that our witness is bearing fruit.<br />

The U. N. service men in Korea are allowed to<br />

come to Japan on R.&R. leave (that's Rest and<br />

Recuperation) and many show up here in Kobe.<br />

The Chaplain out at the base together with some<br />

of the missionaries in Kobe have a program for<br />

them a couple of times a week. It gives them some<br />

thing to do and helps to keep them out of reach<br />

of those leeches who drag them into bars and<br />

nouses of prostitution. At the meetings there's<br />

singing, a gospel message, and then the rest of the<br />

evening is given over to refreshments and games.<br />

The other night there was a special treat when<br />

two men spoke to the soldiers. One was DeShazer,<br />

the man who came here first as a member of Doolittle's<br />

bombing raid at the beginning of the war.<br />

He was taken prisoner when the plane ran out of<br />

gas and while in the Japanese prison he became a<br />

Christian. Six years or so ago he came back here<br />

as a missionary. He works near here and we have<br />

the opportunity to meet and talk with him now<br />

and then. The other man who spoke has the name<br />

Fuchida. He was the pilot who commanded the flight<br />

of Japanese airplanes which bombed Pearl Harbor<br />

and destroyed so much of our Pacific fleet at the<br />

start of the war. He related his experiences and<br />

told how he had come to know Christ as his Sav<br />

iour. His English is rather difficult to understand<br />

but he has a real testimony to give about God's<br />

saving grace. It was a pleasure to hear those two<br />

speak and somehow or other it gave me an added<br />

pleasure of confidence in the ultimate victory of<br />

the cause of Christ when I saw both DeShazer and<br />

Fuchida who had been members of opposing forces<br />

just a few years ago and now united in their work<br />

for the glory of God.<br />

But we see that same thing taking place in the<br />

lives of the people around us and we thank God<br />

for an opportunity to have a part in it. Please con<br />

tinue to remember the work here in your prayers,<br />

for it is only in God's strength and by His grace<br />

that anything at all is accomplished.<br />

Also please continue to bear in mind that we<br />

need more help<br />

out here. When Miss Adams went<br />

February 2, 1955<br />

home the work that she did had to be dropped for<br />

lack of a person who could take it over. A single<br />

lady missionary is very badly needed one who<br />

can spend practically all her time conducting Bible<br />

classes. And when Miss Huston goes home we will<br />

need to replace her also, which makes two that are<br />

needed. These Bible classes are essential for the<br />

work here because practically<br />

all the Christians<br />

in the congregation made their first contact through<br />

a Bible class. When you see the joy<br />

of Christ shin<br />

ing in the eyes of the one who has found Him as<br />

Saviour you will know that it is worth all that it<br />

costs. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send<br />

forth more laborers into this part of His Harvest<br />

field.<br />

<strong>Covenanter</strong> Book Room News Letter<br />

By Rose A. Huston<br />

Like the Preacher of old, we have "sought to<br />

find out acceptable words, and that which was writ<br />

ten uprightly, even words of truth;" and we are<br />

thankful for the saints of God who have searched<br />

the riches of His word and explained them for the<br />

edification of the Church. Here are a few samples<br />

of words of appreciation we often hear,<br />

"It is wonderful to come in here and choose a<br />

good book without having to search through piles<br />

of worthless<br />

"This Book Room is becoming known<br />

known and is much appreciated by Japanese pas<br />

tors."<br />

and well<br />

"We cannot afford to buy many books, and we<br />

know we can get the best books here."<br />

"In our Seminary we had no such good books as<br />

these; now I cannot preach without Calvin, and I<br />

hope some day to be able to buy a complete set of<br />

his<br />

"We students are so thankful for the Cove<br />

nanter Book Room."<br />

These and similar words encourage and inspire<br />

us, every book goes out with a prayer that it may<br />

become a foundation stone in a strong Christian<br />

Church in Japan.<br />

We are now able to stock a greater variety of<br />

good books in Japanese. A translation of Machen's<br />

"Christian Faith in a Modern World" recently came<br />

off the press. "What is Faith" by Machen, "What<br />

is Roman Catholic Teaching" by Hodge, "Intro<br />

duction to the New Testament" by Thiessen, and<br />

many others have been published during the past<br />

"Christianity"<br />

six months.<br />

by Rev. Mr. Okada of<br />

the Reformed Church Seminary, and others by the<br />

Reformed Church Seminary Staff are being pub<br />

lished from time to time. Other publishers have<br />

put out many new books which we are glad to keep<br />

in stock.<br />

The Rev. Mr. Ogawa and Mrs. Ogawa have<br />

made a good beginning on the translation of "The<br />

Child's Bible Story" by Mrs. C. Vos, and we have<br />

secured permission from the publishers, to print<br />

it in his monthly magazine of Bible studies. If it<br />

proves acceptable, it may be published in book form<br />

later. For some months, Mr. Ogawa has been buy<br />

ing Commentaries on the Psalms, and current is<br />

sues carry comments on the Psalms for daily read-<br />


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