Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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Some of those visited are already members of<br />

some church in another community. They have<br />

simply neglected to transfer their membership: we<br />

will invite them to become active members of our<br />

fellowship and offer to help them in securing that<br />

transfer soon. Some have allowed their membership<br />

to lapse: we will invite them to make reaffirmation<br />

of their faith. Others have never made any profes<br />

sion of their faith: we will present Christ to them<br />

as their Saviour and Lord.<br />

It may be well to keep the following in mind as<br />

we carry on this mission:<br />

1. You are, first of all, an ambassador of Christ and<br />

as such represent His Church.<br />

2. Limit your call to approximately thirty minutes.<br />

3. Before you call:<br />

(a) Decide which of the two will open and direct<br />

the conversation.<br />

(b) Pray before and as you enter the home; keep<br />

praying as you converse.<br />

(c) Be sure you know why this person or home<br />

has been assigned for a call.<br />

4. After entering the home :<br />

(a) Be cordial in your greeting.<br />

(b) Make clear the purpose of your call and the<br />

name of the church you represent.<br />

(c) If company is present in the home, excuse<br />

yourself and offer to come back another time.<br />

Seek to make a definite date.<br />

(d) Assume the best.<br />

(e) Manifest a friendly interest in and concern for<br />

the members of the family, their work, their hob<br />

bies, their needs. Remember you are members of<br />

Concerned."<br />

the "Fellowship of the<br />

(f) Come to the point of your mission as soon as<br />

possible.<br />

(g) Visit for a verdict.<br />

(h) Be natural, relaxed.<br />

(i) Make your call Christ centered, not church<br />

centered.<br />

(j) Ask questions, for questions get people to talk<br />

ing; help bring out what is upon their minds and<br />

hearts.<br />

Specifically, make clear our need for the Saviour<br />

our need for salvation from sin unto God. If they<br />

confess that need, point out God's wonderful provi<br />

sion for meeting that need in the person and work of<br />

Jesus Christ, His Son. Make clear the necessity for<br />

accepting that which God has provided for our sal<br />

vation. If the person, or persons, indicate their readi<br />

ness and willingness to repent, confess, and accept<br />

God's provision for their need, encourage them to<br />

make that decision at once and to record it on a card<br />

you provide for that purpose. If opposition is mani<br />

fest or excuses are offered, deal with them in the<br />

spirit of Christ. If they say that their knowledge of<br />

spiritual truth is wholly inadequate to make such a<br />

decision, invite them to the pastor's instruction class.<br />

Make absolutely clear the steps necesary for mem<br />

bership in your local church.<br />

In bringing your visit to a close, express your ap<br />

preciation and thanks for the visit. If a decision has<br />

been made, give expression to your joy and satisfac<br />

tion. In any event, offer to pray briefly with them,<br />

giving thanks for blessings received and interceding<br />

294<br />

for needs revealed in the interview. If no decision has<br />

been made, ask that the matter be given earnest,<br />

prayerful consideration and indicate your willingness<br />

to return. Invite all the members of the household to<br />

the ministry of your church. Make clear that, if de<br />

sired, your pastor will be happy to call and explain<br />

more fully what it means to be a Christian.<br />

Avoid : Controversial questions, if possible (you<br />

are there as a witness to Christ, to give expression<br />

to and to seek to obtain affirmations of faith in Him<br />

and His Word) ; "holier than thou" attitude ; dis<br />

couragement (remember seed sown today does not<br />

immediately take root and come to fruition) ; preach<br />

ing (you are not sent to preach but to present Christ<br />

in your own words) ; arguments (you are not sent<br />

as a lawyer but as a witness) ; being sidetracked;<br />

keep directing the conversation toward Christ ; mak<br />

ing mere goodwill visits; merely getting people to<br />

join your church.<br />

Believe: That you have a Christ to share who<br />

save unto the uttermost all that<br />

can really<br />

come unto the Father by him." that there are<br />

people waiting for an invitation to come in<br />

to the joy of salvation and into the fellowship<br />

of His Church ; that the Holy Spirit can do for and to<br />

others what He has done for and to you; that the<br />

Lord can and will use you to bring others to faith in<br />

Him.<br />

Be: Patient, pleasant, prayerful, expectant; "ac<br />

cording to thy faith be it unto thee." Be on the look<br />

out for all you may commend. Be eager to lead men<br />

to want to do what you are inviting them to do. Be<br />

prepared to report your results and to share your<br />

experiences with others sent out on similar missions.<br />

Be sure always to please Him by your conduct and<br />

conversation.<br />

Resource Material<br />

Instructions For Evangelistic Visitors<br />

Preparations For Evangelistic Visiting<br />

Order from Division of Evangelism of<br />

The Presbyterian Church, U. S. A.<br />

The Prebyterian Church, U. S.<br />

The United Presbyterian Church<br />

Laymen Visit for Christ and His Church<br />

They Went Forth Two By Two<br />

Order from Tidings<br />

1908 Grand Avenue<br />

Nashville 5, Tennessee<br />


The Christian Sabbath. Arthur W. Pink<br />

@2c<br />

@2c<br />

@2c<br />

@10c<br />

In a day when the Sabbath is so largely neg<br />

lected or misused, this pamphlet ought to be widely<br />

read.<br />

Mr. Pink speaks of the purpose of God in giv<br />

and how it was emphasized in the<br />

ing the Sabbath,<br />

Ten Commandments, how kept by Christ and how it<br />

ought to be kept in the Christian church.<br />

Sabbath breaking is a common sin. It is wise<br />

and right for us all to take time enough to think<br />

about the Sabbath, our need of it, and how we<br />

should keep it. This book is Biblical and needed.<br />

It sells for 30c a copy and can be had from The<br />

Bible Truth Depot, Mr. I. C. Herendeen, of Swengel,<br />

Union County, Penna.<br />

R.C.F.<br />


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