Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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cymbal"<br />

nacle."<br />

pens when one or the other becomes in<br />

terested in something else There are<br />

many other things which pose as love<br />

sympathy, hero worship, success, etc.<br />

but none of these should be the basis<br />

for a Christian marriage.<br />

True "love" in marriage is a response<br />

to the love of God; it should reveal that<br />

discernment, purity, unselfishness, and<br />

understanding which characterize every<br />

part of the Christian life. True love<br />

does not come magically<br />

at the marri<br />

age ceremony, but it is developed dur<br />

ing courtship. As we date and eventual<br />

ly become engaged, we should always be<br />

thinking of those things which will<br />

make for a mature and lasting love.<br />

Especially, the question of our faith is<br />

important, for not only our love, but<br />

also the love of our partner should be<br />

a response to the love of God.<br />

Love is something that grows with<br />

use; without use, it dies. The more we<br />

love, the more we want to love. And the<br />

more we love, the more discerning our<br />

love becomes;<br />

want to help<br />

it becomes natural to<br />

and understand others.<br />

Both our CYPU Pledge and the Cove<br />

nant of 19<strong>54</strong> remind us that "we will<br />

encourage by our example . . .<br />

love!"<br />

Let others see that we have received<br />

the love of God by the way in which we<br />

show love toward God and toward our<br />

fellow men.<br />

For discussion:<br />

1. What is love God's love Our re<br />

sponse<br />

2. Show the difference between mere<br />

physical attraction and true love.<br />

3. What do you think about someone<br />

who says he loves God, and yet is dis<br />

respectful to his parents<br />

4. Why is witnessing "as a sounding<br />

brass or a tinkling<br />

love<br />

without<br />

5. If we truly love our fellow men are<br />

we going to let them go on living with<br />

out telling them about Christ<br />

6. How do we know when we are "in<br />

love" What place do mutual interests<br />

and a mutual faith have in loving some<br />

one<br />

7. How would you answer someone<br />

who said, "What do you do if you fall<br />

in love with an<br />

unbeliever"<br />

(Should<br />

we date someone whom we know to be<br />

an unbeliever)<br />

It's You<br />

It's not money He wants, but men;<br />

Not coin, but character;<br />

Not tithes, but tithers;<br />

Not gifts, but the givers;<br />

One's sense of partnership with Christ<br />

is heightened as one places first in his<br />

life of obligations, the one he owes to<br />

the Master through His Church.<br />

June 8, 1955<br />


June 26, 1955<br />

by Mrs. Parke W. Wicks<br />

Syracuse Congregation<br />



Scripture Text: Exodus 40<br />

Leader: Exodus 25:23-40; 37; 38:1-8<br />

Memory Verse: "Then a cloud covered<br />

the tent of the congregation, and the<br />

glory<br />

Psalms:<br />

of the Lord filled the taber<br />

Exodus 40:34<br />

Memory Psalm for June, Psalm 103:<br />

5-8, page 247<br />

Psalm 29:1, 2, 6, page 66<br />

Psalm 95:1, 2, 5, page 231<br />

The curtanis and boards, the furni<br />

ture of the tabernacle have been com<br />

pleted and Moses has passed his ap<br />

proval of the work. God now tells him<br />

to set up the tabernacle the first day<br />

of the first month. This is almost a year<br />

since the people have come out of<br />

Egypt. Moses is ordered to set up the<br />

tabernacle first, then to put the ark in<br />

its place, and draw the veil before it,<br />

then to fix the table, and the candle<br />

stick, and the altar of incense, without<br />

the veil, and to fix the hanging of the<br />

door before the door. In the court he<br />

was to place the altar of burnt offering,<br />

and the laver; then the curtains of the<br />

court, and a hanging for a court-gate.<br />

After the tabernacle and furnishings are<br />

set up Moses was to anoint them with<br />

oil, and then consecrate Aaron and his<br />

sons as priests. As soon as Moses placed<br />

the table he set the show-bread on it<br />

(verse 23), for God will never have His<br />

table empty. When he placed the can<br />

dlestick he lighted the lamps before the<br />

Lord (verse 25) ;<br />

when the golden altar<br />

was put in its place he burnt sweet in<br />

cense thereon (verse 27). Then the al<br />

tar of burnt offering was set up and he<br />

had an offering ready to offer upon it<br />

(verse 29). Moses did all these things,<br />

not only to instruct the priests, but to<br />

show that God's gifts to us are for use<br />

and not show. We are to make use of<br />

our talents and not save them.<br />

All this was done while they were in<br />

the wilderness. "Then a cloud covered<br />

the tent of the congregation, and the<br />

tabernacle."<br />

glory of the Lord filled the<br />

Now here God comes to dwell with the<br />

people, to be their King. He owned<br />

them, and was pleased with their labors.<br />

He f<strong>org</strong>ave them for their sin of the<br />

golden calf. We can use this lesson to<br />

show how Christ came to save us. We<br />

need to prepare ourselves according to<br />

His directions; the tabernacle of old be<br />

ing our bodies,<br />

and after we have made<br />

our minds and hearts ready to receive<br />

Him, He will come and dwell within us.<br />

He will f<strong>org</strong>ive us of our sins if we but<br />

follow His word and do His will<br />

as the making and erecting<br />

bernacle. Also as they<br />

tabernacle in the wilderness,<br />

just<br />

of the ta<br />

established the<br />

so we can<br />

accept Christ as our Saviour in any<br />

place and at any time, as long as we<br />

confess our sins, and acknowledge Him<br />

to be Lord and Master of our lives.<br />

The same cloud which led the people<br />

out of Egypt settled upon the taber<br />

nacle and became a token of God's pres<br />

ence to all Israel. When the cloud was<br />

taken up the camp moved, and when<br />

the cloud was not taken up they re<br />

mained in camp. The cloud made an ex<br />

tra protection for the tabernacle. Our<br />

protection for our tabernacle comes<br />

from the love of the Lord Jesus, and is<br />

constantly with us too, covering us over<br />

like a cloud, and is with us at home, at<br />

play, wherever we may<br />

go. So as the<br />

Israelites'<br />

glory of the Lord filled the<br />

tabernacle, the glory of Jesus in our<br />

hearts should cause us to shine before<br />

others in our doing the will of and lov<br />

ing our Saviour.<br />

When we have the word of the Lord<br />

in our hearts it is clear to all we meet<br />

that we would do good, and not evil, and<br />

that the Saviour truly dwells within us.<br />

Moses and Aaron and Aaron's sons<br />

acted as the go-betweens between God<br />

and His people. We have Jesus Christ<br />

to plead our cause to God and help us in<br />

our life here on earth. How easy it is to<br />

kneel in prayer each day to talk with<br />

our Lord, each one of us, and not de<br />

pend on others to carry<br />

our messages<br />

for us. We can come to Him with our<br />

problems and questions with the com<br />

plete assurance that He will answer<br />

wisely<br />

solve them.<br />

and direct our paths so as to<br />

For Your Notebook:<br />

Draw the inside view of the taber<br />

nacle, and place and label the furniture.<br />


June 26, 1955<br />

Rev. W. J. McBurney<br />

(Lessons based on international Sunday School<br />

Lessons; the International Bible Lessons for<br />

Christian Teaching, copyrighted by the Inter<br />

national Council of Religions Education.)<br />


Zephaniah 3<br />

PRINTED TEXT, Zephaniah 3:1-5.<br />

14-20<br />

Memory Verse: Psalm 67:4: "O let the<br />

nations be glad and sing for joy: for<br />

thou shalt judge the people righteously,<br />

and govern the nations upon earth."<br />

All that we are told about Zephaniah<br />

is in the first verse of his prophecy. It<br />

was written during the reign of Josiah.<br />


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