Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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captain of Arnold V. Walker towboat on<br />

the Mississippi River.<br />

Week of Prayer services were observed<br />

the first week of January.<br />

Mrs. Edith Ifft of Butler, Penna., Dr.<br />

and Mrs. Robert Patterson and family<br />

of Ault, Colo., and Dr. and Mrs. Milton<br />

Patterson and family of Mediapolis,<br />

Iowa, were here to attend Mrs. Patter<br />

son's funeral. Mrs. Edith Ifft remained<br />

with her father for a few days.<br />

The<br />

Overlength<br />


Editor<br />

Pacific Coast Summer Confer<br />

ence will be held at Long Meadow, Hume<br />

Lake, California August 6-13. Plan your<br />

vacations to be present and receive<br />

spiritual blessings.<br />

Good attendance has been reported<br />

at the Week of Prayer meetings. Mr.<br />

J. R. McCloy was in charge of the<br />

Monday meeting, and Rev. R. W. Mc<br />

Millan led the Wednesday meeting. Mr.<br />

Phillips had several men from the Rescue<br />

Mission gave their testimonies.<br />

Mr. John Walkinshaw led the Friday<br />

meeting.<br />



On January 2, 1955 a special Commis<br />

sion of the Midwest Presbytery<br />

Clarinda, Iowa and united the Blanch<br />

met in<br />

ard and Clarinda congregations. An As<br />

semblies of God group has bought the<br />

Blanchard church building. An offer has<br />

been received for the parsonage. The<br />

united congregation will still be called<br />

the Clarinda congregation.<br />


Southfield's Fall Communion was a<br />

fine season with Dr. M. K. Carson bring<br />

ing<br />

us messages at this time. We sign<br />

ed the Covenant in connection with the<br />

Communion service. It was noted that<br />

the names of four generations were<br />

signed to our covenant. Mrs. Elizabeth<br />

McDonald, W. Malcolm McDonald, Wil<br />

bur McDonald, Shirley McDonald. Mrs.<br />

Elizabeth McDonald who will be 100<br />

years old on Valentines day also signed<br />

the Covenant of 1871. "But the mercy<br />

of the Lord is from everlasting to ever<br />

lasting upon them that fear him, and<br />

his righteousness unto children's child<br />

ren; to such as keep his covenant, and<br />

to those that remember his command<br />

ments to do them."<br />

At the present time all the Services<br />

in Southfield are being held in the base<br />

ment recreation room of the parsonage<br />

while our church is being moved back<br />

on the lot and a new basement being<br />

constructed. Southfield has needed more<br />

Sabbath School room and a new heat<br />

ing system for a long<br />

time. We are glad<br />

that it is possible to add these improve-<br />

ments. It will mean a much more attract<br />

ive and useful "House of God."<br />

We are always glad for visitors in<br />

Southfield. Some of the recent ones have<br />

been Glenn McFarland from the Semi<br />

nary; Jessie McFarland from Geneva<br />

College, Leslie Abbott from Michigan<br />

State College; Dr. and Mrs. Ira Smith<br />

of Ann Arbor and daughter of London,<br />

England; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Rutherford<br />

of Belle Center Ohio. Miss Mildred El<br />

sey of Cincinatti, and Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Hugh Martin of Denver, Colorado.<br />

Our annual Thank Offering Service<br />

was held on Sabbath Morning, November<br />

21. Miss Orlena Lynn told of her work<br />

in Japan. Then in the evening she<br />

showed slides and told more of the life<br />

and work there. We surely appreciated<br />

her visit and stay among us.<br />

Miss Ameera Hanna united with the<br />

Southfield Congregation this fall. She<br />

came from Latakia, Syria in the early<br />

summer. We enjoy her company and are<br />

glad she is at home with Miss Edna<br />

Elsey. Ameera<br />

plans to enter Geneva<br />

College to continue her education as<br />

soon as possible.<br />

TOPEKA<br />

A Forest Park Booster Banquet was<br />

held Wednesday evening December 29<br />

here in Topeka with approximately 120<br />

in attendance.<br />

The<br />

annual New Year's dinner was<br />

held January 1. The following S. S. of<br />

ficers were elected at the business meet<br />

ing: Superintendent, Paul G;.beson; As<br />

sistant Superintendent, Bob Maine; Sec<br />

retary, Carl Blackwood; Assistant Sec<br />

retary, Jimmie Oelke; Treasurer, Mar<br />

tin Chestnut ; Precentor, Elizabeth Maine ;<br />

Assistant Precentor, Virginia Davies;<br />

Junior Superintendent, Betty Martin; As<br />

sistant Superintendent, Mary Ella Stark.<br />

The first week of January was observed<br />

as the week of prayer with Rev. Sam<br />

Boyle preaching Monday evening;<br />

prayrmeetings Tuesday, Wednesday and<br />

Friday<br />

day evening.<br />

evenings and W.M.S. Thurs<br />

WALTON<br />

The girls of the Young People's Group<br />

have redecorated a basement room in our<br />

church as a game room. Two small gas<br />

heaters have been installed. The room is<br />

very attractive and will fill a real need.<br />

The girls are to be commended for their<br />

work.<br />

John Russell, Wayne Spear and Wen<br />

dell Spear, students at Geneva College,<br />

were home for the holidays. Scott Boyle,<br />

high school student in Sterling, Kansas,<br />

was also in Walton visiting the Boyle<br />

family.<br />

The Women's Missionary Society and<br />

the Missionary Guild were entertained at<br />

the home of Mrs. Howard Gilchrist for<br />

their December meeting. Mrs. Grace<br />

Boyle was the honor guest. Gifts were<br />

presented to her by the group.<br />

On December 26, at our morning wor<br />

ship service, the sacrament of baptism<br />

was administered to William Samuel<br />

Boyle, infant son of the Rev. and Mrs.<br />

Samuel Boyle.<br />

The Sabbath School held its Holiday<br />

program on<br />

Wednesday evening, Decem<br />

ber 29. A short prayer meeting was held<br />

and the program followed. Each class<br />

contributed a part of the program.<br />

Both the audience and the entertainers<br />

enjoyed themselves. The room was beau<br />

tifully decorated for the occasion. A tree<br />

and treats added to the enjoyment of the<br />

evening.<br />

The churches of Walton united in the<br />

week of Prayer services. Seven services<br />

were held on different evenings in the<br />

various churches.<br />

Every speaker had a<br />

very helpful message. The last Sabbath<br />

evening<br />

service was held in our church.<br />

Since we recently studied the book of<br />

Ephesians in our prayer meeting hour,<br />

our pastor is preaching a series of ser<br />

mons during Bible Mastery Month on the<br />

First Epistle of John.<br />



Inquiry has been made as to whether<br />

there is a clearing-house for information<br />

about scheduling Seminary students for<br />

preaching engagements, either<br />

during the<br />

school year or<br />

during the summer<br />

months.<br />

Congregational correspondents or Clerks<br />

of Sessions may send requests to Dr. S.<br />

Bruce Willson 7418 Penn Avenue, Pitts<br />

burgh 8, Pa. It would be helpful if spe<br />

cific dates are requested, and if there is<br />

request for a<br />

specific student. This is<br />

not intended to supercede direct corres<br />

pondence, if that is desired. Any suggest<br />

ed arrangements will be submitted to<br />

Presbytery's Committee on Supplies for<br />

approval.<br />

Preaching schedules<br />

months are<br />

being<br />

time.<br />

for the summer<br />

made at the present<br />

Sincerely,<br />

S. Bruce Willson<br />


Rev. R. S. McElhinney has been con<br />

fined to his home because of illness. We<br />

pray that his recovery will be rapid and<br />

that he will soon be able to worship with<br />

us again.<br />

On January 10, the young people en<br />

joyed a wiener roast at the "Red-bud"<br />

Shelter House at McCormick's Creek<br />

State Park. A roaring fire was built in<br />

one of the buildings while the young<br />

people played various active games in<br />

the other. At the close of the evening, a<br />

short devotional period was held using<br />

as references Psalm 119: verses 9 and 11.<br />

January 26, 1955<br />


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