Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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speaketh."<br />

ground,"<br />

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satisfied."<br />

and"<br />

The Editor's Page<br />

Brotherhood Week<br />

"Brotherhood Week Oh that's ancient history.<br />

Let's f<strong>org</strong>et it."<br />

"Do you mean I lost my opportunity That the<br />

color lines that were obliterated last week are all be<br />

ing repainted That we cannot worship with Jews<br />

and Roman Catholics all in one service again for<br />

another year And if we really believe in the Father<br />

hood of God and the Brotherhood of man, why didn't<br />

we include the Mohammedans, the Hindus, the Bud<br />

dhists, the Nudists, the Mormons, the Atheists, the<br />

Communists and everybody Aren't we all brothers<br />

and sisters, and can't we meet on the basis or human<br />

ity Why can't we slap everybody on the back and<br />

f<strong>org</strong>et our differences "<br />

Who invented this idea of Brotherhood, and<br />

when It must have been thought of before God<br />

asked Cain, "Where is Abel thy brother " And Cain<br />

answered non-chalantly, "I know not ; am I my broth<br />

er's keeper" "The voice of thy brother's blood is<br />

crying to me from the "He being dead yet<br />

But there were division lines even then<br />

and to overlook them was tragic. The sons of God<br />

(seed of Seth) looked upon the daughters of men<br />

(Cain's descendants) and saw that they were fair,<br />

and took them whatever wives they chose. There<br />

were divisions after the flood, Shem, Ham. and Japh<br />

eth. There were more divisions after Babel, and<br />

though God hath made of one (material) all races of<br />

men, he hath set the bounds of their habitation that<br />

they cannot pass. Brotherhood within limitations. I<br />

suppose that is why we have Brotherhood Week an<br />

nually.<br />

We have the story of Jesus' life for three or<br />

more years in considerable detail but no special men<br />

tion is made of Brotherhood Week. He observed it<br />

fifty-two weeks and an extra day every year from<br />

the manger to the cross, and the same number of<br />

Sisterhood Weeks. Were there any weeks of His<br />

life that stand out from the others, when He was<br />

especially kind or cosmopolitan Perhaps you will say<br />

that week when He went from Judea to Galilee and<br />

must needs go through Samaria stands out. The<br />

traveled road detoured around Samaria, crossing the<br />

Jordan river twice when they didn't need to cross it<br />

at all, for the Jews had no dealings with Samaritans.<br />

But Jesus "must needs go through," notwithstanding<br />

protests, silent or spoken, from some of the disciples,<br />

we suppose. Why "go through " Because a straight<br />

line is the shortest distance between two noints, and<br />

Jesus traveled in straight lines toward His object<br />

ives. The two points "From here to Eternity." No<br />

yielding to Pharisaic nonsense. He was obliterating<br />

the barriers to Brotherhood.<br />

When the disciples returned from the grocery<br />

store in Sycar they marveled to find their Master<br />

talking with "the" woman; strange (1) because she<br />

was merely a woman; (2) she was a Samaritan;<br />

(3) she was evidently a bad Samaritan woman. But,<br />

of course, it was Brotherhood Week. ,<br />

She and Jesus were discussing fundamental<br />

questions such as worship, questions on which they<br />

must either agree or differ; where Jerusalem or<br />

148<br />

Gerizim She was saying "whether, or"; He was<br />

saying "neither, or "both, if you worship<br />

in spirit and in truth. What an opportunity for Jesus<br />

to propose that He and His disciples would go to Mt.<br />

Gerizim and join in a combined worship service with<br />

the Samaritans. They would observe Brotherhood<br />

Week together. But no, Jesus said, "You worship<br />

you know not what ; we know what we worship. Sal<br />

vation is of the Jews." There would be no compro<br />

mise. Worship would be strictly on God's terms. And<br />

they finally did worship together. Many of the Sa<br />

maritans believed, not for the testimony of the<br />

woman, but because they had seen Him for them<br />

selves.<br />

Yet for all this uncompromising attitude, He<br />

could not avoid being considered a philo-Samaritan.<br />

"Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan and hast<br />

a devil" (Jn. 8:48). Had He not violated their es<br />

tablished custom by setting foot on Samaritan soil<br />

He had even talked with a Samaritan woman and<br />

offered her a well of living water which she accepted<br />

and became a fountain of<br />

Living Water for her fel<br />

low-citizens to drink Then He had remained in their<br />

city two days. On another occasion he had told a<br />

story that high-lighted a Samaritan against a dark<br />

background of a certain priest and a Levite. Ten<br />

lepers had come to Him for healing and only one re<br />

turned to thank Him and He had turned the spot<br />

light on him in front of a crowd a Samaritan. And<br />

in the last days of His life when His face was set<br />

to go to Jerusalem He asked for lodging in a Samari<br />

tan village and was refused, and the disciples wanted<br />

Him to call down fire on the village like Elijah did,<br />

and He rebuked them, "Ye know not what manner of<br />

spirit ye are He was just too fair to the Samari<br />

tans too brotherly.<br />

The Syro-Phoenician woman He harshly brushed<br />

off, "I am not sent but to the lost sheep of Israel."<br />

But she persisted ; it was a desperate emergency. "It<br />

is not right to take the children's bread and cast it<br />

to the dogs." "That's true, Lord, but the dogs eat the<br />

children's crumbs under the table. Spare me a crumb<br />

and I will be I think Jesus laughed out<br />

loud when He said, "For this saying, go thy way. Thv<br />

whole."<br />

daughter is made That was another Brother<br />

hood Week.<br />

The time would fail to tell of the publicans and<br />

harlots, Zacheaus, Matthew, Mary Magdalene and all<br />

those who experienced full f<strong>org</strong>iveness and whose<br />

stripes were healed, because He was not ashamed to<br />

call them brethren and sisters, though the reproach<br />

es fell on Him, "This man receiveth sinners and eat<br />

eth with them."<br />

He came unto His own and His own received<br />

him not, but to as many as received Him, to them<br />

gave He power to become the children of God and<br />

joint heirs with Jesus Christ, even to them that be<br />

lieve on His Name.<br />

Every week, every day, every hour, every min<br />

ute, He was conscious of His brotherly relationship<br />

to all men, even when He was saying, "Woe unto you,<br />

scribes and pharisees, hypocrites," and while He upraided<br />

those cities that repented not. The door was<br />

(Continued on next page)<br />


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