Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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awhile."<br />

you."<br />

about,"<br />

a "prayerbook." Have a place for the<br />

date you began to pray for something<br />

definite, a column to write what you are<br />

praying for, and a place to put the date<br />

your prayer is answered. Remember that<br />

God does not always answer,<br />

Sometimes He says,<br />

times "Wait<br />

"Yes."<br />

"No,"<br />

and some<br />

Don't f<strong>org</strong>et to<br />

thank our Father in heaven for an<br />

swered prayers.<br />

For Your Notebook: Start a page as<br />

.suggested<br />

above.<br />


February 27, 1955<br />

Rev. W. J. McBurney<br />

(Lessons based on International Sunday School<br />

Lessons ; the International Bible Lessons for<br />

Christian Teaching, copyrighted by International<br />

Council of Religious Education.)<br />


GOSPEL<br />

15; I Cor. 1:18-25; Col. 1:24-29<br />

PRINTED TEXT, Acts 2:14, 22-24,<br />

41; Rom. 10:8-15; I Cor. 2:1-5<br />

Mark 16:15; Acts 2:14-41; Rom. 10:8-<br />

37-<br />

Memory, Rom. 1:16 "For I am not<br />

ashamed of the gospel: for it is the pow<br />

er of God unto salvation to every one<br />

that believeth; to the Jew first, and also<br />

to the Greek."<br />

Acts 2 :14 "Be this known to<br />

Seven weeks had passed since Peter had<br />

denied his own knowledge of Christ be<br />

fore the Jews. His denial was the truth.<br />

Peter did not at that time know Christ.<br />

He had formed his own picture of Christ,<br />

but it was not the picture of the Man<br />

who stood before Pilate. Christ's sub<br />

mission to the soldiers and to Pilate, be<br />

wildered him. This was not the Christ<br />

he had seen on the mountain side and<br />

in the mountain top, and in the storm<br />

at sea. Peter has seen a Christ to whom<br />

great crowds gathered and were fed.<br />

"Walk;"<br />

Who said to the lame, to the<br />

clean;"<br />

leper, "Be to the dead, "Come<br />

forth."<br />

What a disappointment to all Peter's<br />

hopes, when he saw Christ walk meekly<br />

with the soldiers, and stand dumb before<br />

blasphemous judges in a mock trial.<br />

Peter did not know that Christ. Why do<br />

we condemn him so bitterly for his de<br />

nial when he was telling the truth<br />

Did the other disciples denounce him<br />

Did Christ rebuke Peter, even in that<br />

look turned on him as he went out to<br />

weep bitterly<br />

"That look of Christ's might seem to<br />

say,<br />

'Thou, Peter, art thou but a common<br />

stone<br />

Which I at last, must break My heart<br />

upon<br />

For all God's charge to his high angels<br />

To guard me better<br />

February 9, 1955<br />

Do thy kisses like the rest betray<br />

Go, manifest a right contrition, but no<br />

beetless fear;<br />

For when thy last needs dreariest, thou<br />

shalt not be bereft,<br />

As I am here,<br />

My<br />

voice to God and angels shall de<br />

clare,<br />

Because I know this man, let him be<br />

clear.' "<br />

Peter had never known The Christ that<br />

he saw standing before Pilate. Did not<br />

all the others forsake Him and flee<br />

Seven wonderful weeks of preparation<br />

and waiting, and again Peter stands at<br />

the trial of Jesus before men. Peter<br />

was not now a weeping<br />

spectator. He<br />

was the chief advocate, and instead of<br />

pleading with men for Christ, he boldly<br />

puts the Children of Promise on trial be<br />

fore the throne of Christ, and convicted<br />

them of cruel murder,<br />

even the murder<br />

of their own King and Saviour. The one<br />

thing that the Jews feared after they<br />

had crucified Jesus was that He would<br />

rise from the dead. They tried to pre<br />

vent it. They bribed the soldiers to deny<br />

it. And they murdered those who told<br />

the truth about it.<br />

Peter reconstructed the story of their<br />

crime, showing that rebellion against<br />

Christ had been over-ruled in advance<br />

by the determinate counsel and fore<br />

knowledge of God. Call the effect of<br />

Peter's address on the listeners, mass<br />

psychology or what you like, 3,000 souls<br />

were moved. The phrase, "In that day,"<br />

may refer to a series of days in which<br />

Peter and the others continued to speak<br />

to the multitudes that kept coming as<br />

the fame of the gospel spread abroad.<br />

Those convicted of sin asked the great<br />

question, and received the great answer.<br />

Rom. 10:8-15<br />

In this passage Paul shows some of<br />

the difficulties,<br />

and some of the methods<br />

of Mission work, as he found it in Rome.<br />

Among the obstacles, he mentions,<br />

Ignorance (Rom. 10:3). "Being ignor<br />

ant of God's<br />

righteousness."<br />

Sin does<br />

not appear in its true color, until it is<br />

seen in the light of God's Righteousness.<br />

Legalism. "Going<br />

their own<br />

about to establish<br />

righteousness." "Establish,"<br />

find some place on which it would stand.<br />

"Going<br />

suggests a continual, be<br />

wildered and unsuccessful search.<br />

Stubbornness.<br />

"Have not submitted<br />

themselves."<br />

Nearly all traffic accidents<br />

are caused by violation of traffic laws.<br />

This is typical of man's sin. Violation of<br />

traffic laws is sin, and like all other sins,<br />

the result is serious, even if there were<br />

no judgment. Civil judgment is becom<br />

ing<br />

more and more severe. Judges are<br />

saying, "These things must<br />

says,<br />

"Woe."<br />

Every<br />

stop."<br />

God<br />

animal with horse<br />

sense knows what that means, and stops.<br />

This is really one of Paul's missionary<br />

addresses. But his theme is the building<br />

of the missionary spirit at home, rather<br />

than rebuking sin abroad. "Those awful<br />

communists!"<br />

certainly. But if we blind<br />

ourselves to all abuses at home, the<br />

'commies'<br />

will get us, sure.<br />

Paul's most prominent word in this<br />

letter is,<br />

"believe."<br />

Without Faith, we<br />

can do nothing. We cannot even confess,<br />

if we do not believe. We confess our<br />

sins, after we profess our faith. Or can<br />

we always separate the two They are<br />

closely related. Confession of sin would<br />

have no value, if there was not faith.<br />

And faith would be in vain, if it did not<br />

lead us to acknowledge our sins. Paul<br />

preaches the Gospel of the Equal Chance<br />

for all. I do not know if any other<br />

country has as crucial a test as we have<br />

here, in the North, as well as in the<br />

South. The test is much deeper than the<br />

Supreme Court's decision.<br />

There are three Greek words trans<br />

lated "To<br />

preach."<br />

Literally, they are,<br />

to pronounce, to announce, and to evan<br />

gelize, that is, to tell good tidings. The<br />

world must have preachers, and preach<br />

ers must be sent. Sent by whom Christ<br />

said, "Pray ye the Lord of the harvest,<br />

that He will send forth laborers." This<br />

prayer is a pledge that we will do our<br />

part in supporting the work for which<br />

we pray.<br />

1 Cor. 2:1<br />

Paul had earned as many scholastic<br />

titles as any man of modern times,<br />

but he did not use his great learning to<br />

impress, dazzle, or bewilder folks. He<br />

had but one message, "Jesus Christ, and<br />

Him<br />

crucified."<br />

He wanted us to stand,<br />

not in the wisdom of men, but in the<br />

power of God.<br />

A Methodist pastor told me that he<br />

had been sent to a congregation where<br />

the former pastor had by his eloquence<br />

and pleasing manner won many to pro<br />

fess their faith and unite with the<br />

church. Then this pastor had proven<br />

morally false, and many of his converts<br />

had been offended and left the church,<br />

perhaps left their faith. My<br />

friend was<br />

calling on one of his most faithful mem<br />

bers, a woman well advanced in years.<br />

She told him of her late conversion, and<br />

it was under the preaching of the false<br />

pastor. My friend said, "And how does it<br />

come that you remained when his other<br />

converts<br />

left"<br />

She replied, "I did not<br />

join the pastor, I joined Jesus Christ."<br />

Paul did not want converts to join<br />

Paul, or Apollos. They might be for<br />

gotten if they led to a vision of Jesus<br />

Christ.<br />

We were hanging to the straps in a<br />

crowded street car, returning from a<br />

entertainment<br />

Rogers-Grilley in the Old<br />


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