Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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In the United Philadelphia parsonage,<br />

on May 7, 1955 at one P.M. before a<br />

bower of palms and dogwood, a very<br />

pretty wedding was solemnized. The<br />

bride, Mrs. Martha Jilek, in a blue lace<br />

gown and James Hartin, were married<br />

by their pastor, Dr. Paul D. McCracken,<br />

in the presence of their families and a<br />

few friends. The bride was attended by<br />

her sister Mrs. James A. Carson and the<br />

groom by Charles J. Jilek. A dinner and<br />

reception at Strath Haven Inn, Swarthmore,<br />

Pa., followed the ceremony. After<br />

July 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hartin will be at<br />

home at 124 South Pennock Avenue,<br />

Upper Darby, Pa.<br />


Yes, verses of Scripture presented by<br />

Holy Ghost power have brought to me<br />

conviction of sin more than once. For<br />

example: In the Providence of God, I<br />

roomed with a young lady for one year.<br />

We were both Christians who needed<br />

chastening temperamental differences,<br />

maybe .<br />

Speaking for myself, I was<br />

conscious of the need of God's power to<br />

give harmony<br />

and prayed that God<br />

would show me my part in the discord.<br />

My habit in those days was to read por<br />

tions of the Bible at three periods of the<br />

day. In these readings I was halted by<br />

this verse Proverbs 22:10 "Cast out<br />

the scorner and contention will go out;<br />

yea reproach and strife shall The<br />

cease."<br />

Holy Spirit enabled me to see myself in<br />

the role of Scorner and furthermore He<br />

enabled me to change my attitude.<br />

Proof<br />

Two years later we two, in<br />

the Providence of God, lived together<br />

again but this time there was harmony<br />

the work of God's Spirit through the<br />

applied Word of His grace.<br />

This lesson is faithfully brought to<br />

my remembrance as occasion requires<br />

for which I praise God through Jesus<br />

Christ my Lord and Saviour.<br />


Do We Dare Lose Our Lifef<br />

"For whosoever will save his life shall<br />

lose it; and whosoever will lose his life<br />

for my sake shall find it." Mat. 16:25.<br />

I've been interested in Dr. Taggart's<br />

articles on,<br />

Taking<br />

a dare. And I've<br />

been wondering if we as a church are<br />

willing to take the dare of this verse<br />

Matt. 16:25. We have been so concerned<br />

trying to save our selves that we are<br />

in danger of losing our life. We get so<br />

alarmed over the fact that the church<br />

might die that we f<strong>org</strong>et that we are<br />

in a much bigger fight than merely<br />

keeping the <strong>Covenanter</strong> church in exist<br />

ence. In the first place we don't need to<br />

worry about the truth dying. God takes<br />

care that it doesn't die. The Jews pre<br />

served the truths of the Old Testament<br />

336<br />

through hundreds of years. They be<br />

came so zealous in keeping the church<br />

that they killed the 'Messiah they had<br />

been looking for through the centuries.<br />

The Jewish church had served it's pur<br />

pose, but the truth went on living in<br />

the Christian church. During the dark<br />

ages a little group of Waldenses held<br />

on to the true teachings of the apostles.<br />

That truth was taken up by the reform<br />

ers, Luther, Huss, Knox and the rest.<br />

So we don't need to be afraid that the<br />

truth our church holds will die. But the<br />

church as an <strong>org</strong>anization can die and<br />

will, if we in our efforts to save our<br />

selves lose sight of the fact that we have<br />

a much bigger task to do.<br />

We are in a struggle that takes in<br />

the whole world, Satan against God;<br />

evil against good. Are we in there fight<br />

ing for all we are worth Or are we so<br />

busy being jealous of who is going to<br />

get the credit, or making sure that if a<br />

soul is won it must be for our congrega<br />

tion so we can report it, that we fail;<br />

to win any one Are we thinking of<br />

advancing the cause of the kingdom or<br />

of our own pride and prestige Are<br />

we just as willing to work for the<br />

kingdom where we see work to be done<br />

even though no one but the Lord knows<br />

about it<br />

Satan has not gone to sleep. He is<br />

fighting for all he is worth and it's<br />

amazing how much his followers will<br />

sacrifice for the cause of evil. The Com<br />

munist fights with zeal. The liquor in<br />

terests never lose a trick. While so<br />

many protestant churches dally around<br />

taking it easy, chiefly concerned in try<br />

ing to keep up with the Joneses. We talk<br />

about the nation being blind to the<br />

Bible truths. It's easy to put the re<br />

sponsibility on the rulers of our country,<br />

but the nation is made up of people. The<br />

Christian church must sound the alarm,<br />

wake people up to the great need of<br />

Christian living and sacrifice. We talk<br />

from the pulpit but do nothing about it<br />

when no change of life is made. We are<br />

afraid to upset the apple cart. We know<br />

not where the waves might reach, per<br />

haps to some influential member. We<br />

need Christians that are born-again to<br />

spread the gospel of love, not only in for<br />

eign fields but in our own country. I think<br />

we need some shouting preachers, at least<br />

some that talk as if the cause is urgent.<br />

But too often it seems the sermon is just<br />

another chore for the week and it<br />

doesn't make too much difference<br />

whether people are in the fight or not.<br />

Do you wonder why Billy Graham is a<br />

success Well, part of it is because he<br />

talks as if he really has a message<br />

that must be put across with no time<br />

more<br />

to lose. He makes people feel that they<br />

are sitting on a keg of dynamite. Sam<br />

Boyle has the fighting spirit. We need<br />

of it. Nothing<br />

suits Satan better<br />

than take-it-easy talks and methods.<br />

The attitude that seems to say, "Let's<br />

stay<br />

on our own little island and be<br />

good and let the rest of the world go<br />

by."<br />

It doesn't work. Unless we get into<br />

the fight we lose our own goodness. He<br />

who would find his life must lose it<br />

for My sake.<br />

If the <strong>Covenanter</strong> church f<strong>org</strong>ets the<br />

big fight in their efforts to hold the<br />

members we have, if we spend all our<br />

time and money trying to keep members<br />

in bounds and pay<br />

preachers to holeup<br />

somewhere, where there are no<br />

people to reach, if we think we can<br />

revive ourselves by signing a Covenant<br />

when we know &<br />

great many<br />

of our<br />

members weren't keeping the Covenant<br />

they had taken when they joined the<br />

church; then it's time for us to wake<br />

up. We have long consoled ourselves<br />

with the story of Gideon and his three<br />

hundred. The story is good, but remem<br />

ber the three hundred soldiers that were<br />

left were the most alert men of Israel.<br />

Is that true of our <strong>Covenanter</strong> church<br />

es If so, some of them are low enough<br />

now that they should get started in the<br />

other direction.<br />

Why don't we send our Home Mis<br />

sionary Superintendent and other min<br />

isters out into new settlements, buy<br />

them a house and let them start a mis<br />

sion Sabbath school in the basement<br />

and work to get a church started. Some<br />

ministers in our church have done it.<br />

Baptist and other churches are doing<br />

it all the time. One town on Long Island<br />

has grown from forty to four thousand<br />

in only a few years. The same thing is<br />

happening around all our cities. Are<br />

we too far gone to take the dare and<br />

really get into the fight Only alert,<br />

born-again Christians would be interest<br />

ed in this kind of a project. And if a<br />

few people did the work would some of<br />

us be jealous if they succeeded, instead<br />

of rejoicing in the work done Of<br />

course if we sat down and talked it<br />

over from a business stand point we<br />

would shake in our boots and say it<br />

isn't practical. That's right, it isn't.<br />

It would take faith. We<br />

talk about<br />

faith. Do we have it Are we willing<br />

to lose our life Are we enough in<br />

earnest to put away jealousies, pride,<br />

and our own easy life If we are not,<br />

remember the words of our text, "For<br />

whosoever will save his life shall lose<br />

it. "And that is God's Word.<br />

Jean L. McFarland.<br />


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