Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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world."<br />

world."<br />

Lesson Helps for the Week of May 15, 1955<br />

MAY 1, 1955<br />

MAY 8, 1955<br />

MAY 15, 1955<br />

may<br />

C.Y.P.U. TOPICS<br />

FOR<br />

be found in the ECHOES NUM<br />

BER, March 30, 1955.<br />

The Comments have not reached this<br />

office, but if they<br />

come in time to be<br />

used, will be published later. But please<br />

do not let this happen again.<br />


May 15, 1955<br />

Mrs. Charles F. Millican<br />

Cambridge, Mass.<br />

Passover, the Saving Blood<br />

Editor<br />

Scripture: Exodus 11 to 13:14<br />

Memory Verse: "Behold the Lamb of<br />

God, which taketh away the sin of the<br />

John 1:29b<br />

Psalms:<br />

Psalm 15:1-3, page 26 (Memory Psalm<br />

for May)<br />

Psalm 31:1-4, page 71<br />

Psalm 116:1, 2, 8 and 9, page 282<br />

"I am God. With mighty signs and<br />

wonders, and judgments, I will deliver<br />

my people out of Egypt. And they shall<br />

know and Pharaoh shall know, and the<br />

Egyptians shall know, and all the earth<br />

shall know that I AM GOD."<br />

In recent lessons we have read and<br />

learned about the plagues that God sent<br />

upon Egypt. The plague of blood, of<br />

frogs, of lice, of flies, of locusts, of mur<br />

rain, of boils, of hail, and of darkness.<br />

All these plagues were sent upon Egypt<br />

because Pharaoh stubbornly refused to<br />

obey God. He would not let the Israel<br />

ites go. We read how Pharaoh after<br />

each plague yielded but always changed<br />

his mind. Do you think God had a pur<br />

pose in hardening the heart of Pharaoh<br />

Yes, He wanted him to repent. However,<br />

when one refuses to submit to the will<br />

of God, even the mercies of God result<br />

in the further hardening<br />

heart.<br />

of that man's<br />

God told Moses that He was going to<br />

bring one more plague upon Egypt and<br />

that after that Pharaoh would let the<br />

Israelites go. The time was soon ap<br />

proaching<br />

when God would deliver a<br />

crushing blow upon Egypt and release<br />

His people from bondage.<br />

Moses told the Israelites that on the<br />

tenth day of the first month they were<br />

April 27, 1955<br />

to select a lamb. There must be nothing<br />

wrong with him. On the fourteenth day<br />

the lamb was to be killed. After killing<br />

the lamb all the Israelites were to<br />

sprinkle some of the blood on the door<br />

post. They were then to roast the lamb<br />

with fire and eat it. (Each family was<br />

to select a lamb and carry out these in<br />

structions). At midnight God was to<br />

pass through the land of Egypt and<br />

carry out the last of His mighty plagues<br />

that of killing all the first-born of<br />

man and beast. However, where He saw<br />

blood on the door post it was a sign that<br />

the people within belonged to Him and<br />

He would pass over and no harm would<br />

come to them. This was a great night<br />

for the Israelites. The feast was called<br />

the Passover and is a Memorial of the<br />

night when God delivered the Israelites<br />

out of the land of Egypt.<br />

Can you think of the blood of another<br />

lamb that saves people Yes, the Son of<br />

God is that precious lamb. He is the<br />

only one who ever lived a perfect life<br />

perfect just like the lamb chosen for<br />

the Passover Feast. It was He whom<br />

God chose to send into the World. It was<br />

He who gave His life for the sins of that<br />

world. It was He who was betrayed,<br />

forsaken and left alone to suffer the<br />

guilt of the whole world and to be taken<br />

by<br />

wicked men and crucified. "But he<br />

was wounded for our transgressions, he<br />

was bruised for our iniquities : the chas<br />

tisement of our peace was upon him;<br />

and with his stripes we are healed. All<br />

we like sheep have gone astray; we have<br />

turned every one to his own way; and<br />

the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity<br />

of us all."<br />

The sorrow that should be our ex<br />

perience as a sinner lost forever was<br />

laid upon Christ, the lamb of God. It<br />

was He who was stretched upon the<br />

cross and had great nails driven through<br />

His hands and feet. Because His pre<br />

cious blood was shed on Calvary for us,<br />

atonement has been made<br />

redemption<br />

accomplished. "Forasmuch as ye were<br />

not redeemed with corruptible things,<br />

as silver and gold, from your vain con<br />

versation received by tradition from<br />

but with the precious<br />

your fathers;<br />

blood of Christ, as of a lamb without<br />

blemish and without spot: who verily<br />

was foreordained before the foundation<br />

of the world, but was manifest in these<br />

last times for you, who by him do be<br />

lieve in God, that raised him up from<br />

the dead, and gave him glory; that your<br />

faith and hope might be in God."<br />

There is a story about a little lame<br />

dog who was trying to climb up the<br />

curbstone from the street to the side<br />

walk. He just couldn't reach the top;<br />

he always fell back. Many people passed<br />

by. They watched the little dog, laughed<br />

at him and went on. After awhile a<br />

workman came by, he saw the little dog<br />

and pitied him. He went over and lifted<br />

the little dog up to the sidewalk, Then<br />

he went on his way. Isn't that just what<br />

the Lord Jesus Christ did for us He<br />

left His heavenly home and came down<br />

to earth to lift us up from sin and its<br />

ruin.<br />

The feast of the Passover is celebrated<br />

by the Jews once every year as a mem<br />

orial of their deliverance out of Egypt.<br />

How often do you thank Him for what<br />

He did for you Do you have the joy of<br />

knowing that Christ died for you, that<br />

He loves you Do you have the assur<br />

ance that your sins are f<strong>org</strong>iven Only<br />

through Christ can sins be f<strong>org</strong>iven.<br />

Therefore do you not need Him as your<br />

Saviour If you have not accepted His<br />

sacrifice why not accept Him and ask<br />

Him now to f<strong>org</strong>ive your sins and to<br />

enroll you as one of His followers If you<br />

have given your heart to Him and really<br />

do love God, why not consecrate your<br />

life to Him<br />

The Passover is a symbol of Christ<br />

the Lamb of God, slain, His blood shed<br />

on Calvary for us. When we accept Him,<br />

death will pass over us and we shall in<br />

herit eternal life. Won't you do it NOW!<br />

"<br />

Behold the Lamb of God, which<br />

taketh away the sin of the<br />


1. Why did God let a stubborn man be<br />

Pharaoh<br />

2. Why doesn't it pay to be stubborn<br />

with God<br />

3. How does trouble sometimes help<br />

people get to heaven<br />

4. What kind of lambs were they to<br />

take<br />

5. What did the blood on the door<br />

posts mean<br />

6. What do we mean when we say<br />

we are saved by the blood of the Lamb<br />


Divide a piece of paper down the mid<br />

dle. Head the left-hand column with<br />

"reasons why the psalmist loves the<br />

Lord"<br />

(using psalm 116); in the righthand<br />

column have the juniors list rea<br />

sons why "I love the Lord." Just before<br />

the close of the period have some of the<br />

reasons read.<br />


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